I talked to Julia's doctor again. She is also going to schedule the EEG, just to make sure there was nothing going on with those random "wake up in the middle of the night and freak out" things that were going on a few weeks back. Because the MRI and EEG will both require sedation, she is going to try her best to schedule them on the same day, thereby only needing the sedation once. I should be finding out in a week or so as to when that appointment is.
So I was thinking about how completely awesome it is that Julia's results came back negative. Awesome just because she doesn't have it, but also awesome because it means so much more than that. It means that Ryun and I more than likely did not pass this down to Emily. It means that Emily was a random genetic occurence. It means that if Julia doesn't have it, most likely, Katherine doesn't either.
And you know, if I had to choose any one of my children to have it (not that I would ever wish this or want this for anyone, especially one of my kids) I would chose Emily. Why? Simply because Emily is not going to let anything stand in her way. No matter what her future holds, Emily is going to meet every challenge that comes her way, head on...and she will overcome. It's just the way she is.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
The next step is to have an MRI to figure out the whole "big head" thing, so Dr. B is sending over a referral for that, and we will probably schedule it for sometime in the next week or two.
YAY for something medical finally going right!
The next step is to have an MRI to figure out the whole "big head" thing, so Dr. B is sending over a referral for that, and we will probably schedule it for sometime in the next week or two.
YAY for something medical finally going right!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Sorta, Kinda, Not Really...
...freaking out about tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day that I will (more than likely) find out the results of Julia's genetic testing for Tuberous Sclerosis.
Someone asked me today how I felt about it (did I feel like the doc was going to say she had it or not, you know my gut feeling). Unfortunately, my gut is telling me yes (even if my mind keeps saying no). I think "my gut" is basing it's feeling on the past year and eight months. Virtually every medical thing that has had the option of going one way (the good way) or the other (the bad way) has gone the other. So, you know, why would this time be any different?
As for my mind, I am pretty sure it keeps saying "no" because it's aware of how emotionally devastating/depressing it would be for me to find out that we have not one but two children (and if we have two, more than likely we have three) with this horrible disease. Honestly, it's not due to optimism...at this point and at the rate medically related crap has been going, optimism has pretty much flown the coop). I have said a number of times that I might actually "die" if we found out that Julia had it. Of course, this is an exaggeration, but honestly, that is how intense the feelings are.
Part of me can't wait for tomorrow to come.
And another small part of me wishes it never would.
Someone asked me today how I felt about it (did I feel like the doc was going to say she had it or not, you know my gut feeling). Unfortunately, my gut is telling me yes (even if my mind keeps saying no). I think "my gut" is basing it's feeling on the past year and eight months. Virtually every medical thing that has had the option of going one way (the good way) or the other (the bad way) has gone the other. So, you know, why would this time be any different?
As for my mind, I am pretty sure it keeps saying "no" because it's aware of how emotionally devastating/depressing it would be for me to find out that we have not one but two children (and if we have two, more than likely we have three) with this horrible disease. Honestly, it's not due to optimism...at this point and at the rate medically related crap has been going, optimism has pretty much flown the coop). I have said a number of times that I might actually "die" if we found out that Julia had it. Of course, this is an exaggeration, but honestly, that is how intense the feelings are.
Part of me can't wait for tomorrow to come.
And another small part of me wishes it never would.
No not you, my cold. I think that 1 week and a few days is long enough, don't you?
Mostly, I am done with the coughing and sneezing part but my voice still isn't back all of the way. It's better (I literally couldn't speak louder than a whisper last week) but it's still sounds hoarse. It's aggravating the hell out of me, especially because I can't sing! Well, I can't sing anyway but you know what I mean(and of course it's aggravating for more reasons than that).
Thankfully, the rest of the fam seems to be on the mend (Emily only got a touch of it, Ryun got it while we were gone and is doing better, Katherine was basically better before we even left and Julia, although still coughing on occasion, is in much better spirits).
I've decided to blame it on my father because, you know, why the hell not? No seriously, a few weeks back he had a cold, and lost his voice completely for over a week, maybe even more.
Anyway, enough complaining. I'm going to bed.
Night y'all.
Mostly, I am done with the coughing and sneezing part but my voice still isn't back all of the way. It's better (I literally couldn't speak louder than a whisper last week) but it's still sounds hoarse. It's aggravating the hell out of me, especially because I can't sing! Well, I can't sing anyway but you know what I mean(and of course it's aggravating for more reasons than that).
Thankfully, the rest of the fam seems to be on the mend (Emily only got a touch of it, Ryun got it while we were gone and is doing better, Katherine was basically better before we even left and Julia, although still coughing on occasion, is in much better spirits).
I've decided to blame it on my father because, you know, why the hell not? No seriously, a few weeks back he had a cold, and lost his voice completely for over a week, maybe even more.
Anyway, enough complaining. I'm going to bed.
Night y'all.
How Annoying
I decided to call and find out if the results for Julia's TS testing were in.
They are.
But the doctor won't be in until tomorrow so I have to wait until then to find out what the results are.
How annoying/aggravating is that?!?!?
I have waited patiently for two months so one more day shouldn't be too bad I guess. It's just the knowing that the results are on her desk in her office in Brockton that is absolutely killing me.
They are.
But the doctor won't be in until tomorrow so I have to wait until then to find out what the results are.
How annoying/aggravating is that?!?!?
I have waited patiently for two months so one more day shouldn't be too bad I guess. It's just the knowing that the results are on her desk in her office in Brockton that is absolutely killing me.
