Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Julia: Speech Take 2 and PT Evaluation

Well, Julia did much better (at least I think she did) during the second part of her speech evaluation. I think it worked well to go back the very next day, making the school and the actual evaluator familiar to her. Her PT evaluation was the next day after that so this too went extremely well. Well, at least in the sense that she participated and tried her best at every task presented to her. While I don't have the official word yet, the PT evaluator said that she was going to recommend her for PT through the public school system, but that academically she was fine so it would be outside of a classroom setting. I don't have any word yet, official or otherwise, regarding the speech, but her team meeting is scheduled on June 5th so I will get the lowdown on everything then.

I am happy to have at least the evaluation over and done with and am anxiously looking forward to the results!

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