Monday, January 16, 2006



As I knew it would be, the psychic reading was awesome.

She said that this was the year of "me." It's going to be all about my physical and emotional wellbeing. She said that my aura is white/yellow which is the spiritual/faithful side of me and blue/green which is the healing/nurturing side.

She said I am all "heart", meaning I follow my heart instead of my head and that I am very sensitive. My overall demeanor is passive and flexible but when I have had enough, watch out. She said I have a very spiritual nature, that I am very in tune with myself and my world around me.

She told me that Katherine is me...through and through. We all knew this but I figured I would throw it out there anyway! Other than that, she didn't have much to say about Katherine.

In regard to Emily...she said that she has major food sensitivities (HELLO PEANUTS, SOY) and that she holds all of her tension in her stomach. She said she always complains of stomach aches (and hello she does!) and that most of the time it's like a butterflies in the stomach thing. She said that she is "gifted smart" and that she will be offered all kinds of special programs. She said that higher education is definitely in her future. She said that she pushes herself hard to succeed.

She told me that there is something coming up that will affect my father, specifically his head. She said that it will be serious, but that he will be ok. This freaked me out a bit but hey, as long as he will be ok.

She said (before I even got around to asking about her, (we can ask 3 questions at the end and Julia's health etc. was one of mine) that Julia will have a lot of challenges in her life but that she will overcome every one. This was good to hear (the part about her overcoming anyway!). She literally said at one point that with Julia, it would be "one step at a time." Ironic I thought, given that the main concern I had was that she isn't walking.

My other two questions were in relation to my marriage and our financial future. She said (I was specifically asking about communication type issues with Ryun and I)"he doesn't like to talk, he never has, he never will. He needs something tangible and he will talk, he doesn't communicate his feelings, he keeps it in." I explained my concerns about our financial future (actually the concerns were more related to the past)and she said that we were heading in an upward trend...and would continue that way.

Overall, I was as impressed as I was last time. It was interesting to hear her comments on Emily and her "smartness." I really wasn't surprised by this...Emily is smart, smarter than the average 8 year old. I have often tried to describe her "smartness" to others but it's very difficult. There's always been something there...something that has made her stand out...something that I can't quite put my finger on. I have always thought that she was gifted in some ways. I was thrilled to hear that Julia will overcome, although the part about her having many challenges in life was a little hard to hear. It's not that I want my kids lives to be, well, unchallenging, it's just, I don't know, hard to explain.

Perhaps the most "oh my God I am getting chills" moment was when she said, "Who is the grandmother...begins with M...?" I knew she was talking about MA (my grandmother on my father's side that died when I was 14) and I knew it even more when she said, "She's with your aunt...Aunt G?" That would be my Aunt Gayle, my father's sister who died about 4 -5 years ago of cancer. She said that they are both watching over me and my family. It's funny, I think of Ma all of the time and am always wondering what she would think or do (if she was still here) in various situations.

Anyway, that's it. I definitely plan on going again at some point down the line.

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