...has figured out how to climb a whole flight of stairs!
How did we figure this out you may ask?
Well, it became pretty evident when we found her at the top of the stairs making her way in to her bedroom. Umm, yeah.
Figuring out how to climb my stairs is pretty impressive if you ask me. Anyone who has ever been here knows how steep they are.
She has been doing very well lately. She is standing up all of the time now, and when we go to put her down after holding her in our arms, she, rather than going in to a sitting position like she used to, goes in to a standing position. She hasn't taken any more steps since that one she took at PT a couple of weeks ago but, she was so sick last week that this isn't a big surprise. Motivation to do anything was lacking, let alone try and walk.
I do have to say, it's nice to have my Julia back. She was so miserable last week. She's smiling and laughing and being her all around cute self now which is nice.
If you ask Julia if she wants a snack, she makes a beeline right to the cabinet where we keep such things as cookies, crackers, and snacks in general. It's kind of funny. The picky-eater phase she seems to be going through...not so funny. I used to be able to cook dinner and serve her whatever we were having. Now, she throws the food off of the tray and pitches a fit. I am beginning to wonder if the sensory thing might be coming back in to play as it seems like she will only eat soft foods such as yogurt, applesauce, or bananas. It's been going on for the better part of a month now. If it continues much longer, I may mention it to EI and/or her pediatrician.
Julia loves being read to. She also tries to read to herself. No seriously it's so cute. She picks up a book, opens to a random page and starts babbling away, like she knows exactly what the words say. Sometimes, she even laughs out loud at what she has said.
So there you have it. A much needed Julia update!
How did we figure this out you may ask?
Well, it became pretty evident when we found her at the top of the stairs making her way in to her bedroom. Umm, yeah.
Figuring out how to climb my stairs is pretty impressive if you ask me. Anyone who has ever been here knows how steep they are.
She has been doing very well lately. She is standing up all of the time now, and when we go to put her down after holding her in our arms, she, rather than going in to a sitting position like she used to, goes in to a standing position. She hasn't taken any more steps since that one she took at PT a couple of weeks ago but, she was so sick last week that this isn't a big surprise. Motivation to do anything was lacking, let alone try and walk.
I do have to say, it's nice to have my Julia back. She was so miserable last week. She's smiling and laughing and being her all around cute self now which is nice.
If you ask Julia if she wants a snack, she makes a beeline right to the cabinet where we keep such things as cookies, crackers, and snacks in general. It's kind of funny. The picky-eater phase she seems to be going through...not so funny. I used to be able to cook dinner and serve her whatever we were having. Now, she throws the food off of the tray and pitches a fit. I am beginning to wonder if the sensory thing might be coming back in to play as it seems like she will only eat soft foods such as yogurt, applesauce, or bananas. It's been going on for the better part of a month now. If it continues much longer, I may mention it to EI and/or her pediatrician.
Julia loves being read to. She also tries to read to herself. No seriously it's so cute. She picks up a book, opens to a random page and starts babbling away, like she knows exactly what the words say. Sometimes, she even laughs out loud at what she has said.
So there you have it. A much needed Julia update!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
So, I was thinking.
This weekend, I had 7 kids at my house. Yes 7 kids, ranging in age from 14 years - 19 months.
There was laughing and crying, playing and yelling, chaos and calm.
There were 10 people seated at the dinner table and a handful of people sacked out on the livingroom floor.
There were kids in the yard, kids in the house, kids in the playroom, kids in every bedroom.
At times, the kitchen was a disaster.
Most of the time, the livingroom looked like a hurricane had blown through.
Toys and pieces of toys had taken over the house.
The game system got more play time than it has in the entire time we have had it.
The tv was on more than it wasn't.
The computer was on overtime.
Early this afternoon, my company left...and I was sad.
Suddenly, I realized that I liked the craziness.
I liked cooking for a large group.
I liked listening to the laughter and the crying and the playing and the yelling and the chaos and the calm.
I liked tripping over sleeping bags filled with warm, sleeping children, in an attempt to go upstairs to get the crying baby.
I liked the blare of the tv and the steady hum of the computer working.
I liked hearing a child screaming, running in to find out what had happened, only to find out that it was someone on the video game screaming and not a "real" person.
Today, I realized that yes, for all of those who have ever asked, if I could ever convince Ryun (which I know I won't and will not ever even attempt to do), I would probably have a whole brood!
This weekend, I had 7 kids at my house. Yes 7 kids, ranging in age from 14 years - 19 months.
There was laughing and crying, playing and yelling, chaos and calm.
There were 10 people seated at the dinner table and a handful of people sacked out on the livingroom floor.
There were kids in the yard, kids in the house, kids in the playroom, kids in every bedroom.
At times, the kitchen was a disaster.
Most of the time, the livingroom looked like a hurricane had blown through.
Toys and pieces of toys had taken over the house.
The game system got more play time than it has in the entire time we have had it.
The tv was on more than it wasn't.
The computer was on overtime.
Early this afternoon, my company left...and I was sad.
Suddenly, I realized that I liked the craziness.
I liked cooking for a large group.
I liked listening to the laughter and the crying and the playing and the yelling and the chaos and the calm.
I liked tripping over sleeping bags filled with warm, sleeping children, in an attempt to go upstairs to get the crying baby.
I liked the blare of the tv and the steady hum of the computer working.
I liked hearing a child screaming, running in to find out what had happened, only to find out that it was someone on the video game screaming and not a "real" person.
Today, I realized that yes, for all of those who have ever asked, if I could ever convince Ryun (which I know I won't and will not ever even attempt to do), I would probably have a whole brood!
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Photo-story because, hello, this is me!

