Sunday, February 19, 2006


Katherine has an ear infection(well, we haven't gone to the doctor yet but I will be calling in a few and I know when we get there he is going to say she has one). We were supposed to go to the doctor on Tuesday morning for Dr. B to check the fluid in her ears (Katherine has some serious drainage problems...whenever she gets a cold, which basically, the poor kid has a cold from December-March, she always ends up with either an infection or fluid in her ears). When we went for her well-check in January, he wanted to see her in a month to check her ears again. Now that she has another infection (or at the very least fluid) I have a feeling he may start talking about doing something more permanent to fix the problem. She seems kind of old to have tubes put in, but I don't know what else they could do.

Also, Julia has a fever of 101.4.

And I have no voice.

Life is grand, yo.

*UPDATE* I was feeling bad because I was going to have to call a doctor in on a Sunday, to look at her ears, tell me what I already know, and call a prescription in. So, I called the answering service to find out who was on call (hoping that it was Dr. B or his son, in which case I wouldn't feel too bad because Dr. B knows me well(he was my pediatrician afterall)and he would know I would never call unless I had to), and I found out that they have office hours on Sunday. Isn't that awesome? I was very impressed!

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