Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Answer And New ?
New Question: If you had to pick one of your personality traits as being the best, which would you pick?
It Was a "Me" Moment!
Every Tuesday I pick both Emily and Katherine up from school, so that they may attend their Jr. Musical Theatre class at The Burtwood School. This has been going on for three years now (well for Emily obviously...Katherine just started school this year), same day every year, every week etc.
Pick up's are out back waiting with the VP and a few teachers, while the buses wait out front. So, today I went to pick Emily up and she wasn't there. I waited a couple of minutes before I got out of my car (thinking maybe she was just a few minutes behind getting her stuff together or whatever). When I started to hear the buses pulling out, I decided to check in with the VP and see if he could locate her. Of course because this is Emily, my daughter, who never, ever forgets anything, who actually remembers things that happened in her life before she was even a year old, my first thought was not that she forgot and had mistakenly gotten on the bus. My first thought was more along the lines of, "Oh My God, did she fall on the way out to the back of the school? Did she have a seizure?" Again this is my Emily...who never, ever forgets anything. She's not like her Mom who would forget her head if it wasn't attached.
Well, after years of wondering how I managed to have a daughter with such a remarkable memory, who, except for her kindness and willingness to help others is nothing like me at all in any way (she's Ryun's clone in a nutshell) she proved that I do actually have some influence on her life.
She got on the bus, and as it was pulling out of the parking lot to head home, the bus driver stopped, called her to the front and she got off the bus and came out back.
She hugged me and laughed at herself for "being so silly and forgetting to be a "pick-up" and, I thank God she was okay!
Does anyone know...
As per usual, in an attempt to find the humor in what was almost a complete meltdown for Emily this morning, I quote for you part of the conversation we had:
"No Emily, you can not bring it to school. It is against the rules of this house, no matter what. Other families may have different rules and that is why they bring their CD players in. Our rules are our rules."
Emily's response?
"But Mom, every 8 year old on the bus has one, and no, I am not making a generalization."
I am not making a generalization? What?!?! She's eight. You know, sometimes what amazes me about Emily is not always what she knows (like the word generalization) it's that she knows just how to use what she has learned at the most appropriate time, and without any hesitation.
Of course, her saying this made me have one of those moments as a parent that I am supposed to be acting all serious and whatever, and I ended up being unable to stifle the laugh. It worked out well for me this time though, because she started laughing too and the conversation ended.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Confidence...A Good Thing
Honestly, I find it hard to believe that she won't succeed in everything she does, with a confidence level like that. I really do believe that much of the reason behind a person's success is the attitude they have going in.
Confidence was something I never had, and still don't to a degree. I am glad that Emily does.
She'll go far for many reasons...not the least of which is her faith in her ability to succeed.
Answer and New Question
New Question...
If you had to name the smartest person you have ever met, who would it be?
Again, Sounds About Right.
Your 2005 Song Is |
Since You've Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson "But since you've been gone I can breathe for the first time I'm so moving on" In 2005, you moved on. |
Never Saw The Show...
You scored as Babylon 5 (Babylon 5). The universe is erupting into war and your government picks the wrong side. How much worse could things get? It doesn't matter, because no matter what you have your friends and you'll do the right thing. In the end that will be all that matters. Now if only the Psi Cops would leave you alone. |
Your Ultimate Sci-Fi Profile II: which sci-fi crew would you best fit in? (pics)
created with QuizFarm.com
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Anyway, after that, we will be heading home and Emily and Katherine will more than likely be playing outside all afternoon (it's 50 degrees here today!). I have this new shelving unit type thing that Ryun put together for me so I can move all of the kids' arts and crafts stuff down here in to the office. They haven't done much more than color since we moved in (I didn't want the crafts upstairs with he new rug in the playroom) so I think they will be happy to finally have all of their stuff down here and easily accessible. I am probably going to get started on that today. My sister will be over tonight for dinner and is bringing The Wedding Crashers with her to watch.
I doubt I will be around these parts much, but you never know!
Friday, January 27, 2006
One reason...
I might actually know what to get a 9 year old boy for his birthday.
I walked around the toy section last night without a single idea as to what would be good. I saw all kinds of things...but had no clue if a 9 year old boy would like action figures...or legos...or racecars...or whatever.
I left without getting anything and called Ryun this morning to ask him what he thought. He said legos are a sure bet and when I asked if he played with legos when he was 9 he told me he played with them until he was 18. So I told him that he was not typical and I needed to ask someone else, LOL.
So I'm asking you...as in the readers...are legos a good gift for a 9 year old boy? What would you want if you were a 9 year old boy?
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Emily's homework last night asked her to write a paragraph pretending she was a snowflake.
Here is what she came up with, completely on her own.
I am a sparkly snowflake falling from a cloud. While I am falling I see a bear in his den and children having snowball fights. I feel the soft breeze on my little body as I fall. I fall on a house window and get to watch tv. A little girl named Leah comes and licks me off. This is the end of my life as a snowflake.
Obviously, she inherited Ryun's imagination because, damn, she's creative.
Sounds About Right
Emily: "Be real, Katherine. In this house we can't kiss boys until we're 21 or something."
I'm not quite sure where she came up with this idea, but what the heck, we'll go with it.
Just Like In The Movies

Pretty apt description, huh?
I Am So Sick Of...
The Book Of Daniel: cancelled. Why? Probably because of the lunatics who protested before it was even on the air. Don't like it? Don't fucking watch it.
Randy Jackson: shocked by a contestants revelation that he was in fact a he. Gay and Lesbian support groups are horrified. He fucking looked like a girl. Don't want to be questioned about it or have people have a shocked reaction to it? Try grooming yourself to look like a boy.
Some school districts are thinking of creating an elective class regarding the historical value of the Bible. Some parents are up in arms over this. It is an elective people, not a requirement. So if you don't want your kid to take the class, don't let them.
