Yeah, that would be me screaming.
Ok, so remember a couple of weeks ago, When Julia's Physical Therapist didn't show up for our scheduled appointment?
Well guess freakin' what? It was rescheduled for today, at 10am...this time at my house. And guess, just guess who called at 10:20 to fucking cancel?
I don't have to tell you do I?
You know, she said it was because it was raining and thundering in Stoughton where she lives so she had to pick up her kids from camp. I get that. I have kids and I know all about hectic schedules. I wouldn't be so pissed off if this didn't seem to be happening on a regular basis (this is more than 2 times now and even when she keeps our appointments she is ALWAYS late, which the being late thing wouldn't bother me too much if all of this other crap wasn't going on with missed and rescheduled appointments). You know, it would really help if I didn't actually like her as a person in general. She is really good at what she does and she really has helped Julia come along as well as she has. The disorganization and lack of planning skills is really starting to piss me off though.
It probably doesn't help that I am the most organized person like, ever, when it comes to my schedule. I don't know how this happened exactly. I used to be so, you know, unscheduled. I guess it came with maturity and of course, school age children.
The whole situation is just annoying and why am I so damn nice? Why can't I just tell her how aggravated I am? I guess it's the whole "don't rock the boat" personality I have.
Anwyay, we re-scheduled yet again for Thursday afternoon. I'll let y'all know what happens.
You have Vita don't you My son Daniel (who has Downs') had her she was never there but the tried to take credit for his advancements