...has figured out how to climb a whole flight of stairs!
How did we figure this out you may ask?
Well, it became pretty evident when we found her at the top of the stairs making her way in to her bedroom. Umm, yeah.
Figuring out how to climb my stairs is pretty impressive if you ask me. Anyone who has ever been here knows how steep they are.
She has been doing very well lately. She is standing up all of the time now, and when we go to put her down after holding her in our arms, she, rather than going in to a sitting position like she used to, goes in to a standing position. She hasn't taken any more steps since that one she took at PT a couple of weeks ago but, she was so sick last week that this isn't a big surprise. Motivation to do anything was lacking, let alone try and walk.
I do have to say, it's nice to have my Julia back. She was so miserable last week. She's smiling and laughing and being her all around cute self now which is nice.
If you ask Julia if she wants a snack, she makes a beeline right to the cabinet where we keep such things as cookies, crackers, and snacks in general. It's kind of funny. The picky-eater phase she seems to be going through...not so funny. I used to be able to cook dinner and serve her whatever we were having. Now, she throws the food off of the tray and pitches a fit. I am beginning to wonder if the sensory thing might be coming back in to play as it seems like she will only eat soft foods such as yogurt, applesauce, or bananas. It's been going on for the better part of a month now. If it continues much longer, I may mention it to EI and/or her pediatrician.
Julia loves being read to. She also tries to read to herself. No seriously it's so cute. She picks up a book, opens to a random page and starts babbling away, like she knows exactly what the words say. Sometimes, she even laughs out loud at what she has said.
So there you have it. A much needed Julia update!
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