Tuesday, May 29, 2007
What I'm Planning To Watch This Summer
Hell's Kitchen (because I have heard it's an awesome show and have never tuned in)
Hidden Palms
Pirate Master
Army Wives
America's Got Talent
Standoff (YAY! It's back!)
The Biggest Loser
Falcon Beach
What are you watching?
Julia: Speech Take 2 and PT Evaluation
Well, Julia did much better (at least I think she did) during the second part of her speech evaluation. I think it worked well to go back the very next day, making the school and the actual evaluator familiar to her. Her PT evaluation was the next day after that so this too went extremely well. Well, at least in the sense that she participated and tried her best at every task presented to her. While I don't have the official word yet, the PT evaluator said that she was going to recommend her for PT through the public school system, but that academically she was fine so it would be outside of a classroom setting. I don't have any word yet, official or otherwise, regarding the speech, but her team meeting is scheduled on June 5th so I will get the lowdown on everything then.
I am happy to have at least the evaluation over and done with and am anxiously looking forward to the results!
I am happy to have at least the evaluation over and done with and am anxiously looking forward to the results!
Monday, May 28, 2007
The weekend is over, and I actually have a few minutes to update. It was a nice weekend, with the possible exception of today which involved multiple sips of Pepto Bismol, but you know, other than that.
Ryun and I went out on Friday night to the Gateway Tavern. As usual, the food was excellent. We continued on Route 6 for a while, heading toward Fairhaven and stopped at the Lighthouse in Mattapossiet. As I pointed out to Ryun while we were there, there is no sound as peaceful and calming as the water lapping gently up against the rocks. We could have stayed much longer, if it weren't for the damn mosquito's. On the way back we stopped at Kool Kone for an ice cream. Saturday morning we went to Dave's for breakfast and I went and spent the day with the kids at my parents pool. Ryun had yard related work to do and also ended up fixing the stairs that lead up to the deck. The pool was so nice, we went back the next day and spent the better part of the afternoon swimming. I took pictures of course, and have posted them below.

A pretty good profile shot of Katherine, who was laughing at one of the guys working on the landscaping in my parents yard.
Ryun and I went out on Friday night to the Gateway Tavern. As usual, the food was excellent. We continued on Route 6 for a while, heading toward Fairhaven and stopped at the Lighthouse in Mattapossiet. As I pointed out to Ryun while we were there, there is no sound as peaceful and calming as the water lapping gently up against the rocks. We could have stayed much longer, if it weren't for the damn mosquito's. On the way back we stopped at Kool Kone for an ice cream. Saturday morning we went to Dave's for breakfast and I went and spent the day with the kids at my parents pool. Ryun had yard related work to do and also ended up fixing the stairs that lead up to the deck. The pool was so nice, we went back the next day and spent the better part of the afternoon swimming. I took pictures of course, and have posted them below.
A pretty good profile shot of Katherine, who was laughing at one of the guys working on the landscaping in my parents yard.
Friday, May 25, 2007
...that I need a break...that I am way the hell too busy...and that I need more sleep has come in many forms this week.
Like today when I relayed an entire story to Ryun and at the end of my telling, he said, "Uh Sharon, you already told me this." I had absolutely no recollection of this at all. None. Nada. Zero.
Or, when it was brought to my attention that there was a huge scheduling conflict with a cultural enrichment program I scheduled 6 flippin' months ago and it almost brought me to tears.
Let's not forget the other day when I had to go back in to the house three times because I was leaving and forgot something I needed. Three times.
How about that spreadsheet I sent off that was in alphabetical order by name, but every address was lined up wrong and I had to do the whole damn thing over?
Summer,please come quickly! I think I am losing my mind!
Like today when I relayed an entire story to Ryun and at the end of my telling, he said, "Uh Sharon, you already told me this." I had absolutely no recollection of this at all. None. Nada. Zero.
Or, when it was brought to my attention that there was a huge scheduling conflict with a cultural enrichment program I scheduled 6 flippin' months ago and it almost brought me to tears.
