Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Julia's Speech And Language Evaluation: Take 1

Today was, what is turning out to be part 1 of 2, Julia's speech evaluation to see if she is eligible to attend the public preschool in the fall.

I went in there thinking that the speech and language pathologist was going to tell me to get the heck out of there, that she was fine, and why was I worried anyway? When she told me instead that not only did she have concerns about her comprehension, but that she wanted her to have her hearing tested at 3 years and that we should come back tomorrow to continue the evaluation, well I was a little shocked. Maybe shocked isn't the word...surprised? The thing is while I thought there were still some concerns, I never in a million years thought that there could potentially be enough of a concern for her actually to be eligible...at least not in the area of speech. Julia was not exactly on her game either. For some reason, she was yawning a lot and seemed unable to focus her attention for too long. What I am saying as I can see why the evaluator may have been concerned today. We go back tomorrow at 8:45 to finish up, and back again on Thursday for her PT evaluation.

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