Emily, enjoying the indoor pool...

...and the in-room whirlpool bathtub.

Katherine, taking in a little tv...

...and posing at the pool.

Poor Julia spent most of her time sleeping...



...can see.

One of the few times she smiled all week. The poor kid was so sick!

Yes, that would be my oh so cute nephew Jack, who spent a couple of days with us earlier in the week.


You can tell how sick Julia was in this picture. She looks miserable!

This one is of Emily and Katherine posing on the bench swing at the pool.
All in all, despite Julia being sick and my having absolutely no voice (and I mean no voice...I whispered for two days!), it was a good week. Emily and Katherien loved the pool, and they even had a little kiddie size pool for the younger children (Julia's age or so) that Julia, in the few brief times that she actually was awake, loved.
So, yeah it was fun.

Emily, enjoying the indoor pool...

...and the in-room whirlpool bathtub.

Katherine, taking in a little tv...

...and posing at the pool.

Poor Julia spent most of her time sleeping...



...can see.

One of the few times she smiled all week. The poor kid was so sick!

Yes, that would be my oh so cute nephew Jack, who spent a couple of days with us earlier in the week.


You can tell how sick Julia was in this picture. She looks miserable!

This one is of Emily and Katherine posing on the bench swing at the pool.
All in all, despite Julia being sick and my having absolutely no voice (and I mean no voice...I whispered for two days!), it was a good week. Emily and Katherien loved the pool, and they even had a little kiddie size pool for the younger children (Julia's age or so) that Julia, in the few brief times that she actually was awake, loved.
So, yeah it was fun.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Still Sick And Slacking!
Julia's fever came back, with a vengeance. It was up higher than it was before by a few degrees and the poor kid is just miserable. She's started with the runny nose so I am sure the cold from hell will follow in short time.
Katherine spent the day on the couch, unless she needed to go to the bathroom or eat. By day's end though, and after three full doses of Amoxycillin, she appeared to be on the mend.
Ryun and Emily are still fine...no signs of impending doom for them.
Yeah, I am trying to convince myself that I feel fine, sound worse than I am etc. It's not working. I feel like crap.
I have to get my ass in gear tomorrow, regardless. I haven't packed a damn thing and I need to clean my house.
Despite my feeling like a complete and totally useless member of society today, I have managed to catch up on all of the laundry which is nice. It should make packing one helluva lot easier too.
So that's it. I am hoping to pop back on before we head out Tuesday, but, it all depends on how quickly and successfully I complete everything I need to.
If time does now allow for another update, I will not be back online until sometime Friday.
Y'all have a great week!
Katherine spent the day on the couch, unless she needed to go to the bathroom or eat. By day's end though, and after three full doses of Amoxycillin, she appeared to be on the mend.
Ryun and Emily are still fine...no signs of impending doom for them.
Yeah, I am trying to convince myself that I feel fine, sound worse than I am etc. It's not working. I feel like crap.
I have to get my ass in gear tomorrow, regardless. I haven't packed a damn thing and I need to clean my house.
Despite my feeling like a complete and totally useless member of society today, I have managed to catch up on all of the laundry which is nice. It should make packing one helluva lot easier too.
So that's it. I am hoping to pop back on before we head out Tuesday, but, it all depends on how quickly and successfully I complete everything I need to.
If time does now allow for another update, I will not be back online until sometime Friday.
Y'all have a great week!
Answer And New?
If I could pay someone to do one household chore I would pick...yup, you guessed it, laundry!
New question: What is the strongest opinion you hold?
New question: What is the strongest opinion you hold?
Call It Mother's Intuition
Ear infection confirmed. Dr. B wasn't on, so we saw Dr. W instead. We re-scheduled her appointment for this coming Tuesday out until next Tuesday, at which point Dr. W said we should discuss the possibility of tubes.
So yeah, fun.
Motrin has taken care of Julia's fever for now, but she has a runny nose and a slight cough now as well. So far, Emily is the only one not sick (well, Ryun is ok...still just feels like something is coming and hasn't arrived).
We were supposed to be getting together with Suz and the fam (she is here for the weekend) but we decided against it as we didn't want to get Jack sick.
So, we're gonna sit around here and be bums (except for Ryun who will be fixing the brakes on my car) because, it's not like I have fifty thousand things to do before we go on vacation or anything.
So yeah, fun.
Motrin has taken care of Julia's fever for now, but she has a runny nose and a slight cough now as well. So far, Emily is the only one not sick (well, Ryun is ok...still just feels like something is coming and hasn't arrived).
We were supposed to be getting together with Suz and the fam (she is here for the weekend) but we decided against it as we didn't want to get Jack sick.
So, we're gonna sit around here and be bums (except for Ryun who will be fixing the brakes on my car) because, it's not like I have fifty thousand things to do before we go on vacation or anything.
Katherine has an ear infection(well, we haven't gone to the doctor yet but I will be calling in a few and I know when we get there he is going to say she has one). We were supposed to go to the doctor on Tuesday morning for Dr. B to check the fluid in her ears (Katherine has some serious drainage problems...whenever she gets a cold, which basically, the poor kid has a cold from December-March, she always ends up with either an infection or fluid in her ears). When we went for her well-check in January, he wanted to see her in a month to check her ears again. Now that she has another infection (or at the very least fluid) I have a feeling he may start talking about doing something more permanent to fix the problem. She seems kind of old to have tubes put in, but I don't know what else they could do.
Also, Julia has a fever of 101.4.
And I have no voice.
Life is grand, yo.
*UPDATE* I was feeling bad because I was going to have to call a doctor in on a Sunday, to look at her ears, tell me what I already know, and call a prescription in. So, I called the answering service to find out who was on call (hoping that it was Dr. B or his son, in which case I wouldn't feel too bad because Dr. B knows me well(he was my pediatrician afterall)and he would know I would never call unless I had to), and I found out that they have office hours on Sunday. Isn't that awesome? I was very impressed!
Also, Julia has a fever of 101.4.
And I have no voice.
Life is grand, yo.
*UPDATE* I was feeling bad because I was going to have to call a doctor in on a Sunday, to look at her ears, tell me what I already know, and call a prescription in. So, I called the answering service to find out who was on call (hoping that it was Dr. B or his son, in which case I wouldn't feel too bad because Dr. B knows me well(he was my pediatrician afterall)and he would know I would never call unless I had to), and I found out that they have office hours on Sunday. Isn't that awesome? I was very impressed!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Boston Kids Expo!

The view from the bridge on the way to the Seaport World Trade Center.

Katherine and Mr. Peacock The Mime.

Katherine, chillin' on a hammock while Emily plays...

...laser tag.

Emily posing with Lil' Iguana.

Katherine with her favorite character of all time, Elmo!

Emily, posing with an alligator!

Katherine's turn!

Emily the firefighter!

Katherine the firefighter!
And, after a long day with Aunty...

