Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I interupt housecleaning to bring you this...

...breakthrough moment, brought to you courtesy of the reigning pre-teen of the moment, Emily Ellis.

So yesterday was one of those days with Emily. Everything made her mad (a couple of times gate-throwing, door-slamming mad),everything made her cry, and every word that came out of her mouth was fresh or disrespectful. Attitude was in full force and tears of frustration threatened to fall from my eyes on many occasions.

This morning she woke up, gave me a hug and said, "I am sorry I had an attitude yesterday. I don't know why I had one, but I know I did."

Three things came to mind after she said this:

1. She just recognized that what she was doing yesterday was wrong. Knowing is half the battle and all that.

2. She just apologized, and actually meant it sincerely.

and the kicker...

3. Oh my God, could she be "pms-ing"?

Seriously, someone somewhere needs to find a way to stop time. Like right now. Mama isn't ready for this yet!

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