Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I am tired. I haven't been to bed earlier than midnight in at least a week, and last night was closer to 1:00AM!

Ryun had Monday night poker here last night so the last two guys left around midnight or so. I stayed up for about a 1/2 hour or so beyond that, putting the kitchen back together (arranging chairs, cleaning up etc). I probably fell asleep about 1, and Julia woke up screaming at 2:30 am. She has a cold (well just a runny nose actually) and there are a couple of teeth coming in so she has been waking a lot over the past few nights. She didn't settle for about 45 minutes or so. I had to get up this morning to get the kids of to school, so I was up at 6:30.

So yeah, I am tired, completely unmotivated to post anything even remotely interesting, and going to bed in a few minutes (it's only 7:30pm here).

Back tomorrow...

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