Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Entertaining The Kids: Ideas For Outdoor Fun!

Making it's appearance a day late, here is this weeks' installment of Entertaining The Kids.

I thought it would be fun to include some outdoor activities, great for those times when the kids, despite having a yard full of toys to play with , bikes to ride, sandboxes to play in etc. still complain that they are bored!!

This guessing game for little kids can be played at a nearby pond or in a wading pool. Players collect different objects—leaves, shells, paper, pennies—from around the area or from the house. Then, they drop them one by one into the water, predicting before each object is dropped whether it will sink or float. Players get a point for each correct guess. First person to 5 wins a prize.

In this game, the player who is "it" throws a wet sponge, rather than a ball, to tag other players.

Jump rope in the sprinkler spray, drop kick a water balloon, squirt a target with the water gun etc. Keep track of the time with a stop watch. Winner gets a prize!

1 comment:

  1. been watching letterman? "Will it Float" is one of our favorite gags on his show. Not that we watch it much anymore....
