Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Meet Thumper...

..the little bunny that lives under the deck at my parents house.

Isn't he a cutie?!?!

We spent the day at the pool on Mother's Day (yes, Emily and Katherine actually swam, despite the water temperature being only 65 or so)and Thumper was the star of the day. It was quite obvious that he lives under the deck where the hot tub sits, as he would hop out, park himself under the stairs and eat some grass, then scoot back under. AT one point, he managed to get in to the pool area through the fence (it's chain link on one side) and was quite literally playing with Julia. He would run out from behind the bushes that line the back fence and Julia would run up to him and say, "Hi bunny!" Of course, being a bunny, he would hop right back in to the bushes. Julia was putting her hands up in a questioning type manner and saying, "Mama, where did the bunny go?" It went on for quite some time until Julia had to come eat dinner, and the bunny left.

I don't really know how long bunnies stay in one place, but if he hangs around for the summer, I am sure he and Julia will become quite good friends!

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