Thursday, January 5, 2006


I received in the mail today, the report that was sent to Julia's pediatrician by the developmental pediatrician we saw in December. This is what the physical/neurological part of the report says:

"Julia was alert and interactive. She made good eye contact with the examiner. Her weight was 9.72 kg (21. 3 lbs) which was at the 20th percentile for her age and her height was 75.2 centimeters (29.6 inches), which is at the 15th percentile for her age. In reviewing growth charts, Julia's head circumference has increased at or above the 95 percentile for her age. The appearance of mild hypertelorism was noted, epicanthal folds were present, and palpebral fissures (eyelid folds) appeared to be mildly downslanting. Mucous membranes were moist and pink. Neck was supple. Nipples appeared slightly wide spaced. Lungs were clear. Heart had regular rate and rhythm. Abdomen was soft. Deep tendon reflexes were 2+. Hypotonia was noted.

On the Bayley Scales Of Infant Development Julia earned a Mental Developmental Index of 78 (mean 100, standard deviation, 15). On the Alberta Infant Motor Scale Julia earned a score of less than 5% for her age.

Julia demonstrates normal neuromuscular patterns, but is delayed in the acquisition of her motor milestones."

Note: Purple text=links.

More later.

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