...Julia, passed out on the living room rug!
Friday, February 17, 2006
Katherine has a cold. Emily has started coughing. Julia's grumpy. Ryun has felt a cold coming on for weeks. It's that time of month, which means I have a cold too. It's a pretty bad one this time around, and, I am pretty sure I would have gotten it regardless of the timing just because everyone else in the house has/had/or is getting one.
Oh what fun!
Of course, this comes right at the time we are supposed to:
Go to the Boston Kids Expo.
Go on vacation here.
We are still going to go to both things (well if we are really, really feeling like ass, we'll skip the expo, but we are definitely going on vacation regardless).
Oh what fun!
Of course, this comes right at the time we are supposed to:
Go to the Boston Kids Expo.
Go on vacation here.
We are still going to go to both things (well if we are really, really feeling like ass, we'll skip the expo, but we are definitely going on vacation regardless).
Thursday, February 16, 2006
I think my kids...
...may have been trying to do me in today.
Here's why.
Julia, who has quite the throwing arm, decided to, just as I was walking through her line of fire, whip a wooden block, which hit me square in the kneecap.
Katherine, for some reason, thought it would be fun to get a running start, and jump on my lap, almost tipping the chair I was sitting in over.
Finally, Emily decided that it would be a good idea to leave her sneakers in the middle of the kitchen floor. I was holding Julia, which basically meant that I couldn't really see over her to the floor in front of me. Surely, you know where this is going. I managed to catch myself on the counter before Julia and I fell full on, but I think I pulled something in my leg in the process.
Yeah, so I am not sure what they are trying to tell me.
Here's why.
Julia, who has quite the throwing arm, decided to, just as I was walking through her line of fire, whip a wooden block, which hit me square in the kneecap.
Katherine, for some reason, thought it would be fun to get a running start, and jump on my lap, almost tipping the chair I was sitting in over.
Finally, Emily decided that it would be a good idea to leave her sneakers in the middle of the kitchen floor. I was holding Julia, which basically meant that I couldn't really see over her to the floor in front of me. Surely, you know where this is going. I managed to catch myself on the counter before Julia and I fell full on, but I think I pulled something in my leg in the process.
Yeah, so I am not sure what they are trying to tell me.
"Wicked Awesome" News
Julia took two steps today...completely un-aided!
She also said the word "Aunty" which should make my sisters very happy!
She has also, within the past week or so started stringing two words together (for example "Hi Mimi" or "Mama Dada").
She really is making all kinds of progress and I couldn't be happier!
She also said the word "Aunty" which should make my sisters very happy!
She has also, within the past week or so started stringing two words together (for example "Hi Mimi" or "Mama Dada").
She really is making all kinds of progress and I couldn't be happier!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Answer And New?
If I could have my birthday (which is October 4 BTW!) during any month of the year I would probably pick July or August. I was always jealous of my sister who's birthday is in July. Her birthday always consisted of a pool party or a cookout.
New Question: If you could pay someone to do any one chore in your house, which chore would you pick?
I think y'all know my answer to that question but hey, I thought I would ask it anyway!
New Question: If you could pay someone to do any one chore in your house, which chore would you pick?
I think y'all know my answer to that question but hey, I thought I would ask it anyway!
Emily's Girl Scout Ceremony