What the hell is the world coming to? Jesus H. Christ. You know what? You have the freedom to support the separation of church and state, dress/groom however the hell you want and not watch a television show that may have religious aspects...Just like I have the right to tell you all to get of your fucking high horses and settle the hell down.
Can't it just be that simple?
And just in case it wasn't obvious, I have been a cranky bitch all week.
Answer and New Question
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein...a wonderful story about unconditional love.
Love You Forever By Robert Munsch..."I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always,as long as I'm living my baby you'll be." My favorite bedtime story to read the kids.
I'm Gonna Like Me By Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell...a story about self esteem and liking yourself every day.
The Polar Express By Chris Van Allsburg...A beautiful story about the power of belief.
Keep in mind, I have young children (8, 6 and 18 months). As they get older the list will change but for now, if they could only read four books growing up, these are the books I would choose.
Today's burning question: If you found yourself at the Pearly Gates and had one chance to make your case for entry, what would you say?
Technical Questions
It really isn't a huge deal but I was just curious if anyone out there might know how to fix this.
She had one shot today which required both the nurse and I to basically pin her down. It was not fun. She cried when she saw the nurse open the drawer with the gauze pads/alcohol wipes, in anticipation of what was to come I think.
In regard to her gross motor and speech progress, Dr. B was very happy. He had just gotten her 6 month assessment report from EI and was extremely pleased with her progress in all areas. As for the gross motor, he and I both agree, there is nothing else we could or should be doing to encourage that along (PT, EI etc)and that she definitely seems to be heading toward walking soon. He said that she should be saying between 10-20 words on a regular basis at this point (she says 11) so she is right on target with the speech! YAY for progress!
I asked him about her head measurements and the need for an MRI (as in, is there a need for one?). He basically said the same thing that the other Dr. B (developmental pedi) said which was that if it weren't for her sister's history (Epilepsy, Tuberous Sclerosis) that it wouldn't even be done. He did show me the graph of her head growth since birth and there were a few times that it jumped way up. Either way, they are waiting for the results of the Tuberous Sclerosis tests and then we will do the MRI.
As for her downslanting eyes etc he said that he didn't see anything dramatically different about her eyes and the slant is "just the way her eyes are". I knew that all of that downslanting eyes crap was...crap...but it was nice to hear it from the doctor.
All in all, it was a good appointment... and my favorite nurse there told me that Julia looked like a little doll so you know, she obviously is still my favorite nurse.
I Mean It This Time!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Public Service Announcement
Even more annoying...when someone calls once, doesn't get an answer, doesn't leave a message and then continues to call repeatedly...and still doesn't leave a message. Obviously I am either not here, busy, or plain and simple don't feel like talking on the phone. Again, I have a machine for a reason.
And just in case we're not clear on what the reason is...its purpose is to take messages, so that I can hear them and respond accordingly.
Answer And New ?
New Question: If your children could read only four books while growing up, which four books would you choose for them to read? Why?
On the agenda for today we have...
* Some one screwed up (not sure if it was me or them) because her appointment isn't until tomorrow at 9:45! Oops...it was good to be up and out first thing, and I got some errands taken care of anyway.*
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I have a million and a half things on my mind to blog about, but time is not on my side lately.
I will tell you that I am doing all kinds of research on various health/nutrition related issues (artificial sweeteners, food dyes, allergies etc) that I will be posting about just as soon as I digest it all and figure out just exactly what my standpoint is on it. There sure is a lot of information out there, some of which will take a while to go through and some of which sounds like bull, but, I am going to go through it and decide one way or the other whether to eliminate, increase, or continue with what we are doing in regard to nutrition and what we take in.
What are your thoughts? Do certain foods/additives/sweeteners affect behavior? Do they mimic or even perhaps cause such things as depression, epilepsy, or ADHD?
Monday, January 23, 2006
Scrap That!
It would seem like with all of this scrapbooking going on that I would eventually run out of pictures to use. This is not true for a variety of reasons...
1. I take probably take at least 15 pictures a day, whether it be of one of the kids, a thing of nature that I find picture worthy, some food related creation I have come up with etc. Photography is kind of an obsession you could say.
2. Until we started this scrap thing, I had been slacking for..well, for a very long time. I have some major catching up to do.
3. For some reason, I am constantly coming up with new and exciting ideas to scrap...and usually, right at the last minute! A few years ago it was a Holiday Traditions book in which I took pictures of the kids partaking in various Christmas traditions (mailing cards, decorating the tree, hanging stocking etc) and then described the legend behind the tradition. These were a big hit. This year I made Family Recipe Books. I collected various recipes from different family members (under the guise that I was sick of cooking the same old things, which was partly true) and assembled the collected recipes in a scrapbook style recipe book. These may have been a bigger hit than the traditions book. Anyway, the point is, sometimes, I am so darn creative that I create more work than I already had to begin with. It's fun though and the end result is always worth it!
So that is why I never run out of scrapping...because I know you were wondering.
Today's question...
If you had to describe yourself as a child in one word, what would it be?
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006
This morning I got up and took Katherine to "Project Launch." The old Memorial Junior High is being completely rennovated and by 2007 will house all full day kindergarten students. The current kindergarten students were asked to attend to lead the Pledge, as well as sing a few songs. Senator Pacheco was there, as well as Representatives Canessa, O'Brien, and Strauss and State Treasurer Cahill. The Superintedent of Schools, the principal and many teachers (including Katherine's) were there, as well as a good representation of current kindergarten students. It was nice to see such s big turnout.
Anyway, I am going to go get a few things done.
Friday, January 20, 2006
And yeah, there may be some language strewn about.
So, you know if you are a parental unit, or a grandparent, or anyone who might be offended by such talk, don't read the rest.
I have said many times that since I am done having children that I don't see any need for me to get my period anymore. It's nothing but a pain in the ass if you ask me.
