Sunday, February 5, 2006

Katherine Is Better

Katherine is fine. Her sugar was low, which can cause naseau and vomiting. I had her take it easy food-wise for the rest of the day just in case she was actually coming down with something, but she was fine, not acting even remotely sick at all, so she had a normal dinner.

My sisters and I went to visit the new baby(who's name is Connor Steven BTW). He is in special care, just because he was having a little trouble regulating his blood sugar, but other than that he was doing fine. he weighed in at 5 lbs, 10 0z and was 18 1/2 inches long.

After that we went to dinner but it was too late to make the movie so we just came home.

We are heading over to Pete and Marie's for brunch this morning so I won't be back until sometime later.


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