Tuesday, May 15, 2007

YAY Julia!

I had a meeting today about the override. Due to a conflict in schedules, we had to do it during the day so, of course, I had to bring Julia with me. I always get a little nervous bringing to Julia to new places because I am never quite sure how she is going to react. I have posted here before about how she sometimes in new or large group settings seems overwhelmed and will sometimes get this "oh no what am I going to do now" look on her face. The look is usually followed by tears and a crying jag that could last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour to "it has ruined the rest of my day and I am just going to be a grumpy three year old from now until bedtime."

Well, today, we ALMOST had one such moment. I say almost because, for the first time ever, she got the look, the lower lip started to tremble and I was able to console her by picking her up for a quick hug, telling her that it was "ok" to go play with the toys and after another minute of hugging put her down to go do just that.

For Julia, this was a HUGE breakthrough! YAY!

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