Thursday, February 16, 2006

I think my kids...

...may have been trying to do me in today.

Here's why.

Julia, who has quite the throwing arm, decided to, just as I was walking through her line of fire, whip a wooden block, which hit me square in the kneecap.

Katherine, for some reason, thought it would be fun to get a running start, and jump on my lap, almost tipping the chair I was sitting in over.

Finally, Emily decided that it would be a good idea to leave her sneakers in the middle of the kitchen floor. I was holding Julia, which basically meant that I couldn't really see over her to the floor in front of me. Surely, you know where this is going. I managed to catch myself on the counter before Julia and I fell full on, but I think I pulled something in my leg in the process.

Yeah, so I am not sure what they are trying to tell me.

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