Let's not forget the other day when I had to go back in to the house three times because I was leaving and forgot something I needed. Three times.
How about that spreadsheet I sent off that was in alphabetical order by name, but every address was lined up wrong and I had to do the whole damn thing over?
Summer,please come quickly! I think I am losing my mind!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
1. Town meetings: They can actually be quite humorous. Seriously, some people are just funny.
2. The casino, if done the right way, could potentially be a good thing. I am still not entirely sure that I think it's a fantastic idea, but if the chairman of the Wampanoags really means what he says, and the selectmen really mean what they say, I can see how it could be beneficial.
3. Adam Bond is my favorite selectmen. He doesn't seem to support the override but, I really like what he has to say otherwise. His views on the casino are right on, and he sounds sincere when he says he wants to work the tribe to get the best deal for the town. He seems to be the most approachable one of the bunch too. Something about him just strikes me as being an all around "good guy."
4. Being involved feels good. I really wish I had become active in town affairs sooner. Hindsight and all that. I like being "in the know."`
5. That is all. I just put a number 5 because only having 4 just looked wrong.
2. The casino, if done the right way, could potentially be a good thing. I am still not entirely sure that I think it's a fantastic idea, but if the chairman of the Wampanoags really means what he says, and the selectmen really mean what they say, I can see how it could be beneficial.
3. Adam Bond is my favorite selectmen. He doesn't seem to support the override but, I really like what he has to say otherwise. His views on the casino are right on, and he sounds sincere when he says he wants to work the tribe to get the best deal for the town. He seems to be the most approachable one of the bunch too. Something about him just strikes me as being an all around "good guy."
4. Being involved feels good. I really wish I had become active in town affairs sooner. Hindsight and all that. I like being "in the know."`
5. That is all. I just put a number 5 because only having 4 just looked wrong.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Julia's Speech And Language Evaluation: Take 1
Today was, what is turning out to be part 1 of 2, Julia's speech evaluation to see if she is eligible to attend the public preschool in the fall.
I went in there thinking that the speech and language pathologist was going to tell me to get the heck out of there, that she was fine, and why was I worried anyway? When she told me instead that not only did she have concerns about her comprehension, but that she wanted her to have her hearing tested at 3 years and that we should come back tomorrow to continue the evaluation, well I was a little shocked. Maybe shocked isn't the word...surprised? The thing is while I thought there were still some concerns, I never in a million years thought that there could potentially be enough of a concern for her actually to be eligible...at least not in the area of speech. Julia was not exactly on her game either. For some reason, she was yawning a lot and seemed unable to focus her attention for too long. What I am saying as I can see why the evaluator may have been concerned today. We go back tomorrow at 8:45 to finish up, and back again on Thursday for her PT evaluation.
I went in there thinking that the speech and language pathologist was going to tell me to get the heck out of there, that she was fine, and why was I worried anyway? When she told me instead that not only did she have concerns about her comprehension, but that she wanted her to have her hearing tested at 3 years and that we should come back tomorrow to continue the evaluation, well I was a little shocked. Maybe shocked isn't the word...surprised? The thing is while I thought there were still some concerns, I never in a million years thought that there could potentially be enough of a concern for her actually to be eligible...at least not in the area of speech. Julia was not exactly on her game either. For some reason, she was yawning a lot and seemed unable to focus her attention for too long. What I am saying as I can see why the evaluator may have been concerned today. We go back tomorrow at 8:45 to finish up, and back again on Thursday for her PT evaluation.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
The End Of An Era (Or Two)
After 37 years as an elevator constructor with the International Union Of Elevator Constructors, my father has retired and become and employee of the state. He is officially a "state elevator inspector" now. The kids think that is way cool because he has an official badge that says right on it, "Department of Public Safety" and looks unmistakeably like a State Police badge.
In other retirement news, my Uncle will be retiring from his post as the President of the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO. There is quite a nice writeup about him here.
