Thursday, July 27, 2006

Julia's 2 year check up...

...was today.

She weighed in at 24 lbs, 15 1/2 oz and was 34 inches long, putting her in the 22nd and 57th percentiles respectively. Dr. B said she was long and lean. Sounds good to me.

The doctor was very happy to hear about Julia's recent successes and was also pleased to hear that more than likely, by the end of August, we will be through will all therapies. She just isn't eligible anymore which is so good.

The only trauma for the day was when she had to have a finger prick. She cried as would be expected but then the nurse left and as I was gathering our things, she ripped the band aid of in a fit of rage and was throwing herself around the room in anger. She was bleeding like crazy from the finger and managed to get blood on her clothing, all over the paper that goes across the table she lays on, and me before I finally had a good enough grip to get a new band aid on. When we left the room, it looked like something out of a war scene!

She was fine by the time we checked out at the counter.

Anyway, barring any other reason to go, she will not need to be seen for 6 months!

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