Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Political Bullshit, Religious Freedom and All That Crap

You know, I am sick to frickin' death of feeling obligated to make accomodations for everyone.

It's getting out of hand.

There is just no fucking way to make everyone, everywhere happy.

If you don't freakin' like it that you can't have a day off for your religious holiday, then leave.

That's all there is to it.

For those who are wondering how I feel about having Christmas and Easter off, both "religious" holidays, let's be realistic...especially about Christmas...the religious part of it, in most cases takes a back seat to Santa, presents, family and friends. Keeping it in perspective though, the numbers say it all. Christianity is still, depsite the growing diversity of religions present here in this fine country, the most popular. Majority rules and all that.

Contrary to how it may sound, I do support the right to practice your religion here. You came here though, so adjust. We shouldn't have to adjust for you. Like I said, if you don't like it here, leave.

While I am on my soapbox, I may as well point out that I think that taking out the phrase "Truth Justice and the American Way" from the most recent Superman movie because it may offend some people is absolute BULLSHIT. You came here in search of the "American Way" and now we can't bleepin' say it in a movie? That's just wrong.

You know, and not that there is anything wrong with this, but I think I may be becoming more conservative in my old age.

Who'd have thunk?

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