The only way I ever know that I am going to get it (aside from just knowing based on when I got it last) is because for a few days before, I am good for nothing. I get extremely tired, to the point that I have to force myself out of bed, and still, after a cup or five of coffee, feel like I have been hit by a truck. I don't get cramps and I don't get bitchy. I just get tired.
I see no reason that menopause can't start now (except for the fact that you know my hormones will be all out of whack, hot flashes will ensue, I will probably be a cranky bitch from hell and early menopause would probably fuck my whole system up).I am already a red headed Irish woman so you know there's automatically some bitchiness inbred. I can't imagine how much worse it would get.
So anyway, I have been thinking about all of this off and on for a while. I used to get it every 30 days...I was never even a day late (or early for that matter). Now, since I have been thinking about this I have been getting my freakin' period every three weeks.
How fucking annoying is that?
Even more annoying? If I go to the doctor's the first thing that she will probably do is put me on the pill. Wouldn't that just figure? Ryun's had the big V so we don't have to worry about getting pregnant anymore and I don't have to remember to take the damn pill. Now I might have to start.
I don't want to get my period every three weeks though. That's just not feasible.
Sometimes, being a woman sucks.
On the lighter side... a conversation between Ryun, Emily and I, uploaded from one of my old blogs. This was back in 2001, when Emily was just 3 1/2 year sold.
I casually mentioned to Ryun that I could tell I was getting my period because I was cranky and feeling "fat". Emily was in the room but paying attention to whatever she was doing, or so I thought. She said to me, "I know what period means Mama." I said, "Oh yeah, what?" She said, "Period means (voice escalating) BECAUSE I SAID SO!"
So, I was driving down 58 in Carver, minding my own business, singing along to whatever was playing on Oldies 103.
I came to the intersection at Cumberland Farms and the light was red. So, I stopped (I'm good like that). Anyway, the intersection is just a smidgen beyond Cumby's.
The light turned green, so I went (again I'm good like that).
And some fucking fuckhead asshole pulled out of Cumby's, was on the wrong side of the road, heading in to oncoming traffic, and passed me on the left.
I am pretty sure the mirrors on our cars were about a centimeter apart.
"What the fuck?" I yelled out my open window (it was close to 60 degrees here today!), and leaned on the horn. I flipped them off and rode their ass all the way to Shaw's which is where I was headed to do the food shopping. As I was nearing the intersection at Shaw's one of the fucking female teenage losers in the back seat actually had the nerve, the nerve to turn around and fucking laugh. So I mouthed something that I never, ever say, like ever, that I am not evening going to type here (it was a girl so, you know just use your imagination people) and proceeded to memorize the plate number on the car. I briefly contemplated calling the cops but, you know, that's just not me, so I didn't.
I turned in to Shaw's, said a quick "Thank God Julia doesn't know what the word "fuck" means, and really, really Thank God she doesn't know what the other word means," and proceeded to do my food shopping.
I fucking hate when people can't fucking drive.
Then food shopping and other errands.
Back sometime later...
Thursday, January 19, 2006
To Whom It May Concern:
My daughter Julia Ellis has been receiving Early Intervention services since July, 2005.
When Julia first began in the Early Intervention program she was 11 months old. Julia was accepted in to the program for both gross motor and language delays (both at 7 months).
Jennifer M. (name omitted here for privacy), BS, Developmental Specialist, came to our house weekly to work with Julia. While Julia was making progress, after about a month Jennifer and I decided to request a Physical Therapy consult, which Julia took part in a few weeks later. The physical therapist, Vida G. (again, name omitted here for privacy), noted that Julia had low muscle tone through out her arms, legs, and trunk. We began seeing Vida at the Early Intervention center bi-weekly, and switched Jennifer’s home visits to every other week. As a result, Julia has one service or the other on a weekly basis.
When Julia began her Early Intervention visits, she had just barely mastered sitting unsupported. In the six months since Julia began receiving services she has gone from sitting...to crawling...to pulling to stand at a table...to, just within the past few weeks, standing completely unsupported.
Julia, before starting Early Intervention could not say a single word. Over the past 6 months, Julia’s vocabulary has increased greatly, and continues to do so every day. Julia’s list of words she can say include Mama, Dada, Papa, Mimi, baby, bear-bear, apple, happy, up, Emmy (for her sister Emily) and Dee Dee (for her sister Katie). Julia also using sign language to communicate and can sign more, up, down, mess and all done/all gone.
I firmly believe that without the help of Early Intervention, without the expertise of Jennifer and Vida specifically, Julia’s progress would be no where near as great as it has been since starting Early Intervention.
Julia recently had her 6 month re-assessment. Every single area that the Early Intervention staff members evaluated dramatically increased from her original assessment.
Social Emotional/Personal Social/Interaction: went from 10 months to 23 months.
Fine Motor Skills: went from 10 months to 21 months.
Receptive Language: went from 10 months to 17 months.
Expressive Language: went from 7 months to 15 months.
Cognition: went from 11 months to 18 months.
Self Care/Adaptive Skills: went from 14 months to 20 months.
Gross Motor Skills: went from 7 months to 11 months.
As you can see, my daughter has benefited greatly from her involvement with the Early Intervention program. The work that the Early Intervention staff does is amazing. The ideas that they share in regard to activities a parent can work on at home to reinforce what is done during sessions, are not only great ideas, but also shows just how much each Early Intervention staff member wants the child to succeed.
I can not stress enough how much I feel the Early Intervention program has helped my daughter Julia, and continues to help her as she progresses toward walking independently.
Thank you!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Not Surprising, Not Surprising At All
You scored as Psychology. You should be a Psychology major!
What is your Perfect Major? created with QuizFarm.com |
Via Jay
That's what happened to American Dreams, another great show when NBC moved it to the Wednesday time slot.
I'm sorry, Bones is a great show, but let's be realistic, it's not LOST.
It's a damn good thing FOX has American Idol, otherwise I am not quite sure how they would survive.