Emily's Girl Scout meeting tonight was a ceremony of sorts, actually what they call a re-dedication ceremony in which the girls re-dedicate themselves to being a Girl Scout.
Emily received a few badges to add to her already impressive collection, as well as the following letter:
Dear Emily,
I was so happy to hear from your leaders about your recent community service projects. I understand that you donated food to the local Council On Aging food drive. I am sure that you heard that our country is facing a hunger crisis and many, many people go to sleep nightly with empty stomachs. Your help at the Council On Aging Food Drive, as well as your food donations, have really helped to address the issue of hunger in your community. I also heard that you donated scarves that you made and picked the names of two sisters and donated an outfit to each of them for Christmas. In addition, I understand that you just packed items to be sent to the troops in Iraq, along with donated packages of Girl Scout Cookies from your direct sells. Part of your cookie profits will be going to a local charity as well. You have been a busy, busy, Girl Scout. Not only have you helped the people of Middleboro, you have helped contribute to the good name of Girl Scouting. On behalf of all of us here at the Girl Scout Council OF Southeastern Massachusetts, I am sending you a "Making Community Ties" certificate as our way of letting you know how pleased and proud of you we all are. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed. I look forward to hearing about more community service projects from your troop in the future! Kudos to you for a job well done!
Isn't that nice? Her troop is very active in the community and I think it's wonderful!
I'm Here...
...just busy. I had laundry to fold and put away, dishes to stack in the dishwasher, a kitchen to clean and a toddler to take care of. Chores are done and said toddler is napping so here I am.
I still have a lot to get done (mostly PTA related things) but I always feel weird if I don't update, at least once a day.
Emily and Katherine have a half day of school today. I know they are going to want to go out and play in the snow but I am a little unsure as to how to dress them. Normally, they would be in snow pants, a heavy winter coat, boots, hat, scarf, and gloves. It's 50 degrees here today and while the snow is melting,there was enough of it that there is still a fairly good amount to play in. They have to wear their snow pants, lest they get soaked, and gloves are a must for picking up and sledding in the snow. Maybe I will just put them in their spring coats and skip a hat?
Emily has Scouts at 4:30. Ryun might be working late so I will probably end up picking her up too, which is slightly inconvenient (she's there until 6, by the time we get home, in the door and settled it will be 6:30 which means we won't be eating until after 7, which is kind of late). Usually, I drop her off and Ryun picks her up. Ryun working means overtime though and overtime is a good thing.
My car was supposed to go to the mechanic tomorrow to get new shocks, but because we have about a zillion things to do, it has been rescheduled. Ryun is going to do the brakes this weekend (there is a vibration in the steering wheel and pedal when I step
on the brake which Ryun says means it needs new rotors and pads).
Cars suck.
I still have a lot to get done (mostly PTA related things) but I always feel weird if I don't update, at least once a day.
Emily and Katherine have a half day of school today. I know they are going to want to go out and play in the snow but I am a little unsure as to how to dress them. Normally, they would be in snow pants, a heavy winter coat, boots, hat, scarf, and gloves. It's 50 degrees here today and while the snow is melting,there was enough of it that there is still a fairly good amount to play in. They have to wear their snow pants, lest they get soaked, and gloves are a must for picking up and sledding in the snow. Maybe I will just put them in their spring coats and skip a hat?
Emily has Scouts at 4:30. Ryun might be working late so I will probably end up picking her up too, which is slightly inconvenient (she's there until 6, by the time we get home, in the door and settled it will be 6:30 which means we won't be eating until after 7, which is kind of late). Usually, I drop her off and Ryun picks her up. Ryun working means overtime though and overtime is a good thing.
My car was supposed to go to the mechanic tomorrow to get new shocks, but because we have about a zillion things to do, it has been rescheduled. Ryun is going to do the brakes this weekend (there is a vibration in the steering wheel and pedal when I step
on the brake which Ryun says means it needs new rotors and pads).
Cars suck.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Love Defined...Acid Style
As my final post on this Valentine's Day, may I point you in the direction of this fine entry.
Acidman's definition of true love.
I'll be damned if he didn't hit the nail on the head!
Acidman's definition of true love.
I'll be damned if he didn't hit the nail on the head!
It's official!
I have joined the Middleboro MOMS Club!
I have thought about doing this at least a million times. I don't know what stopped me really but I think that it was a combination of me bing shy (yeah I know, right?) and me not wanting to answer "the questions" that always seem to come up when someone discovers that Julia can't walk yet. I know people are just trying to help or offer support but sometimes, even with the best of intentions, it's just hard. It's also difficult sometimes for me to see say, a 14 month old child running.
Anyway, I decided to bite the bullet and join. It will be nice to meet other Mom's from Middleboro and it will be nice for Julia to make a few friends.
It seems like from the package I received in the mail that the group has weekly activities (playgroups, field trips etc), a monthly business meeting, and a monthly Moms Night Out. They also have an active Yahoo group where people post about the upcoming activities, share ideas, or ask questions.
I think joining will be a good thing!
I have thought about doing this at least a million times. I don't know what stopped me really but I think that it was a combination of me bing shy (yeah I know, right?) and me not wanting to answer "the questions" that always seem to come up when someone discovers that Julia can't walk yet. I know people are just trying to help or offer support but sometimes, even with the best of intentions, it's just hard. It's also difficult sometimes for me to see say, a 14 month old child running.
Anyway, I decided to bite the bullet and join. It will be nice to meet other Mom's from Middleboro and it will be nice for Julia to make a few friends.
It seems like from the package I received in the mail that the group has weekly activities (playgroups, field trips etc), a monthly business meeting, and a monthly Moms Night Out. They also have an active Yahoo group where people post about the upcoming activities, share ideas, or ask questions.
I think joining will be a good thing!
Happy HallmarkValentine's Day
As is probably evident by this entry's title, I don't really buy too much in to this so called holiday.
I do however, make it a big deal, for the kids sake. It certainly doesn't hurt to remind everyone you love that you do, and given the nature of the day, it's seems like an appropriate time to remind them.
So, in anticipation of that, I put together little gift bags for Emily, Katherine and Julia. I gave Emily and Katherine a couple of mini erasers shaped like hearts, a little stamp to use with their arts and crafts things, and of course, some candy. Julia got a box of Sweethearts, which BTW, she absolutely loves.
I made the cake I mentioned in a previous entry, and will be decorating the table tonight with Valentine's papergoods, and throwing Sweethearts all over the tablecloth to serve as decorations. The kids always get so excited about things like this (I do the same thing for St. Patricks Day and birthdays etc) and they love it.
So for them, and the reaction they have, it's so worth spending the few extra dollars on gifts and papergoods.
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day!
I do however, make it a big deal, for the kids sake. It certainly doesn't hurt to remind everyone you love that you do, and given the nature of the day, it's seems like an appropriate time to remind them.
So, in anticipation of that, I put together little gift bags for Emily, Katherine and Julia. I gave Emily and Katherine a couple of mini erasers shaped like hearts, a little stamp to use with their arts and crafts things, and of course, some candy. Julia got a box of Sweethearts, which BTW, she absolutely loves.
I made the cake I mentioned in a previous entry, and will be decorating the table tonight with Valentine's papergoods, and throwing Sweethearts all over the tablecloth to serve as decorations. The kids always get so excited about things like this (I do the same thing for St. Patricks Day and birthdays etc) and they love it.
So for them, and the reaction they have, it's so worth spending the few extra dollars on gifts and papergoods.
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Snow And Cake
Snow Update
Julia still hates it. I put her down, she cried. I picked her up, she cried. I put her in the sled, she cried. So, we came in and left Emily and Katherine out there to play. I keep looking out there every few minutes and they are having a great time!
Back later...
Back later...
Emily and Katherine have no school today due to the storm yesterday. I of course have about a million things to do so I made a deal with them: give me the morning and I'll give them the afternoon! We plan to go outside and play, as well as make some sugar cookies for Valentine's Day. They are very excited about both things.
Julia was supposed to have PT at Health South today but I called to cancel. I had to bring Katherine with me a few weeks back when she was home sick and not only did Julia pay more attention to her sister than to what was going on with PT, but I had to speak to Katherine a million times about not touching this that or the other thing. I figure with both Emily and Katherine in tow, Julia will more than likely ignore the physical therapist! So, it seemed like a waste to even bother. We will resume Health South next week, and she has PT on Thursday through Early Intervention so I don't feel too guilty.
Monday Morning Scrapping was cancelled too. Tracey had a doctor's appointment and with the kids home, I just decided to stay here rather than bring them over to Kelly's (which she did say we could do). This way, I can get my things done this morning, and hang with the kids all afternoon. It works.
Plans for this evening include my sister Heather coming over to eat dinner and watch a movie. Ryun may or may not be going to Monday night poker.
So that's it. I will be taking pics of the kids in the snow (I am anxious to see what Julia thinks...last year she hated it) so I may be back later to post them.
Julia was supposed to have PT at Health South today but I called to cancel. I had to bring Katherine with me a few weeks back when she was home sick and not only did Julia pay more attention to her sister than to what was going on with PT, but I had to speak to Katherine a million times about not touching this that or the other thing. I figure with both Emily and Katherine in tow, Julia will more than likely ignore the physical therapist! So, it seemed like a waste to even bother. We will resume Health South next week, and she has PT on Thursday through Early Intervention so I don't feel too guilty.
Monday Morning Scrapping was cancelled too. Tracey had a doctor's appointment and with the kids home, I just decided to stay here rather than bring them over to Kelly's (which she did say we could do). This way, I can get my things done this morning, and hang with the kids all afternoon. It works.
Plans for this evening include my sister Heather coming over to eat dinner and watch a movie. Ryun may or may not be going to Monday night poker.
So that's it. I will be taking pics of the kids in the snow (I am anxious to see what Julia thinks...last year she hated it) so I may be back later to post them.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Dad And His Girls...Take 2
Valentine Activity: With Pictures!
Taking advantage of being stuck in the house (we're having a blizzard here) Emily, Katherine and I worked on their Valentine's cards for school.
Being a fan of all things homemade, I decided to try something different this year. We made our cards.
Here's what we did.
I took a playing card, and used it as a guide to cut cards out of cardstock paper. Then, Emily and I drew "A's" on the top left and bottom right corners of each cards I had cut out. Using Word, I printed out a bunch of little pieces of paper that read, "Valentine, you're an ace in my book." The girls glued these on to the front of the cards, decorated them with Valentine's stickers, and signed their name on the back.
Here's a picture of one of Emily's completed cards:

