Or just a damn good Mom?
Or both?
Ryun took Emily to see Superman Returns tonight. I was hesitant about this at first because, well it's rated PG13, and she's 9 and movies are rated PG13 for a reason, right?
I went through this same thing when Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire came out. She'd already seen the other two in the theater so how could I not let her go see this one? Realistically, I couldn't see making her wait until she was 13 to see it, thus having to wait to see the others that will come out before then, so that she would see them in order. In the end, I gave in there too.
Anyway, my big thing with movies and tv in general? It's not usually the violence and the language. It's the sex. I don't know why exactly that bothers me more than anything else, but it may be that some part of me hopes that despite the way the world is today, that my children might hold true to the traditional way of things. No, I don't mean wait until they get married, I don't agree with that at all. I just mean that it's something that is reserved for serious, meaningful relationships and not just something you do. I don't really think that having them see people just do it for the hell of it is right. I still question how much of an influence anything they see on tv (sex or not) has on them at all. I would like to think (and good God I hope) that our influence on them is greater than what they see, along with their own personal feelings on things.
Harry Potter and Superman don't have any sex and so, I just gave in.
So, Ryun was on the way out the door with Emily and I said, "I would have her go to the bathroom before you go in to the theater. Also, if she has to go when you are in the movie, you can't send her out by herself. You need to walk her out to the bathroom and wait right outside for her."
Is this too much? What I mean is, she is 9. She knows all about what to do if a stranger approaches her etc. so should I just let her go?
Ugh...this motherhood thing gets tougher as they get older, huh?
Yeah, being a parent is tough. I like being a grandparent a lot better..I spoil them and make their parents pay for their raising..my way of getting even. One year I bought a grandson a set of drums and reminded my daughter of her insistance of enough bass on her stero to rattle the windows when she was a kid..paybacks can be fun.
ReplyDeletei dont let my kids go far to the bathroom without me. Your just being a good mom