*UPDATE* Bones is going to follow the AI results show, so I guess it still has a slim chance of surviving beyond this year.
I felt like I lived in the city today. Car alarms were going off all over the place, emergency vehicles were zooming down 28 every few minutes, and all hell was breaking loose outside. The wind was unreal and the rain was something similar to what a monsoon might be like. It was kind of scary.
Anyway, lack of power meant lack of "getting stuff done" like laundry and running the dishwasher and vacuuming the livingroom and...and...and...
EI Update
Basically, in order to be eligible for EI services, your child needs to have a 4 month delay in any one area. As you will see, Julia is only eligible based on her gross motor skills. I have included the results from her initial assessment as well.
Social Emotional/Personal Social/Interaction: went from 10 months to 23 months.
Fine Motor Skills: went from 10 months to 21 months.
Receptive Language: went from 10 months to 17 months.
Expressive Language: went from 7 months to 15 months.
Cognition: went from 11 months to 18 months.
Self Care/Adaptive Skills: went from 14 months to 20 months.
Gross Motor Skills: went from 7 months to 11 months.
As you can plainly see, she has made remarkable progress in all areas!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Ryun had Monday night poker here last night so the last two guys left around midnight or so. I stayed up for about a 1/2 hour or so beyond that, putting the kitchen back together (arranging chairs, cleaning up etc). I probably fell asleep about 1, and Julia woke up screaming at 2:30 am. She has a cold (well just a runny nose actually) and there are a couple of teeth coming in so she has been waking a lot over the past few nights. She didn't settle for about 45 minutes or so. I had to get up this morning to get the kids of to school, so I was up at 6:30.
So yeah, I am tired, completely unmotivated to post anything even remotely interesting, and going to bed in a few minutes (it's only 7:30pm here).
Back tomorrow...
Monday, January 16, 2006
As I knew it would be, the psychic reading was awesome.
She said that this was the year of "me." It's going to be all about my physical and emotional wellbeing. She said that my aura is white/yellow which is the spiritual/faithful side of me and blue/green which is the healing/nurturing side.
She said I am all "heart", meaning I follow my heart instead of my head and that I am very sensitive. My overall demeanor is passive and flexible but when I have had enough, watch out. She said I have a very spiritual nature, that I am very in tune with myself and my world around me.
She told me that Katherine is me...through and through. We all knew this but I figured I would throw it out there anyway! Other than that, she didn't have much to say about Katherine.
In regard to Emily...she said that she has major food sensitivities (HELLO PEANUTS, SOY) and that she holds all of her tension in her stomach. She said she always complains of stomach aches (and hello she does!) and that most of the time it's like a butterflies in the stomach thing. She said that she is "gifted smart" and that she will be offered all kinds of special programs. She said that higher education is definitely in her future. She said that she pushes herself hard to succeed.
She told me that there is something coming up that will affect my father, specifically his head. She said that it will be serious, but that he will be ok. This freaked me out a bit but hey, as long as he will be ok.
She said (before I even got around to asking about her, (we can ask 3 questions at the end and Julia's health etc. was one of mine) that Julia will have a lot of challenges in her life but that she will overcome every one. This was good to hear (the part about her overcoming anyway!). She literally said at one point that with Julia, it would be "one step at a time." Ironic I thought, given that the main concern I had was that she isn't walking.
My other two questions were in relation to my marriage and our financial future. She said (I was specifically asking about communication type issues with Ryun and I)"he doesn't like to talk, he never has, he never will. He needs something tangible and he will talk, he doesn't communicate his feelings, he keeps it in." I explained my concerns about our financial future (actually the concerns were more related to the past)and she said that we were heading in an upward trend...and would continue that way.
Overall, I was as impressed as I was last time. It was interesting to hear her comments on Emily and her "smartness." I really wasn't surprised by this...Emily is smart, smarter than the average 8 year old. I have often tried to describe her "smartness" to others but it's very difficult. There's always been something there...something that has made her stand out...something that I can't quite put my finger on. I have always thought that she was gifted in some ways. I was thrilled to hear that Julia will overcome, although the part about her having many challenges in life was a little hard to hear. It's not that I want my kids lives to be, well, unchallenging, it's just, I don't know, hard to explain.
Perhaps the most "oh my God I am getting chills" moment was when she said, "Who is the grandmother...begins with M...?" I knew she was talking about MA (my grandmother on my father's side that died when I was 14) and I knew it even more when she said, "She's with your aunt...Aunt G?" That would be my Aunt Gayle, my father's sister who died about 4 -5 years ago of cancer. She said that they are both watching over me and my family. It's funny, I think of Ma all of the time and am always wondering what she would think or do (if she was still here) in various situations.
Anyway, that's it. I definitely plan on going again at some point down the line.
Tonight, I am going to see a psychic. My friend Jen is having a party with "psychic Sue" who, read me back in late 2003/early 2004, can't remember the exact date. She has worked with the FBI, solving missing person cases and other crimes.
When I went to see her last time, I was only the slightest bit skeptical. I gave her no information about myself, my family etc.
She then proceeded to tell me that I was pregnant, and due in July.
Remember, at the time, I was only 2, perhaps 3 months pregnant and there was just no visible way that you could tell.
She went on to describe Ryun, Emily, and Katherine perfectly. She pointed out that Katherine had blood sugar issues (she's hypoglycemic). Basically, she made a believer out of me.
I am looking forward to this reading, perhaps more so than the last. So many things have changed over the past couple of years...Emily was diagnosed with Epilepsy/Tuberous Sclerosis, Julia was born, I took the steps necessary to get my life back on track...all big changes. I am anxious to hear what she has to say...and wondering what she will have to say about the future.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
At some point, obviously before February 14, Emily, Katherine and I are going to do various Valentine projects (remind me to post the recipe for these cool sugar cookies I want to make), one of which I began the preparations for today. I have a scrapbook to finish and a few random other things (like laundry) to do.