After we made a handful of those, we went on to the next project. Earlier in the week, I had cut out a bunch of folded hearts. I printed out 6 inch rulers and cut everything down to size. I printed out a bunch of pieces of paper that read, "Valentine, you rule!" The girls put the rulers inside the fold of the heart, taped them on, and then stuck the little saying on the front of the heart. They wrote their names on the back and again used stickers to embellish.
Here is a picture of one of Katherine's completed hearts.

I am creative, but these ideas weren't entirely my own...gotta give credit where credit is due, you know?
I stole these ideas (and added a little of my own creativity)from, of course, Family Fun Magazine.
Being a fan of all things homemade, I decided to try something different this year. We made our cards.
Here's what we did.
I took a playing card, and used it as a guide to cut cards out of cardstock paper. Then, Emily and I drew "A's" on the top left and bottom right corners of each cards I had cut out. Using Word, I printed out a bunch of little pieces of paper that read, "Valentine, you're an ace in my book." The girls glued these on to the front of the cards, decorated them with Valentine's stickers, and signed their name on the back.
Here's a picture of one of Emily's completed cards:

After we made a handful of those, we went on to the next project. Earlier in the week, I had cut out a bunch of folded hearts. I printed out 6 inch rulers and cut everything down to size. I printed out a bunch of pieces of paper that read, "Valentine, you rule!" The girls put the rulers inside the fold of the heart, taped them on, and then stuck the little saying on the front of the heart. They wrote their names on the back and again used stickers to embellish.
Here is a picture of one of Katherine's completed hearts.

I am creative, but these ideas weren't entirely my own...gotta give credit where credit is due, you know?
I stole these ideas (and added a little of my own creativity)from, of course, Family Fun Magazine.
Saturday, February 11, 2006

