Friday, May 11, 2007


Earlier today, I volunteered in Katherine's classroom as a chaperone for the walking field trip to the town hall. The system-wide art show was this week, and, each year, the elementary classes walk over to view the art. It was a great day for a walk, a little humid, but nice just the same. As I was walking down 105, I noticed, perhaps for the first time, how "photogenic" that area of Middleboro is. From the "mansions" that line the street, the oak trees that hover over the sidewalk, something struck me today that said, "You should come down here and photograph this sometime, Sharon." I have been to the town hall countless times for performances, have seen through the window of the car the beautiful Veteran's Memorial that was recently built, and have driven by the downtown shops more times than I can tell you. I think today, however was the first time I really took notice and saw how beautiful it all really is.

The art show itself was phenomenal. There were some paintings there done by some of the older kids that I wanted to make an offer on, and frame in my living room. The students, young and old, have some serious skills.

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