Since I have spent most of the day playing referee, I am just now finding the time to update, and get started on the rest of the crap.
Heather is coming over to watch a 2 hour Extreme Makeover Home Edition tonight with Emily and I. Time for the weekly Sunday cry...LOL.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Full Day
Julia and Emily both have conjunctivitis...Julia worse than Emily...and Emily sounds like she might actually be coughing up a lung at some point. Julia still has a runny nose that began on Friday (which at first I thought was a result of the off and on whining/crying jags she was having (it was one of those days) but it has been persistent through the weekend. So, I am sure, she too will start in with the hacking cough soon.
I came home from the shower, cleaned the house a little, cooked dinner, and sat down to watch the Patriots
First Born
You Are Likely a Third Born |
At your darkest moments, you feel vulnerable. At work and school, you do best when you're comparing things. When you love someone, you tend to like to please them. In friendship, you are loyal to one person. Your ideal careers are: sales, police officer, newspaper reporter, inventor, poet, and animal trainer. You will leave your mark on the world with inventions, poetry, and inspiration. |
I did used to want to be a journalist so I guess the job predictions are right.
Other than that though...
Via Jay.
Right On The Money
You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament |
Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace. You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions. You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected. It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional. You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others. While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well. At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything. You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams. You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment. |
Via Jay.
Friday, January 13, 2006
You scored as Democrat.
What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In? created with QuizFarm.com |
Apparently, It's Quiz Time!
The Picto-Personality TestWhen alone, you are introspective. You constantly reflect on your life and the world. You are laid back. Anything goes, with you. In the future you will be happy and live richly. |
Take this Test at QuizGalaxy.com |
This sounds about right...
You fit in with: Humanism Your ideals mostly resemble that of a Humanist. Although you do not have a lot of faith, you are devoted to making this world better, in the short time that you have to live. Humanists do not generally believe in an afterlife, and therefore, are committed to making the world a better place for themselves and future generations. 20% spiritual. 80% reason-oriented. | ||||
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
Ryun and I...
My father just called and asked if all three kids could have a "sleepover". My mother is going to Cape Cod for the night to visit a friend so my father is going to bond with the grandkids.
Ryun and I got a gift certificate to go to the Longhorn Steakhouse in Raynham for Christmas so we are going to use that tonight.
Honestly, I love my kids to pieces but I can't tell you how forward I am looking to a night with just my husband. It's not too often that we get an unplanned night alone.
Woo Hoo!
Appt Update
Over the past couple of years, Katherine has been gaining a little too much weight than what is considered normal.
This year she only gained 3 1/2 lbs which is right smack dab in the middle of normal (3-4 lbs per year). She has decreased her BMI by 1 % and is leveling off as far as where she is on the flow charts. She was in the 50 percentile for height, and the 75th for weight which was a drastic improvement over last year.
Virtually the only concern was her chronic ear infections/fluid in the ears which she did have today (fluid). I explained to him that sometimes she complains that she can't hear and how she is constantly saying that her ear hurts. He wants to see her in a month to see if the fluid is gone (she is just getting over a horrific cold so it makes sense that the fluid is there now). So, we will see what happens.
Julia was little miss cranky pants at the end but she fell asleep in the car almost immediately after we pulled out of the parking lot so that explains that.
Emily and Katherine are playing out in the yard right now, in their spring coats! YAY for fairly warm week!
Six Year Check Up
Katherine's 6 year check up is today so we will all be trucking to the doctor's in a little while. I'll be back to report on that, although at 6 there isn't usually much to say other than that she's happy and healthy!
Other than that, the only other big plan for today is to help Emily and Katherine clean upstairs.
I went out last night to food shop and also took care of getting some toiletry type donations for Capt. Levesque and his unit, as well as finished up with getting the "stuff" I need to finish a baby shower gift I need to make. The shower is tomorrow so, guess what I'll be doing later today? Yeah, I know, I am a slacker!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Today's Plans and PTA
Last night at the PTA meeting, I volunteered to make calls to set up times for kindergarten screening appointments. I wanted to volunteer to go and actually help out with the registration, but obvioulsy, I can't bring Julia with me so I couldn't. When I registered Katherine last year, having parent volunteers there was a great thing. For me, having been the second time I registered a child for kindergarten, it wasn't quite as emotional as it was for some parents but, it seemed like having other parents there who had done the same thing already helped.
The other big thing at last night's meeting was the talk about the beginning of the rennovation of the old Memorial Junior High. Middleboro has a new middle school (just a few years old I think) and the old one is being rennovated and by 2007, will house kindergarten students. Last night, Katherine's principal announced (yes, the elementary principals attend PTA meetings which is so cool) that current students would be invited to the launch and would be asked to say the pledge and sing a few songs. They have little gold hammers and shovels for the kids to use to "break ground" and get the project underway. Some of our local state reps will be there. I love how they get the students invloved.
I also got a round of applause for taking on the food committee chairperson role for the annual Mardi Gras event the PTA sponsors. Apparently, it's a big thing and no one else wanted to do it. It doesn't sound too bad to me, but based on the round of applause, I am getting a little nervous, LOL.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
In Brief
LOST was awesome as usual.
Bed is looking to good not to get in it, like right now.
Back tomorrow.
It's not too late...
Tonight, at 8pm ABC will be airing a special called, "LOST: Revelation" which will recap the series thus far. It will be followed by a new episode which will reveal the back story of the mysterious "Mr. Eko."
Check it out. I can almost guarantee you won't regret it.
For those who already watch...about time we had a new episode huh? I was going through withdrawals!
Community Service
Emily came home with a notice in her bag saying that the drive is underway.
Emily's Girl Scout Troop will also be partaking in this drive and will be putting together a package of donated items at her next meeting. Conveniently, Capt. Levesque sent an email with a list of items to be sent which included, Girl Scout Cookies! So her troop is going to purchase some cookies and send them along as well.