This picture was taken last night at the kindergartten family dance. It's not the best picture ever taken of Ryun, but my kids look pretty darn cute huh? I don't think we have a picture with Daddy and his girls (all at the same time) so I was happy to get this one.
The dance was fun. Can I tell you how cute it is to watch a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds do the Macarena and Cotton Eyed Joe? Very cute. Katherine had a great time with her friends and Emily, even though she said she "didn't want to dance with a bunch of little kids," because, you know she's so much older) had fun too. Julia even took part, standing with me holding her hands, bouncing up and down.
I ran in to a few parents I knew, including some PTA members so it was fun.
Anyway, I have about a million things to do so I will be back later, maybe.
Friday, February 10, 2006
I have been meaning to blog about the PTA meeting the other night. It's probably nothing exciting to anyone who doesn't live in Middleboro but that's okay.
Anyway, every time I go to a meeting, I learn something about either the town, the school system or the PTA itself that makes me so happy to live in this town. Wednesday night I learned that every year, the PTA sponsors $5000 worth of mini grants for the teachers in the elementary school. The mini-grants are $150 each and are on a first come first serve basis I think (not exactly sure how it works as far as who gets one and who doesn't) but either way I was impressed. The teachers use the grant money to purchase things for their classrooms, which obviously enhances the learning experience for the children.
I also got all of the information I need to run the food committee. Basically, I am going around to local businesses to get donations and setting up a schedule for the day of the event. On the day of the event, I will be picking up the donations and whatnot.
I already have calls/emails out to most of the people on my committee so I think I am in good shape!
Anyway, every time I go to a meeting, I learn something about either the town, the school system or the PTA itself that makes me so happy to live in this town. Wednesday night I learned that every year, the PTA sponsors $5000 worth of mini grants for the teachers in the elementary school. The mini-grants are $150 each and are on a first come first serve basis I think (not exactly sure how it works as far as who gets one and who doesn't) but either way I was impressed. The teachers use the grant money to purchase things for their classrooms, which obviously enhances the learning experience for the children.
I also got all of the information I need to run the food committee. Basically, I am going around to local businesses to get donations and setting up a schedule for the day of the event. On the day of the event, I will be picking up the donations and whatnot.
I already have calls/emails out to most of the people on my committee so I think I am in good shape!
Thursday, February 9, 2006
How To Make A Beautiful Life
Love yourself.
Make peace with who you are and where you are at this moment in time.
Listen to your heart.
If you can't hear what it's saying in this noisy world, make time for yourself.
Enjoy your own company.
Let your mind wander among the stars.
Take chances.
Make mistakes.
Life can be messy and confusing at times, but it's alos full of suprises.
The next rock in your path might be a steppng stone.
Be happy.
When you don't have what you want, want what you have.
Make do.
That's a well-kept secret of contentment.
There aren't any shortcuts to tomorrow.
You have to make your own way.
To know where you are going is only part of it.
You need to know where you've been too.
And if you ever get lost, don't worry.
The people you know and love will find you.
Count on it.
Life isn't days and years.
It's what you do with time and with all the goodness and grace that's inside you.
Make a beautiful life...the kind of life you deserve.
This was the content of the card my mother gave me for my birthday. It's the only card I have ever saved and probably will save for ever. Yes, I pull it out every once in a while and read it. Sometimes I just need a little reminder, you know?
Anyway, there you go. A little inspiration for your Thursday afternoon!
Make peace with who you are and where you are at this moment in time.
Listen to your heart.
If you can't hear what it's saying in this noisy world, make time for yourself.
Enjoy your own company.
Let your mind wander among the stars.
Take chances.
Make mistakes.
Life can be messy and confusing at times, but it's alos full of suprises.
The next rock in your path might be a steppng stone.
Be happy.
When you don't have what you want, want what you have.
Make do.
That's a well-kept secret of contentment.
There aren't any shortcuts to tomorrow.
You have to make your own way.
To know where you are going is only part of it.
You need to know where you've been too.
And if you ever get lost, don't worry.
The people you know and love will find you.
Count on it.
Life isn't days and years.
It's what you do with time and with all the goodness and grace that's inside you.
Make a beautiful life...the kind of life you deserve.
This was the content of the card my mother gave me for my birthday. It's the only card I have ever saved and probably will save for ever. Yes, I pull it out every once in a while and read it. Sometimes I just need a little reminder, you know?
Anyway, there you go. A little inspiration for your Thursday afternoon!
Why I Love Being A Mom
Well, some of the reasons anyway.
I can be having the worst day known to man, and all my kids have to do is laugh and the bad day turns around.
"Popping in a video" becomes a full-fledged movie night, complete with popcorn and candy.
I have a greater appreciation for my own mother, and mothers everywhere.
A walk through the grocery store becomes a "treasure hunt."
I can roll out of bed in the morning looking like I got hit by a truck, and Katherine will still say to me, "Mom, you're beautiful." That's just awesome.
I can relive my childhood through them by doing such things as throwing a ball with them in the yard, playing Twister or Go Fish, or even watching some of my favorite childhood movies such as Swiss Family Robinson, or Pollyanna, or the original Parent Trap.
I can live my life knowing that everything I do, everything I say, everything I think will influence another's life. While this responsibility is huge, it's one I can't even imagine my life without.
I know the true meaning, from a parent's perspective, of unconditional love.
Everyday, no matter what is going on, no matter how good or bad things are going, my life has a deeper meaning than it did before.
I can be having the worst day known to man, and all my kids have to do is laugh and the bad day turns around.
"Popping in a video" becomes a full-fledged movie night, complete with popcorn and candy.
I have a greater appreciation for my own mother, and mothers everywhere.
A walk through the grocery store becomes a "treasure hunt."
I can roll out of bed in the morning looking like I got hit by a truck, and Katherine will still say to me, "Mom, you're beautiful." That's just awesome.
I can relive my childhood through them by doing such things as throwing a ball with them in the yard, playing Twister or Go Fish, or even watching some of my favorite childhood movies such as Swiss Family Robinson, or Pollyanna, or the original Parent Trap.
I can live my life knowing that everything I do, everything I say, everything I think will influence another's life. While this responsibility is huge, it's one I can't even imagine my life without.
I know the true meaning, from a parent's perspective, of unconditional love.
Everyday, no matter what is going on, no matter how good or bad things are going, my life has a deeper meaning than it did before.
80's Music
Julia's 80's music training is coming along very well. I just put on my 80's mix cd while I was cleaning up in the kitchen and "Centerfold" came on. Of course, this is me, so I was singing and dancing around the kitchen like a lunatic. Julia, I am proud to say has the "na na na na na na na na na na na na na na" part of the song down pat, and was singing along with me.
I have just started Emily and Katherine listening to my Air Supply's Greatest Hits CD. I know every word to every song on the CD and I figure it's about time they learned.
Yeah, I know I am a nut. So?
I have just started Emily and Katherine listening to my Air Supply's Greatest Hits CD. I know every word to every song on the CD and I figure it's about time they learned.
Yeah, I know I am a nut. So?
Answer And New?
The one subject I took in school that I have found the least worthwhile is...pretty much any math class I took after say 6th grade. I can honestly say that I have never used Algebra, Geometry, or any other kind of math beyond adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing in my life.
New Question: If your birthday could be in a different month in the year, when would you have it?
New Question: If your birthday could be in a different month in the year, when would you have it?
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
I just got off of the phone with the developmental pediatrician regarding Julia's "middle of the night" fits. She, like everyone else agrees that Julia's behavior is not what would be considered "normal" for her age. That, culminated with the fact that these fits are occuring in the middle of the night, without any apparent trigger, had her about as concerned as I am.
What we have decided to do is see if it happens again. If it does, I am going to page her and we will set up a 24 hour VEEG (Video EEG). Emily had this done when she had her overnight at the hospital way back when. Of course, she was older and left the leads alone. Julia obviously wouldn't and would need something to, not neccesarily put her under, but something to put her in a semi concious state so that they could attach the leads and so that she would keep them on. It would mean an overnight at the hospital which would be fine.