It's a family thing, the elevator business. Besides my husband, father and uncle, I have another uncle and two cousins that are members in one way or another.
For all of the controversy there seems to be about unions, they certainly have done well by my family, immediate and extended.
In other retirement news, my Uncle will be retiring from his post as the President of the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO. There is quite a nice writeup about him here.
It's a family thing, the elevator business. Besides my husband, father and uncle, I have another uncle and two cousins that are members in one way or another.
For all of the controversy there seems to be about unions, they certainly have done well by my family, immediate and extended.
Busy Week Ahead...
...Monday: Katherine has her throat culture to see if the strep has finally evacuated her system tomorrow at 9am. Julia has playgroup from 10-12:15. Town Meeting is tomorrow night at 7. Ryun is hosting Monday Night Cards here at our house.
...Tuesday: Julia has part 1 of her preschool evaluation at 8:30 at the LDL School. Phone calls to support the override that night.
...Wednesday: Katherine has her last Girl Scout Meeting of the year, Emily is in the spelling bee at school. Phone calls at night to support the override.
...Thursday: Happy Anniversary to Ryun and I! Nine years for those who are keeping track. Part 2 of Julia's preschool eval at noon.
...Friday: I have an appointment at 11 to have this funky thing on my arm looked at. Marie and Pete are taking the girls overnight and Ryun and I are going to go to dinner at the Gateway and to a movie.
In between all of this I need to call Katherine's endocrinologist to make an appointment, make sure Julia's EI provider hasn't fallen off of the face of the earth( I have tried to call her and reschedule an appointment all week and have not heard back), call the custodial staff at HBB to make sure that they will have the necessary tables ready in the auditorium for the cultural enrichment programs I have scheduled in the beginning of June, and confirm that the town hall auditorium is all set for the kindergartners cultural enrichment programs, also scheduled for June. I am hoping to fit in some playground time for Julia or, perhaps a picnic and a walk along the canal.
Honestly, the next few weeks certainly aren't looking less busy.
Here's what's on tap (in no particular order):
Emily's Birthday
Mom's Birthday
5 days of cultural enrichment performances
pool party for Girl Scouts
override election
Emily's end of the year Burtwood recital
Emily's birthday party with her friends
voice lessons
No I am not counting the days until schools out, why do you ask?!?!?!
...Tuesday: Julia has part 1 of her preschool evaluation at 8:30 at the LDL School. Phone calls to support the override that night.
...Wednesday: Katherine has her last Girl Scout Meeting of the year, Emily is in the spelling bee at school. Phone calls at night to support the override.
...Thursday: Happy Anniversary to Ryun and I! Nine years for those who are keeping track. Part 2 of Julia's preschool eval at noon.
...Friday: I have an appointment at 11 to have this funky thing on my arm looked at. Marie and Pete are taking the girls overnight and Ryun and I are going to go to dinner at the Gateway and to a movie.
In between all of this I need to call Katherine's endocrinologist to make an appointment, make sure Julia's EI provider hasn't fallen off of the face of the earth( I have tried to call her and reschedule an appointment all week and have not heard back), call the custodial staff at HBB to make sure that they will have the necessary tables ready in the auditorium for the cultural enrichment programs I have scheduled in the beginning of June, and confirm that the town hall auditorium is all set for the kindergartners cultural enrichment programs, also scheduled for June. I am hoping to fit in some playground time for Julia or, perhaps a picnic and a walk along the canal.
Honestly, the next few weeks certainly aren't looking less busy.
Here's what's on tap (in no particular order):
Emily's Birthday
Mom's Birthday
5 days of cultural enrichment performances
pool party for Girl Scouts
override election
Emily's end of the year Burtwood recital
Emily's birthday party with her friends
voice lessons
No I am not counting the days until schools out, why do you ask?!?!?!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
D Day
So, on Friday morning, Suzanne and John's divorce became all legal and official. It's a sad, sad thing no doubt but, in order to keep Suz in good spirits, we all went out Friday night and "celebrated." Not really celebrated of course but you know, provided distraction. The night started with dinner at Jamie's in Marshfield. After that we ran on down to Cathay Cathay Hanover for a little karaoke. I had the mom-mobile (aka the caravan) so I was the DD (which is fine by me seeing as I don't really drink much anyway). It was a lot of fun. We were all joking with Suzanne about everything and anything divorce (even Ryun said we should have put a "JUST DIVORCED" sign on the back of the van which Suz and everyone else thought was a riot).
