Wednesday, February 8, 2006


On March 4 I am attending the Annual Federation For Children With Special Needs Conference. This year's conference theme is Visions Of Community and the workshops all sound interesting.

You have a choice of three different workshops and the ones I have picked are: The Development Of Literacy Skills-Preschool To Third Grade Consideration For The Child With Special Needs, What Is A 504 Plan?, and Media Literacy 101: How To Use TV As An Educational Tool.

All three of these workshops are of particular interest to me and here's why.

The Literacy workshop is something I would be interested in anyway (I have always felt Reading/English/Literacy were the most important academic skills that are taught in a classroom) but, I am beginning to have some concerns regarding Katherine's literacy skills. Most of my concern is due to the fact that she just doesn't seem interested in reading or learning to read. She gives up way too easily in my opinion (when for example, trying to sound out a word and she is having difficulty with it). We have been practicing her sight words now for weeks and she is still having a bit of difficulty. Of course, I do have to stop remembering how much Emily enjoyed (and still does) reading and how advanced she has always been in that area. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Regardless, the workshop seems like a good choice for me, and should give me some ideas of different things I can do to encourage Katherine.

The 504 plan workshop is of interest because Emily is on a 504 and, even though I feel like I have a very good grip on what it all entails, it certainly can't help to learn more or reinforce what I already know.

Most of you know that I am known around these parts as the "TV NAZI." My kids do not watch anything that doesn't meet the "Mama" standards. Most of my concerns in regard to tv are related to the sex and violence, and not so much the language, but, in a nutshell, unless I approve, you don't watch it. So, it should be fairly obvious why I am chosing the Media workshop.

The conference costs $55.00, is in Boston and does include lunch. There will also be bus transportation from Brockton which I plan on utilizing so that I don't have to drive in myself.

I am looking forward to it.

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