Monday, July 3, 2006

Weekend In Review

Friday we spent the afternoon at my parents pool. The kids had fun. Julia got right over her initial hesitation the first time we went in this season and was mad when I had the nerve on Friday to put my stuff down without immediately getting her in to the pool. I still had to get sunscreen on myself so I eventually let Emily sit with her right at the stairs while I got organized.

We left my parents at about 4, came home, had dinner, and went out to the carnival and fireworks, pictures of which I posted a link to a few entires back. We had the best time. Emily gave me a heart attack watching her on some of the rides she went on(some of which had seizure warnings that I ignored...I knew she would be fine and she was). I was standing along side the rides going, "Oh my God, she looks scared" and "Is she gonna fall out of that boat?"

As you can tell, I am a wimp. She was fine...and wanted to go again.

The fireworks were AWESOME! They were literally right over our heads and looked so close that we almost felt like we could reach out and grab them. Julia wasn't sure what to make of them at first (I think the noise was a bit much for her) but once I told her to look at the sky, she kept saying, "Whoa sky!"

The best part of the whole fireworks thing though? We walked across a small side street to get to the town pool (which they lit the fireworks over) had enough room for the girs to run around while we were waiting for them to start, had about a 1 minute walk to the car, and we were home 20 minutes after they were over! It was a much better experience than going to the waterfront in Plymouth where it is always crowded, the walk to the car is usually long and the traffic SUCKS. The only thing that I missed about Plymouth was the historical value of going there. I really think we will go to the Middleboro fireworks from here on in.

Saturday was the Simmons Annual 4th Party. We haven't been in a couple of years, so it was nice to get back. There were more kids there this year than adults which just shows you how things really come full circle. Emily, Katherine and Julia had a great time playing with all of the kids!

Yesterday was Joshua's 14th birthday party. Emily and Katherine spent the better part of the day in the pool. Julia spent the better part of her day being "two." Need I say more?!?!

Today the kids and I are just hanging around the house. Ryun will more than likely be going out to play his weekly poker game tonight and I have Thursday's episode of Windfall and tonight's episode of Falcon Beach to watch. YAY for summer time tv!

We are heading over to the 'rents house tomorrow for an Independence Day pool party/cookout, and then back home to pack for Wednesday's hospital trip.

Busy is good but it's also tiring!

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