Friday, May 18, 2007

Emily Update

Emily's appointment went well. We talked about the random foot shaking thing that occured and becasue it was on the right side of her body (which silly me didn't think of before) he didn't think it was a seizure. Her seizures (well the majority of them anyway) come from the right side of her brain which would mean if it was a seizure, her left side would be affected. So that was good news.

He reccomended, after looking at the neuro-psych report that we try giving her a medication called, "Focalin XR" for the ADHD. It was kind of funny because yesterday was perhaps the worst I have ever seen the ADHD, and it was while we were in the office with him. She couldn't sit still, interupted almost every conversation, was spinning around in the chair, climbing all over the table, twirling her hair on her fingers etc. etc. etc. She stepped out to go use the bathroom and the doctor and I looked at each other and he said, "I think the neuro-psych eval was right on."

We are also going to have a Lamictal blood level done just because we haven't in a while and he wants to make sure her level doesn't go down too low. A level too low would more than likely mean the return of seizures so if it ends up being on the lower end, he may increase it. She has also grown quite a bit since we had her last level done.

On a lighter note, he discussed very briefly how the onset of puberty and all of the hormonal changes that come with it can occasionally mean an increase of seizures, but that it doesn't always. Emily said to him, "Oh yeah, I have already started puberty. I even have a hair under my arm pit!"

Such modesty with that one, huh?

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