Of course, I plan on donating a few items as well as enclosing a letter or two to thank them for their service.
I love being part of such an involved community!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Good Fantastic News
I knew they would (come back normal) but it is good to have it confirmed.
Of course, the Tuberous Sclerosis results, the one thing she is more likely to have based on the family history, if she has anything at all, won't be back until the end of February.
We're used to the waiting game though, so no big deal.
YAY for some good results!
Monday, January 9, 2006
Recipe: Low fat Chicken Rice Casserole
1 1/3 c all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1 c non-fat chicken broth
1 1/2 c skim milk
1 1/2 c cooked rice (white or wild) cooked
2 c skinless chicken breasts cooked
4 oz mushrooms
1/3 c chopped green bell pepper
Heat oven to 350 degrees. In large saucepan, blend flour, salt, and pepper. Stir in broth a milk. Stirring constantly, cook over low heat, until mixture is smooth and bubbly. Bring to a boil and stir for 1 minute. Stir in remaining ingredients. Pour in to ungreased casserole. Bake uncovered for 40-45 minutes.
I seasoned the chicken with garlic salt before cooking it, and before putting the casserole in the oven I sprinkled salt and pepper over the entire thing. It came out very good, I was impressed considering that it's, you know, low fat and all!
More importantly, the kids actually ate it! They aren't picky generally but getting them to try something new, let alone a casserole, isn't always the easiest thing.
Of course, it goes without saying that Ryun liked it.
Not Much To Say
Katherine is home with me today. The poor kid get more colds at this time of year than should be legal, and every one is always really bad. She never just gets a "little" cold. I am bringing her with me to Julia's PT appointment. I gave her Dimetab and her symptoms seem to be under control.
Ryun has a notified union meeting tonight for the purposes of electing delegates to the national convention but I think he is voting and leaving. He probaby won't be home until after 6:30 so I wil be saving him a plate for dinner. I am trying this new low fat chicken casserole thing. I will let you all knwo how it turns out.
Sunday, January 8, 2006
Saturday, January 7, 2006
Does anyone else...
Regarding her apparently large head...have you seen the family she was born in to? We all have big heads. I'll be the first to tell you her head felt pretty damn big when I was pushing her out but if you look at her, her head doesn't look big...no bigger than it should be anyway.

And with her eyes...I mean yeah, that may slant downwardly a little but is it so big of a deal? Maybe that's just the shape of her eyes.

You know what? Until I have proof (in the form of the bloodwork results) I am not going to believe any of this crap.
She's perfect. And that's that.
Recipe Search
I do.
So here we go again.
Can y'all send me via the comments (or email if you have my address) your favorite recipe(s)? I am looking specifically for dinner recipes that will feed a family of 5, but if you have an appetizer or desert recipe you would like to share as well, feel free!
Thanks everyone, you rock!
Friday, January 6, 2006
Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to go watch a movie with my darling husband!
Updating The Blogroll
Re Posting...
On being a stay at home mom: How this could in any way be detrimental to my children or society is beyond me. However, here is an excerpt from an article over at statesman.com which says in a nutshell that it could be.
It is time to have an honest conversation about what is lost when women stay home. In a nation devoted to motherhood and apple pie, what could possibly be wrong with staying home to care for your children?
Several things, I think.
It denies men the chance to be involved fathers. This is a loss for them and a loss for their children. What does it mean when fathers are denied the opportunity to nurture their kids in ways that are as important as their work? What do the children miss when they don't have fathers changing their diapers, picking them up from school, coaching soccer, making breakfast or dinner and doing homework with them? On both sides, the answer is too much.
Women who stay at home also lose out � they lose a chance to contribute as professionals and community activists. Parenting is an important social contribution. But we need women in medicine, law, education, politics and the arts. It is not selfish to want to give your talents to the broader community � it is an important part of citizenship to do so, and it is something we should expect of everyone.
Full-time mothering is also bad for children. It teaches them that the world is divided by gender. This sends the wrong message to our sons and daughters. I do not want our girls to grow up thinking they must marry and have children to be successful, or that you can only be a good mother if you give up your work.
Nor do I want boys to think that caring for families is women's work and making money is men's work. Our sons and daughters should grow up thinking that raising and providing for a family is a joint enterprise among all the adults in the family.
The new stay-at-home motherhood movement parallels the movement to create the "perfect" child. It's not just that mothers are home with their children; they are engaged with their children constantly so they will "develop" properly. Many middle-class parents demand too much of their children. We enroll them in soccer, religious classes, dance, art, piano, French lessons, etc., placing them on the quest for continuous self-improvement.
Many of these youngsters end up stressed out. Children should think it is all right to just hang out and be kids sometimes. They should learn that parents have interests separate from their lives as parents. And we should all learn that mothers are not fully responsible for who their children become � so are fathers, neighbors, friends, the extended family and children themselves.
Finally, the stay-at-home mother movement is bad for society. It tells employers that women who marry and have children are at risk of withdrawing from their careers, and that men who marry and have children will remain fully focused on their careers, regardless of family demands. Both lessons reinforce sex discrimination.
This movement also privileges certain kinds of families, making it harder for others. The more stay-at-home mothers there are, the more schools and libraries will neglect the needs of working parents, and the more professional mothers, single mothers, working-class mothers and lesbian mothers will feel judged for their failure to be in a traditional family and stay home their children.
By creating an expectation that mothers could and should stay home, we lose sight of the fact that most parents do work � and that they need affordable, high quality child care, after-school enrichment programs and family leave policies that allow mothers and fathers to nurture their children without giving up work.
Level 3 sex offenders: Any of you that are actually opposed to having your picture and address information posted online can go to hell. As far as I am concerned, you lost all rights to privacy when you violated someone elses.
Rsing costs of school lunches: My solution to this? Take and extra five minutes at night or in the morning and pack your kid's lunch. Kill two birds with one stone: save some dough and ensure that they have a healthy well balanced meal.