So, let's all hope that this doesn't happen again, and that if it does, they will find absolutely nothing on the VEEG.
I can still remember the feeling I got in my stomach when the doctor came back in after interpeting Emily's results.
I even remember exactly what he said.
"There is definitely seizure activity, mostly in her parietal lobe, on the right side, but we also see activity in other areas as well."
I remember thinking two things.
1. I can't believe they can look at a bunch of lines and from that, tell me that my daughter has this awful disease.
2. Oh my God, there is something wrong with my daughter's brain.
This was before I changed my thinking and realized there wasn't something wrong with her brain, there was something different about her brain and that it made her who she is.
Anyway, I am rambling here. I just can't imagine going through this with another child.
Let's hope we don't have to.
What we have decided to do is see if it happens again. If it does, I am going to page her and we will set up a 24 hour VEEG (Video EEG). Emily had this done when she had her overnight at the hospital way back when. Of course, she was older and left the leads alone. Julia obviously wouldn't and would need something to, not neccesarily put her under, but something to put her in a semi concious state so that they could attach the leads and so that she would keep them on. It would mean an overnight at the hospital which would be fine.
So, let's all hope that this doesn't happen again, and that if it does, they will find absolutely nothing on the VEEG.
I can still remember the feeling I got in my stomach when the doctor came back in after interpeting Emily's results.
I even remember exactly what he said.
"There is definitely seizure activity, mostly in her parietal lobe, on the right side, but we also see activity in other areas as well."
I remember thinking two things.
1. I can't believe they can look at a bunch of lines and from that, tell me that my daughter has this awful disease.
2. Oh my God, there is something wrong with my daughter's brain.
This was before I changed my thinking and realized there wasn't something wrong with her brain, there was something different about her brain and that it made her who she is.
Anyway, I am rambling here. I just can't imagine going through this with another child.
Let's hope we don't have to.
On March 4 I am attending the Annual Federation For Children With Special Needs Conference. This year's conference theme is Visions Of Community and the workshops all sound interesting.
You have a choice of three different workshops and the ones I have picked are: The Development Of Literacy Skills-Preschool To Third Grade Consideration For The Child With Special Needs, What Is A 504 Plan?, and Media Literacy 101: How To Use TV As An Educational Tool.
All three of these workshops are of particular interest to me and here's why.
The Literacy workshop is something I would be interested in anyway (I have always felt Reading/English/Literacy were the most important academic skills that are taught in a classroom) but, I am beginning to have some concerns regarding Katherine's literacy skills. Most of my concern is due to the fact that she just doesn't seem interested in reading or learning to read. She gives up way too easily in my opinion (when for example, trying to sound out a word and she is having difficulty with it). We have been practicing her sight words now for weeks and she is still having a bit of difficulty. Of course, I do have to stop remembering how much Emily enjoyed (and still does) reading and how advanced she has always been in that area. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Regardless, the workshop seems like a good choice for me, and should give me some ideas of different things I can do to encourage Katherine.
The 504 plan workshop is of interest because Emily is on a 504 and, even though I feel like I have a very good grip on what it all entails, it certainly can't help to learn more or reinforce what I already know.
Most of you know that I am known around these parts as the "TV NAZI." My kids do not watch anything that doesn't meet the "Mama" standards. Most of my concerns in regard to tv are related to the sex and violence, and not so much the language, but, in a nutshell, unless I approve, you don't watch it. So, it should be fairly obvious why I am chosing the Media workshop.
The conference costs $55.00, is in Boston and does include lunch. There will also be bus transportation from Brockton which I plan on utilizing so that I don't have to drive in myself.
I am looking forward to it.
You have a choice of three different workshops and the ones I have picked are: The Development Of Literacy Skills-Preschool To Third Grade Consideration For The Child With Special Needs, What Is A 504 Plan?, and Media Literacy 101: How To Use TV As An Educational Tool.
All three of these workshops are of particular interest to me and here's why.
The Literacy workshop is something I would be interested in anyway (I have always felt Reading/English/Literacy were the most important academic skills that are taught in a classroom) but, I am beginning to have some concerns regarding Katherine's literacy skills. Most of my concern is due to the fact that she just doesn't seem interested in reading or learning to read. She gives up way too easily in my opinion (when for example, trying to sound out a word and she is having difficulty with it). We have been practicing her sight words now for weeks and she is still having a bit of difficulty. Of course, I do have to stop remembering how much Emily enjoyed (and still does) reading and how advanced she has always been in that area. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Regardless, the workshop seems like a good choice for me, and should give me some ideas of different things I can do to encourage Katherine.
The 504 plan workshop is of interest because Emily is on a 504 and, even though I feel like I have a very good grip on what it all entails, it certainly can't help to learn more or reinforce what I already know.
Most of you know that I am known around these parts as the "TV NAZI." My kids do not watch anything that doesn't meet the "Mama" standards. Most of my concerns in regard to tv are related to the sex and violence, and not so much the language, but, in a nutshell, unless I approve, you don't watch it. So, it should be fairly obvious why I am chosing the Media workshop.
The conference costs $55.00, is in Boston and does include lunch. There will also be bus transportation from Brockton which I plan on utilizing so that I don't have to drive in myself.
I am looking forward to it.
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Becasue I Still Have Nothing Even Remotely Exciting To Say...
...I give you more quiz results!
Cheese Pizza |
Traditional and comforting. You focus on living a quality life. You're not easily impressed with novelty. Yet, you easily impress others. |
What Your Face Says |
At first glance, people see you as warm and well-balanced. Overall, your true self is passionate and physical. With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react. In love, you seem like a huge flirt. In stressful situations, you seem selfish and moody. |
You Passed 8th Grade Math |
Congratulations, you got 7/10 correct! |
Because I Have Nothing Even Remotely Exciting To Say...
...I decided to post some quiz results instead!
All stolen from Matt, who I really need to add to my blogroll!
You Should Get a MFA (Masters of Fine Arts) |
You're a blooming artistic talent, even if you aren't quite convinced. You'd make an incredible artist, photographer, or film maker. |
Your Life Path Number is 9 |
Your purpose in life is to make the world better You are very socially conscious and a total idealist. You think there are many things wrong with the world, and you want to fix them. You have a big idea of how to world could be, and you'll sacrifice almost anything to work towards this dream. In love, you can easily see the beauty in someone else. And you never cling too tightly. You are capable of great love, but it's hard for you to focus your love on one person or relationship. You have a lot of outward focus, and you tend to blame the world for your failures. You are often disappointed by the realities of life - it's hard for you to accept the shortcomings of the world. |
Your Inner Blood Type is Type A |
You seem cool and collected, though a bit shy. You are highly driven and a perfectionist, but that's a side you keep to yourself. Creative and artistic, you are a very unique person who doesn't quite fit in. People accept you more than you realize, seeing you as trustworthy and loyal. You are most compatible with: A and AB Famous Type A's: Britney Spears and Hilter |
Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover |
You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you! Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter. You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you. You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover. Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives. Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours. No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover. |
How You Live Your Life |
You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside. You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think. You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly. You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable. |
All stolen from Matt, who I really need to add to my blogroll!
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