Friday, May 25, 2007


...that I need a break...that I am way the hell too busy...and that I need more sleep has come in many forms this week.

Like today when I relayed an entire story to Ryun and at the end of my telling, he said, "Uh Sharon, you already told me this." I had absolutely no recollection of this at all. None. Nada. Zero.

Or, when it was brought to my attention that there was a huge scheduling conflict with a cultural enrichment program I scheduled 6 flippin' months ago and it almost brought me to tears.

Let's not forget the other day when I had to go back in to the house three times because I was leaving and forgot something I needed. Three times.

How about that spreadsheet I sent off that was in alphabetical order by name, but every address was lined up wrong and I had to do the whole damn thing over?

Summer,please come quickly! I think I am losing my mind!

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