Let me just say too, I was in the company of some fantastic singers. Anyway, I took pictures!
Suz and Heath...and yes, that is a lia sophia necklace that Heath has on!
Let me just say too, I was in the company of some fantastic singers. Anyway, I took pictures!
Suz and Heath...and yes, that is a lia sophia necklace that Heath has on!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Julia's Latest
Taking a nap around 1 and sleeping for a couple of hours, then going to be at 10, or even on some nights, later.
Of course, I could be waking her after 45 minutes of napping, but I am enjoying my free time too much. Stay At Home Moms, I am sure can relate.
On the rare occasion when she does go to bed at between 7-8, she is waking up at 4 or 5 in the morning, and not going back to sleep. This is so not cool.
Ah, the joys of toddlerhood!
Of course, I could be waking her after 45 minutes of napping, but I am enjoying my free time too much. Stay At Home Moms, I am sure can relate.
On the rare occasion when she does go to bed at between 7-8, she is waking up at 4 or 5 in the morning, and not going back to sleep. This is so not cool.
Ah, the joys of toddlerhood!
Emily Update
Emily's appointment went well. We talked about the random foot shaking thing that occured and becasue it was on the right side of her body (which silly me didn't think of before) he didn't think it was a seizure. Her seizures (well the majority of them anyway) come from the right side of her brain which would mean if it was a seizure, her left side would be affected. So that was good news.
He reccomended, after looking at the neuro-psych report that we try giving her a medication called, "Focalin XR" for the ADHD. It was kind of funny because yesterday was perhaps the worst I have ever seen the ADHD, and it was while we were in the office with him. She couldn't sit still, interupted almost every conversation, was spinning around in the chair, climbing all over the table, twirling her hair on her fingers etc. etc. etc. She stepped out to go use the bathroom and the doctor and I looked at each other and he said, "I think the neuro-psych eval was right on."
We are also going to have a Lamictal blood level done just because we haven't in a while and he wants to make sure her level doesn't go down too low. A level too low would more than likely mean the return of seizures so if it ends up being on the lower end, he may increase it. She has also grown quite a bit since we had her last level done.
On a lighter note, he discussed very briefly how the onset of puberty and all of the hormonal changes that come with it can occasionally mean an increase of seizures, but that it doesn't always. Emily said to him, "Oh yeah, I have already started puberty. I even have a hair under my arm pit!"
Such modesty with that one, huh?
He reccomended, after looking at the neuro-psych report that we try giving her a medication called, "Focalin XR" for the ADHD. It was kind of funny because yesterday was perhaps the worst I have ever seen the ADHD, and it was while we were in the office with him. She couldn't sit still, interupted almost every conversation, was spinning around in the chair, climbing all over the table, twirling her hair on her fingers etc. etc. etc. She stepped out to go use the bathroom and the doctor and I looked at each other and he said, "I think the neuro-psych eval was right on."
We are also going to have a Lamictal blood level done just because we haven't in a while and he wants to make sure her level doesn't go down too low. A level too low would more than likely mean the return of seizures so if it ends up being on the lower end, he may increase it. She has also grown quite a bit since we had her last level done.
On a lighter note, he discussed very briefly how the onset of puberty and all of the hormonal changes that come with it can occasionally mean an increase of seizures, but that it doesn't always. Emily said to him, "Oh yeah, I have already started puberty. I even have a hair under my arm pit!"
Such modesty with that one, huh?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
The Difference Between The Sable and the Caravan
Beside the obvious differences (more space, built in cd and dvd players, better color etc): I am spending a TON of money on gas.