I believe in ghosts, aliens and the sixth sense. I have experienced a real life ghost story which I will post here at some point, and, while I believed before this experience, it sure help to confirm what I already knew. I find it very hard to imagine that we are "alone." I don't have any real basis for this, I just can't believe that there aren't other planets with some sort of lifeform. As far as the sixth sense is concerned, I believe it exists because I sometimes think I have it. I have had way two many experiences to chaulk up to coincidence.
I believe that there is a "higher power" of some sort. I was raised a Roman Catholic but tend to disagree with the rules the church sets forward. I think that sometimes I believe in a higher power, just to have "something" to believe in. I go back and forth with this all of the time.
I believe in the separation of church and state. I do not think that the words "under God" should be in the Pledge, nor do I think that "In God We Trust" should be printed on U. S. Currency. Not everyone believes in God, not everyone believes in the same god, so it just isn't right.
I would never have an abortion but I do believe it is a woman's choice. I do not know how I feel about a father's rights. Yes it is his child, but it's her body that carries the baby. Tough call for me on that one.
I am all for gay marriage. I don't think that marriage should be considered a religious insititution either. If two people love each other and want to marry, then they should be able to, and should be afforded all benefits that come with it. I also don't think you can "become" gay. You either are or you aren't and either way, you shouldn't be judged.
I believe that cutting education funding is not only wrong, but should be criminal. Foreign languages, music, art and the ususal things first to go are just as important as History, Science, English etc. The children are the future. Mostly because of the outside influences that children are presented with when sent to a public school, I have often considered homeschooling. I have also thought about sending my children here. I believe that teachers, students and most importantly parents should be held accountable for the education of the children...regardless of what schooling situation the child is in.
I believe in patient and tolerant parenting. I believe that a child has needs, as does a parent and both sets of needs should be met. I believe in a relationship-centered, nurturing type of parenting style. I do not believe in any type of physical punishment at all, ever, in any circumstance. Yelling is not necessary(except for safety reasons..."DON'T TOUCH THE STOVE!"). I feel that children learn more from a calm and patient approach to inappropriate behavior then from a yelling, "my way or the highway" approach. Children need to understand that their behavior may be inappropriate, and parents need to work with their children to find ways to prevent it from happening again. A firm and definite set of rules should be in place, but enforced in a way that is calm and reasonable. Expectations should also be reasonable(a 4 year old should not be held to the same expectations of a 7 year old for example).
Most of the time I believe that the war in Iraq was unjustified. I think that this country should spend less time trying to inflict our way of doing things on everyone else. This country has it's fair share of problems. How about spending millions of dollars here? I'm just sayin'.
I am registered as an independent, or whatever it is called now. I tend to vote Democrat, but am willing to vote a candidate in another party should he or she fit my description of what I think regarding how this country should be run. Changing times and various situations change how I feel daily though, so this type of decision isn't something I can firmly stick to. To sum it up, if I like you and what you stand for you have my vote, no matter what party you are affiliated with.
So yeah, that's about all I can think of now...as if it wasn't enough. If I think of something else to add though, you can be assured that I will.
We will be going every Monday afternoon.
You know, just about a week or two ago I was beginning to think that this was all just getting a little out of hand. Then yesterday's mail came.
You know, when I go to the doctor with myself or any one of my children with a specific problem, such as say, an earache, or even if Emily had a seizure, I am fine. I just hate when I go for one reason and they find something else wrong.
Like, when Emily was first diagnosed. It went like this:
"She has pneumonia and and ear infection. She's a little old but it could be febrile."
"OK, she has definite seizure patterns shown on the EEG, but it is probably juvenile. Just to be safe let's have an MRI."
"Her MRI is abnormal. It looks like nothing we have ever seen before, but very similar to someone with this genetic condition called Tuberous Sclerosis. Let's do some genetic testing."
"Again, she's an anomoly. This genetic pattern is like nothing we have ever seen before. It is most definitely the cause of her seizures, ADHD, and white patches of skin and she will never outgrow this."
With Julia, I went because she couldn't walk. Then, while there, I found out she has all of these (mild but apparently still of concern) facial abnormalities come up. I hate when I go for one reason and something else comes up.
It pisses me off.
Thursday, January 5, 2006
"Julia was alert and interactive. She made good eye contact with the examiner. Her weight was 9.72 kg (21. 3 lbs) which was at the 20th percentile for her age and her height was 75.2 centimeters (29.6 inches), which is at the 15th percentile for her age. In reviewing growth charts, Julia's head circumference has increased at or above the 95 percentile for her age. The appearance of mild hypertelorism was noted, epicanthal folds were present, and palpebral fissures (eyelid folds) appeared to be mildly downslanting. Mucous membranes were moist and pink. Neck was supple. Nipples appeared slightly wide spaced. Lungs were clear. Heart had regular rate and rhythm. Abdomen was soft. Deep tendon reflexes were 2+. Hypotonia was noted.
On the Bayley Scales Of Infant Development Julia earned a Mental Developmental Index of 78 (mean 100, standard deviation, 15). On the Alberta Infant Motor Scale Julia earned a score of less than 5% for her age.
Julia demonstrates normal neuromuscular patterns, but is delayed in the acquisition of her motor milestones."
Note: Purple text=links.
More later.
One of these days I will get a combined total from every blog I have ever had and post the number, for those who care to know.
Anyway, Julia's assessment went very well. I was right on the money with my guestimates regarding her language and gross motor skills (15 language, 11 gross motor). Everything else was well beyond where she should be (cognitive, social, self care etc) with most things falling in the 22-24 month range.
She was awesome. She did everything she was supposed to and more. She was quite the little showoff actually.
I am heading out in a few to go to my parents to drop off a book I borrowed and to get another one or two to read.
Back later!
On the agenda for today we have...
