Monday, February 27, 2006


No not you, my cold. I think that 1 week and a few days is long enough, don't you?

Mostly, I am done with the coughing and sneezing part but my voice still isn't back all of the way. It's better (I literally couldn't speak louder than a whisper last week) but it's still sounds hoarse. It's aggravating the hell out of me, especially because I can't sing! Well, I can't sing anyway but you know what I mean(and of course it's aggravating for more reasons than that).

Thankfully, the rest of the fam seems to be on the mend (Emily only got a touch of it, Ryun got it while we were gone and is doing better, Katherine was basically better before we even left and Julia, although still coughing on occasion, is in much better spirits).

I've decided to blame it on my father because, you know, why the hell not? No seriously, a few weeks back he had a cold, and lost his voice completely for over a week, maybe even more.

Anyway, enough complaining. I'm going to bed.

Night y'all.

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