Example: Today I filled it up and it cost me $45! It still had a 1/4 of a tank in it too! I actually price shopped the full serve stations around (2 in Carver since I was there and the one right down the street). Ron's down the street was cheapest at $2.79 per gallon. But still...$45? That's scary.
Example: Today I filled it up and it cost me $45! It still had a 1/4 of a tank in it too! I actually price shopped the full serve stations around (2 in Carver since I was there and the one right down the street). Ron's down the street was cheapest at $2.79 per gallon. But still...$45? That's scary.
I have mentioned here before that I continuously expose my children to various types of music including, but not limited to; oldies, 80's and country music. Julia really seems to enjoy music and is constantly singing, even if it's just a phrase she is using to convey something ("Julia is going to the bathroom, la la la la la").
One of the stations on the Sirius radio that is on quite a lot is "Radio Disney." A song will come on the radio and Julia will exclaim from the back seat, "Mama it's Hannah Montana" or its "The Cheetah Girls!" It sounds really funny coming from a two year old but even funnier is when she starts to actually sing, "You've Got The Best Of Both Worlds" or "Route 66."
Anyway the other day, she was in the living room and I heard her, clear as day sing, "...have another beer in Mexico (Kenny Chesney for those who don't know)." Now that sounded funny coming out of a two year old.
P.S.Dad, she is LOVING the "Jersey Boys" CD and was singing "Walk Like A Man" on the way home from food shopping today.
One of the stations on the Sirius radio that is on quite a lot is "Radio Disney." A song will come on the radio and Julia will exclaim from the back seat, "Mama it's Hannah Montana" or its "The Cheetah Girls!" It sounds really funny coming from a two year old but even funnier is when she starts to actually sing, "You've Got The Best Of Both Worlds" or "Route 66."
Anyway the other day, she was in the living room and I heard her, clear as day sing, "...have another beer in Mexico (Kenny Chesney for those who don't know)." Now that sounded funny coming out of a two year old.
P.S.Dad, she is LOVING the "Jersey Boys" CD and was singing "Walk Like A Man" on the way home from food shopping today.
The school nurse just called and told me that Emily is down there and that her foot is shaking. She can walk fine and is fully aware, but, even after the nurse had her exercise and stretch her leg a little to see if she maybe was leaning on a nerve or something, it still did it. She could walk ok and wasn't in pain, so I had the nurse send her back to class with the instructions to call me if anything further developed.
So because of her seizure disorder I am in semi-panic mode (well not panic really but worried I guess). I knew there was a specific type of seizure in which the person remains fully aware, that usually starts as a foot or a hand shaking, and can progress to "whole body shaking. I couldn't remember what it was called at first, then it hit me...it's called a Simple Partial Seizures.
Anyway, I started wondering of course if this could be "psychosomatic", based on our conversation, posted below. Both the nurse and I agree that Emily is not one to make illnesses up so I don't know. It just seems kind of coincidental that the very day we have her appointment, something like this would happen.
So because of her seizure disorder I am in semi-panic mode (well not panic really but worried I guess). I knew there was a specific type of seizure in which the person remains fully aware, that usually starts as a foot or a hand shaking, and can progress to "whole body shaking. I couldn't remember what it was called at first, then it hit me...it's called a Simple Partial Seizures.
Anyway, I started wondering of course if this could be "psychosomatic", based on our conversation, posted below. Both the nurse and I agree that Emily is not one to make illnesses up so I don't know. It just seems kind of coincidental that the very day we have her appointment, something like this would happen.
Julia: Results, Emily: Doctor
Good News: two of the 3 genes that are tested for determination of Noonan's Syndrome have come back fine! The last of the 3 is sent out and not done right at Children's so that result should be in by the end of May or the beginning of June. But 2 out of 3 coming back fine; lets hope the 3rd one comes back the same way!