I got up at 5:30 this morning, ate breakfast, did the treadmill for 15 minutes, and am about to go shower before the kids get up.
Julia's assessment (which will be the same thing she had when they came out 6 months ago to determine whether or not she was eligible for services, except the age range of the activities will go from 16-18 months) is at 9:00 this morning. I am anxious to see how that goes. My guess? Her speech will be at 12-14 months range, and her gross motor will be 9-11 month range. They score the assessment right after they do it so I will be back later to let you know how accurate my predictions were. I am assuming all other areas of her development will be within the "normal" parameters, since they were last time and I certainly don't see her regressing in any way.
I am going to try (notice I said try) to take a nap when Julia does today, but we'll see what happens. I always think it's a good idea but I usually find a million other things I need to get done while she is sleeping.
Other than that, I have my Thursday night meeting and food shopping to do. I haven't gone to a meeting in over a month (life got in the way what can I say?) so I am looking forward to that and catching up with a few people.
Anyway, off to shower and start (or rather, continue) the day.
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Yup, she's defintely my daughter.
I went in to see what was so picture worthy and found Julia lying down on the floor, using one of the couch pillows. I took a picture and Katherine sat beside her and I took another one. I noticed that Katherine had red eye so I said, "Darn red eye." Katherine (God love her) said, "Mama, I don't know how to make blue eye, my eyes always come out red."
Question: Why doesn't red eye reduction work on Katherine, like ever? I have red eye setting on the camera and use it all of the time but, Katherine still comes out looking possesed. Weird.
Laundry is drying...
As mentioned in my previous entry, Julia and I went food shopping earlier. This is what I came home with:
1 tomato
1 cucumber
2 sweet potatoes
2 apples
1 bunch of bananas
1 jar of organic salsa
1 package of whole wheat tortilla's
1 jar of Healthy Choice pasta sauce
1 box of Whole Wheat spaghetti
Isn't that awesome? I mean really, really awesome? I am totally doing this whole diet thing and really sticking to it. I even went to my mother's office today and didn't have one of the cookies that were there, or take a piece of candy from her candy jar.
If this whole diet thing (me talking abou it a lot) is annoying, I am sorry. I am just so happy about this and proud of myself for actually following through.
What better place to share my successes?
Absence Explained
Our first stop was Emily's school, to drop off her homework, which I found on the floor just after she got on the bus. I think it must have fallen out when she was getting her gloves out of her bag. I went in to the office and the secretary called her teacher and asked her to send Emily down to get her homework. When Emily came in, the Vice Principal came out of his office and said "Hi Emily." We had a brief conversation, in which Julia was a total flirt (smiling and "making eyes" at the vice principal...too cute), and Emily left saying, "Bye Mr. B, see you at lunch." I know I have mentioned how much I love Middleboro Schools but can I just say how fabulous I think it is that the VP knows Emily, and it's not because she gets in trouble? Seriously. The staff and administration, at least the ones I have dealt with are just awesome. I can't imagine sending my kids anywhere else.
Anyway, after leaving the school, Julia and I went to my mother's office to drop off some of the plastic bins we had borrowed for the move. We went to the bank, the lab (where I had to be stuck three times before they got a vein...not that this is a surprise), and to the grocery store.
I came back home, grilled some chicken, sliced 1/2 an onion and 1/2 a tomato, and made myself a nice wrap on a whole wheat tortilla.
I just got a call from Health South asking if I had access to a fax (apparently they wanted a case history on Julia before we go in for our eval on Friday) and it reminded me that I still haven't connected that aspect of our all in one printer/fax/scanner/copier.
Anyway, that explains my absence. I am going to go and get some things done before the girls get home!
Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Why Emily Will Succeed In Life
"Mom, I just got 3 pars in a row!"
"Good job Emily!"
"Yeah, well, I am planning on getting 18."
(playing Mario Golf on Nintendo Game Cube)
Ahh, the power of a positive attitude.
Emily and Katherine ...
Funny thing. When they were here last week, driving me insane, I thought I couldn't wiat for them to get back.
Now, I kinda miss them.
Yeah, it's back to the daily grind which means getting up at 6:30 for me, homework for them (well Emily anyway) and afterschool activities resuming. It's fun, and I love it, but the week off in retrospect, was kind of nice.
I did walk on the treadmill though.
So go me!
I definitely have more motivation and determination to do this than I have in the past. I seriously believe that it's an emotional thing...I feel better so I want to look better. For me though the main motivation seems to be my health this time around. I want to live to see my great grandchildren. Plain and simple.
Monday, January 2, 2006
I think my kids might not have school tomorrow. One extra day of vacation could be a good thing. Or, it could bring one step closer to insanity. I'll let you know tomorrow.
I had a very successful day out and about today. I managed to exchange, return and buy everything I was supposed to. Actually, I had to return a shirt to Old Navy that didn't fit me right but I couldn't find something else I liked so I jut got a store credit instead. So, almost everything. I figure I'll wait, and if I actually stick to my New Year's resolution, I might get to go back this spring and get a shirt in a size or two smaller than I wear now. It might be a nice way to reward myself I guess.
I am back...
I am going to the mall today to return the random Christmas things that either don't fit or we have two of. Fun. I also have a Toy's R Us gift card to use on the kids, a Best BUy card to use on Ryun and I, and Border's gift card for me. I have to go to Sears and Old Navy to return clothing, and my sister and her friend who are coming with me have to go to Walmart and Kohl's. It's going to be a long shopping day for me!
Sunday, January 1, 2006
Drinking spiked punch makes for a speedy way to, well, to feel good. Apparently, it also does something to your brain that makes you do things like two shots of chocolate martini something or other, a shot of peach schnapps and 2:00am bed times.
But, I never drink, Ryun was driving, and we didn't have to get the kids until 1:30 this afternoon, so all in all, I don't feel too guilty.
I did go to bed at 2:00 am though so, yeah, the pillow calls.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year and goodnight!