Sunday, July 16, 2006


We spent the day at my parents yesterday. It was fun but I was tired and had a headache when we got home.

Katherine actually swam in the deep end (with a ring on but it still counts) which was awesome because she is usually hanging out by the stairs and too afraid to venture away.

Julia was braver this time than she has ever been, stepping off the second stair and in to the "open water" by herself, with me there just as a guide. She was wearing a life jacket of course. In the past she has loved the water but never was outside of someone's arms.

We ended up staying there for dinner and then I had to run to Michael's to get fabric dye for the tie dye t shirts I am making the kids. They need to dress up like hippies for SHARP tomorrow.

Emily's MRI is today at Children's so I am going to be heading out in a bit. I should be back later, with a picture or two to share.

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