Emily has her usual 6 month check up with her neurologist today. She woke up early this morning and I was reminding her of her appointment when she said, "I don't want to have seizures anymore. I want to be normal like all of the other kids and not have to take pills everyday, and go to a doctor more than just for my birthday checkup." Yikes. this was the first time she has ever said anything like that, and, I am quite sure it has to do with maturity (both physical and mental). She is older now, and probably has a better understanding of her situation now too. Anyway, this is what I said to her:
"Having seizures doesn't make you abnormal. You are a regular kid who just needs a little extra help to stay healthy. You haven't had a seizure in 2 1/2 years, so hopefully, if we keep seeing Dr. C and taking those pills, it will stay that way. Besides, taking pills and going to the doctor is better than actually having a seizure, right? I know its hard sometimes, but you have to remember that you are still you, and nothing could ever change that!"
I hope it was the right thing to say.
Emily has her usual 6 month check up with her neurologist today. She woke up early this morning and I was reminding her of her appointment when she said, "I don't want to have seizures anymore. I want to be normal like all of the other kids and not have to take pills everyday, and go to a doctor more than just for my birthday checkup." Yikes. this was the first time she has ever said anything like that, and, I am quite sure it has to do with maturity (both physical and mental). She is older now, and probably has a better understanding of her situation now too. Anyway, this is what I said to her:
"Having seizures doesn't make you abnormal. You are a regular kid who just needs a little extra help to stay healthy. You haven't had a seizure in 2 1/2 years, so hopefully, if we keep seeing Dr. C and taking those pills, it will stay that way. Besides, taking pills and going to the doctor is better than actually having a seizure, right? I know its hard sometimes, but you have to remember that you are still you, and nothing could ever change that!"
I hope it was the right thing to say.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Meet Thumper...
..the little bunny that lives under the deck at my parents house.
Isn't he a cutie?!?!
We spent the day at the pool on Mother's Day (yes, Emily and Katherine actually swam, despite the water temperature being only 65 or so)and Thumper was the star of the day. It was quite obvious that he lives under the deck where the hot tub sits, as he would hop out, park himself under the stairs and eat some grass, then scoot back under. AT one point, he managed to get in to the pool area through the fence (it's chain link on one side) and was quite literally playing with Julia. He would run out from behind the bushes that line the back fence and Julia would run up to him and say, "Hi bunny!" Of course, being a bunny, he would hop right back in to the bushes. Julia was putting her hands up in a questioning type manner and saying, "Mama, where did the bunny go?" It went on for quite some time until Julia had to come eat dinner, and the bunny left.
I don't really know how long bunnies stay in one place, but if he hangs around for the summer, I am sure he and Julia will become quite good friends!
Playground Pictures!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
YAY Julia!
I had a meeting today about the override. Due to a conflict in schedules, we had to do it during the day so, of course, I had to bring Julia with me. I always get a little nervous bringing to Julia to new places because I am never quite sure how she is going to react. I have posted here before about how she sometimes in new or large group settings seems overwhelmed and will sometimes get this "oh no what am I going to do now" look on her face. The look is usually followed by tears and a crying jag that could last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour to "it has ruined the rest of my day and I am just going to be a grumpy three year old from now until bedtime."
Well, today, we ALMOST had one such moment. I say almost because, for the first time ever, she got the look, the lower lip started to tremble and I was able to console her by picking her up for a quick hug, telling her that it was "ok" to go play with the toys and after another minute of hugging put her down to go do just that.
For Julia, this was a HUGE breakthrough! YAY!
Well, today, we ALMOST had one such moment. I say almost because, for the first time ever, she got the look, the lower lip started to tremble and I was able to console her by picking her up for a quick hug, telling her that it was "ok" to go play with the toys and after another minute of hugging put her down to go do just that.
For Julia, this was a HUGE breakthrough! YAY!
Monday, May 14, 2007
I figured I should point out...
...that money is not the only thing needed for our kids to get a proper education. You also need good teachers, good administrators, involved parents, and the right resources.
Certainly, the argument can be made that to get any of the above, you need money, but, even with money, the above mentioned things are hard to come by. I don't deny that.
