Monday, May 14, 2007

I figured I should point out...

...that money is not the only thing needed for our kids to get a proper education. You also need good teachers, good administrators, involved parents, and the right resources.

Certainly, the argument can be made that to get any of the above, you need money, but, even with money, the above mentioned things are hard to come by. I don't deny that.

Also, for the record, I too believe that if the state and federal governments are going to make the rules, they should foot the bill. They aren't though, so someone needs to step up to the plate. You would think that the next people in line to step up would be the concerned parents of the school system and the town as a whole.

Do I feel bad that the seniors and those who already have a tough time paying the bills would have to pay? Yes, I do. I am human, and a quite compassionate one at that. I just don't see any other way of making this work and I don't see the non-override budget as an option.

1 comment:

  1. I don't disagree with anything you put here. I come back because I find your point of view very interesting and want to give you the side of someone who is working with all this information firsthand.

    Without a doubt, I can say if the Town had the money it would fund the schools above Net School Spending. You only need to look at previous years to see that.

    Not getting enough financial support on State and Federal mandates is par for the course but it compounds the funding problem.

    The schools spend 7+ million on benefits. Increasing co-pays (which are currently at $5), to $10 or $15 could lower that figure by at least 1 million, maybe more. But it involves all unions agreeing. That is money that could be used toward educating the children.

    There is also the 2.1 million spent in transportation costs. Bussing is big business and it's a shame because again, it's money that isn't going directly to children's education.

    There is no easy answer. And the odds of the override passing are slim. Even if it does, it is only a one year solution.

    I, personally, do not want to pay more money in taxes, period.

    See you at Town Meeting.
