Sunday, July 23, 2006


Wow, I am a slacker, huh? Busy weekend=no blogging!

Julia's party went well. The weather wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be...a few random showers here and there but nothing too bad. Julia LOVED the car we got her. We brought it over to my parents this afternoon for her to ride around the grass in the pool area.

I am too tired to post a "real" entry, so I will post some pictures instead!

Here she is, checkin' out her new wheels!

Mmm...cake! This was the cake we had at my parents earlier this evening.

This is the cake that my sister Suzanne bought for Julia's party yesterday.

Aunty Heather helped Julia blow out the candles.

Finally, just to show you how cute her hair looks up. Don't you just LOVE those curls?

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