Also, for the record, I too believe that if the state and federal governments are going to make the rules, they should foot the bill. They aren't though, so someone needs to step up to the plate. You would think that the next people in line to step up would be the concerned parents of the school system and the town as a whole.
Do I feel bad that the seniors and those who already have a tough time paying the bills would have to pay? Yes, I do. I am human, and a quite compassionate one at that. I just don't see any other way of making this work and I don't see the non-override budget as an option.
Certainly, the argument can be made that to get any of the above, you need money, but, even with money, the above mentioned things are hard to come by. I don't deny that.
Also, for the record, I too believe that if the state and federal governments are going to make the rules, they should foot the bill. They aren't though, so someone needs to step up to the plate. You would think that the next people in line to step up would be the concerned parents of the school system and the town as a whole.
Do I feel bad that the seniors and those who already have a tough time paying the bills would have to pay? Yes, I do. I am human, and a quite compassionate one at that. I just don't see any other way of making this work and I don't see the non-override budget as an option.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Earlier today, I volunteered in Katherine's classroom as a chaperone for the walking field trip to the town hall. The system-wide art show was this week, and, each year, the elementary classes walk over to view the art. It was a great day for a walk, a little humid, but nice just the same. As I was walking down 105, I noticed, perhaps for the first time, how "photogenic" that area of Middleboro is. From the "mansions" that line the street, the oak trees that hover over the sidewalk, something struck me today that said, "You should come down here and photograph this sometime, Sharon." I have been to the town hall countless times for performances, have seen through the window of the car the beautiful Veteran's Memorial that was recently built, and have driven by the downtown shops more times than I can tell you. I think today, however was the first time I really took notice and saw how beautiful it all really is.
The art show itself was phenomenal. There were some paintings there done by some of the older kids that I wanted to make an offer on, and frame in my living room. The students, young and old, have some serious skills.
The art show itself was phenomenal. There were some paintings there done by some of the older kids that I wanted to make an offer on, and frame in my living room. The students, young and old, have some serious skills.
Why I Am Morally, Ethically, and Fiscally Opposed ...
...to a casino here in town, in list form because I am lazy.
1. It is a proven fact that a casino in town brings with it more people, choosing to reside in or near the host town. More people=more crime=more social problems=more gambling addictions=more bankruptcies filed=BAD NEWS.
2. Casinos are usually built in the style of a resort...with such things as hotels, malls, specialty shops etc. right on the premises. If the people that a casino brings in are shopping and conducting business at the casino that means that they are not shopping at local businesses. Again, BAD NEWS.
3. Casino's run by Indians are considered, "Sovereign Nations", which means they are not subject to the environmental, land use, and tax laws that apply to everyone else. There is also no developed federal law regarding what terms are enforceable between local towns and the Indians running the casino. BAD NEWS.
4. Much of the revenue generated by the state lottery system is redistributed among the cities in towns. A casino would more than likely have a negative impact on this. BAD NEWS.
5. The town of Ledyard, CT only get a measly 1 million per year back from the casino. I say measly because 1 million is probably not even close to a fraction of what Foxwoods makes. BAD NEWS. (FYI: I need to find the report in which got this information, and when I do, I will link it here, as it also shares other useful information on the negative impact Foxwoods has had on Ledyard).
6. The town would undoubtedly lose it's rural country character which, to me, and I am sure many others, is a big reason we live here. BAD NEWS.
Oh, and if I may just say that the people running this town, with the possible exception of one, are clueless. Not only did they sell the land before a deal with the tribe was even discussed, they did it without seeking the input of the town voters. The only one who may be exempt from that is the one who wanted to put a non-binding referendum on the next election surveying the thoughts of the town regarding the casino. The others shot it down, even though the Wampanoags would rather go with a town that supports them being there than not. Honestly, sometimes I wonder how these people get elected.
1. It is a proven fact that a casino in town brings with it more people, choosing to reside in or near the host town. More people=more crime=more social problems=more gambling addictions=more bankruptcies filed=BAD NEWS.
