Thursday, May 17, 2007


The school nurse just called and told me that Emily is down there and that her foot is shaking. She can walk fine and is fully aware, but, even after the nurse had her exercise and stretch her leg a little to see if she maybe was leaning on a nerve or something, it still did it. She could walk ok and wasn't in pain, so I had the nurse send her back to class with the instructions to call me if anything further developed.

So because of her seizure disorder I am in semi-panic mode (well not panic really but worried I guess). I knew there was a specific type of seizure in which the person remains fully aware, that usually starts as a foot or a hand shaking, and can progress to "whole body shaking. I couldn't remember what it was called at first, then it hit's called a Simple Partial Seizures.

Anyway, I started wondering of course if this could be "psychosomatic", based on our conversation, posted below. Both the nurse and I agree that Emily is not one to make illnesses up so I don't know. It just seems kind of coincidental that the very day we have her appointment, something like this would happen.

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