Sunday, May 6, 2007

Cleaning House

As I was wiping down the counters after dinner tonight it occurred to me (and not for the first time I assure you) that the ratio between how long it takes me to clean the house and how long it takes for it to get "un-clean" is entirely too great.

It could potentially take me about two hours to clean the house, and that doesn't just mean picking up things that are not where they belong. I mean really clean (vacuum, dust, wash floors etc). That's just the downstairs. Adding upstairs to the mix, it would probably be more like three or four hours. My house isn't that big. I mean it's good size I guess but it's certainly not "over sized." Anyway, the point? What takes four hours to clean takes approximately four minutes to destroy. There is just something wrong with that.

Try as I might, I just can't seem to find a happy medium. If I clean the house so that it shines, and the kids come home a destroy it anyway, what's the damn point? This is not to say of course, that I should never clean based on the fact that it will undoubtedly just get messy again, because even I have my limits of how much clutter I can deal with. Admittedly, I could be better with the day to day upkeep. Perhaps, if I were to do that, the kids would model my behavior, instead of throwing their dirty clothes on the floor, or scattering their game pieces everywhere, or any other behavior that regularly makes the upstairs look like a hurricane blew through. Honestly though? I just don't care enough or have enough energy or motivation. Is that bad? Maybe it is. I just don't know. My house is clean for company, and generally speaking "clean enough" otherwise. There are days when a random guest dropping in would be somewhat embarrassing. There are days when it wouldn't be. Why though, do I let this bother me? Honestly, in my mind, in my own little world I think that if you are offended in any way by how the house looks, then, well, just don't come over. Can't it just be that simple? I have three kids, a husband and about a million other responsibilities that I have to worry about/take care of. Keeping the house in some state of perfection is beyond what I have energy and time for, and perhaps beyond what I am capable of given everything else that is going on.


  1. Oh do i hear you! I spent one day 3 1/2 hours sorting toys polly pockets things they hadnt played with in months. SOMEHOW the radar went on while they were at school and they came home and headed right for that stuff.

    It's so hard teaching them respoinsibiltiy isnt it? I dont ask for much from my kids but simple PUT CLOTHES IN HAMPER, DISHES IN SINK, etc. the basics and they still flip out and they want ALLOWANCE.............

    I hear you sharon I hear ya

  2. Hallelujah!

    Or is it "Amen!"

  3. You shouldn't have to do it all. Set the tone, the example and assign chores. Rewared with allowance and stick to it. The kids are old enough to help and it has to be seen as important for all to participate in.Pride in your self and pride in your home are important for them to learn - it is about taking care of things and it helps with organization. If you put it away, you know where it is.
