Thursday, May 17, 2007

Julia: Results, Emily: Doctor

Good News: two of the 3 genes that are tested for determination of Noonan's Syndrome have come back fine! The last of the 3 is sent out and not done right at Children's so that result should be in by the end of May or the beginning of June. But 2 out of 3 coming back fine; lets hope the 3rd one comes back the same way!

Emily has her usual 6 month check up with her neurologist today. She woke up early this morning and I was reminding her of her appointment when she said, "I don't want to have seizures anymore. I want to be normal like all of the other kids and not have to take pills everyday, and go to a doctor more than just for my birthday checkup." Yikes. this was the first time she has ever said anything like that, and, I am quite sure it has to do with maturity (both physical and mental). She is older now, and probably has a better understanding of her situation now too. Anyway, this is what I said to her:

"Having seizures doesn't make you abnormal. You are a regular kid who just needs a little extra help to stay healthy. You haven't had a seizure in 2 1/2 years, so hopefully, if we keep seeing Dr. C and taking those pills, it will stay that way. Besides, taking pills and going to the doctor is better than actually having a seizure, right? I know its hard sometimes, but you have to remember that you are still you, and nothing could ever change that!"

I hope it was the right thing to say.

1 comment:

  1. YAY for Julia indeed! That's good news. And I really hope Emily is ok, and maybe just tired or stressed.
