Friday, July 14, 2006

Emily's Appt

Today was Emily's 9 year check up. To sum it up, she's a healthy 9 year old with just the right amounts of height, weight and sarcasm that one would expect. LOL. She was in the 50th percentile for height and between the 55th-60th percentiles for her weight. The sarcasm part? The doctor was done with her exam and she needed to go to the bathroom. He asked her if she knew where it was and she said, "I've been coming here for 9 years. I think I know where it is."

He then proceeded to tell me that I am entering the beginning of the "Mom is stupid and knows nothing stage" so to be prepared. I told him I already think we're there. Ha ha ha.

In perhaps the most shocking news of the day, he told me that the most commonly abused drug among 8 and 9 year olds are inhalants (like glue etc) and that when she gets in to the 10-12 years age group that it becomes cigarettes (in my head I am thinking "Boy the times have changed....I don't think I knew that inhaling glue would get me high when I was 9, but hey maybe I was stupid"). Emily was appropriately appalled by all of it which was, you know, good.

Anwyay, barring any other reason to visit, we won't need to go back until next year, when she hits DOUBLE DIGITS. Holy crap.

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