Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It Was a "Me" Moment!

Emily had a moment today that truly showed that once in a great while, she actually is just like her mother.

Every Tuesday I pick both Emily and Katherine up from school, so that they may attend their Jr. Musical Theatre class at The Burtwood School. This has been going on for three years now (well for Emily obviously...Katherine just started school this year), same day every year, every week etc.

Pick up's are out back waiting with the VP and a few teachers, while the buses wait out front. So, today I went to pick Emily up and she wasn't there. I waited a couple of minutes before I got out of my car (thinking maybe she was just a few minutes behind getting her stuff together or whatever). When I started to hear the buses pulling out, I decided to check in with the VP and see if he could locate her. Of course because this is Emily, my daughter, who never, ever forgets anything, who actually remembers things that happened in her life before she was even a year old, my first thought was not that she forgot and had mistakenly gotten on the bus. My first thought was more along the lines of, "Oh My God, did she fall on the way out to the back of the school? Did she have a seizure?" Again this is my Emily...who never, ever forgets anything. She's not like her Mom who would forget her head if it wasn't attached.

Well, after years of wondering how I managed to have a daughter with such a remarkable memory, who, except for her kindness and willingness to help others is nothing like me at all in any way (she's Ryun's clone in a nutshell) she proved that I do actually have some influence on her life.

She got on the bus, and as it was pulling out of the parking lot to head home, the bus driver stopped, called her to the front and she got off the bus and came out back.

She hugged me and laughed at herself for "being so silly and forgetting to be a "pick-up" and, I thank God she was okay!

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