Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I volunteered, last night at a meeting supporting an override here in town, to design a website for our newly formed committee. Time is short, money is tight, and my patience for website design is in short supply. So, I am looking for your advice.

What I would like to do is design a professional looking site (or as professional as one would expect out of a stay at home mom volunteering her time) which has features like calendars, forms that can be filled out and emailed back to me (to sign up to volunteer), possibly a way of polling visitors and things of that nature. I am looking for the simplest(drag and drop would be fantastic)and least expensive way of doing this, without scrimping on the quality. Moreover, if there is anyone out there in Middleboro reading this that supports paying an additional $280 ( based on a house valued at $350,000)in property taxes to support the children of this community that would like to, well, do this for me, please, step right up.

Seriously though, any thoughts? What have you used in the way of host and site providers? Financially speaking, we can spend the bare minimum, at least for now, while we are getting organized.


  1. Is it ethical to advise someone how to do a thing in support of something bad?

  2. LOL Yeah, I don't know about that. No one has to know it was you. ;) I would love to hear why you think its a bad idea though, just out of curiosity. I am planning on (sometime soon) posting an entry over at Adventures In Education about the budget crisis, and the possibility of a casino in town.

  3. Unfortunately this isn't about the children. It's about a Town lacking revenues and a State that isn't supplying enough funding.

    Without a doubt Middleboro needs more money for the schools but at the expense of $280 per household (and that doesn't include the other $600,000 in override questions) and the knowledge that those funds (if the override is approved)go into the General Fund for FY '09(the ovreride money would only be allocated for one year to the School). I don't see it passing. There is no trust with the Selectmen.

    But good luck with your efforts.

  4. Domain registration:

    GoDaddy or Blue Host

    Content creation:

    Or maybe something like FrontPage and a more traditional site.

    There are free poll services and stuff like that.