2. Casinos are usually built in the style of a resort...with such things as hotels, malls, specialty shops etc. right on the premises. If the people that a casino brings in are shopping and conducting business at the casino that means that they are not shopping at local businesses. Again, BAD NEWS.
3. Casino's run by Indians are considered, "Sovereign Nations", which means they are not subject to the environmental, land use, and tax laws that apply to everyone else. There is also no developed federal law regarding what terms are enforceable between local towns and the Indians running the casino. BAD NEWS.
4. Much of the revenue generated by the state lottery system is redistributed among the cities in towns. A casino would more than likely have a negative impact on this. BAD NEWS.
5. The town of Ledyard, CT only get a measly 1 million per year back from the casino. I say measly because 1 million is probably not even close to a fraction of what Foxwoods makes. BAD NEWS. (FYI: I need to find the report in which got this information, and when I do, I will link it here, as it also shares other useful information on the negative impact Foxwoods has had on Ledyard).
6. The town would undoubtedly lose it's rural country character which, to me, and I am sure many others, is a big reason we live here. BAD NEWS.
Oh, and if I may just say that the people running this town, with the possible exception of one, are clueless. Not only did they sell the land before a deal with the tribe was even discussed, they did it without seeking the input of the town voters. The only one who may be exempt from that is the one who wanted to put a non-binding referendum on the next election surveying the thoughts of the town regarding the casino. The others shot it down, even though the Wampanoags would rather go with a town that supports them being there than not. Honestly, sometimes I wonder how these people get elected.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Adventures In Education has been updated. Be warned, it's a strongly opinionated, tell it like its is kind of post.
So Tell Me How You Really Feel, Sharon
Let me say point blank before I go forth with this post: In my personal opinion, cuts to educational funding should be considered a criminal act. No, I am not kidding, and yes, I feel that strongly about it.
The children of today are the future leaders of tomorrow. To be perfectly honest, even with adequate funding and available resources, there are still academic concerns surrounding such things as AYP and The No Child Left Behind Act. Cutting funds is certainly not the answer to this, or any other existing problems. How can a teacher be held responsible for a child's progress when they aren't provided with the tools to do so? I don't pretend to know the answer when it comes to resolving these and other concerns. What I do know is that if there is any hope of this ever being resolved, the money needs to be there. The feds have one heck of a nerve, if you ask me requiring such things anyway, unless they are willing to back it up with some cold, hard cash.
For anyone to even accuse the higher-ups at a school of being wasteful is not only ignorant, it's plain and simple not true. I not only have students in the school system, but am an active volunteer who actually sees, with my own two eyes how resourceful and creative school administrators and teachers can be, and in some cases have to be, in order to provide an appropriate education with the materials they have. Honestly? People who make accusations like that need only to go to the schools and see how wrong they are.
Yes, an override is needed. I think that the cutting of 36 positions, resulting in large class sizes and limited supplies more than justifies it. Does anyone really think the superintendent is making this up? If the override doesn't pass, you go to the schools next year and see for yourself. Maybe it is a form of theft, but, it's a legal one and I don't see anyone coming up with any better ideas. I'm sorry, but I think it is pathetically sad that someone wouldn't be willing to spend an extra $260 a year to support the future of the world. Further, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with if someone, somewhere didn't screw up to begin with. I seriously doubt jeopardizing the education of the children will prevent this from happening again. No, I am not pointing fingers. Mistakes though, were undoubtedly made and even if those who made them are long gone, the children of today shouldn't suffer the consequences. It's just wrong.
If my landlord decided to raise the rent to cover the cost of the tax increase, I would gladly pay it. There is nothing more important than educating the children of today to provide for a better tomorrow. Nothing.
On a related note, it pisses me off to no end that people can make all kinds of judgements and accusations without having actually stepped foot in the school building to see what really goes on, not just what they think goes on. I assure you, what they think and what really is are two totally different things.
By the way, I too have serious doubts that the override will pass. So why bother, you might say? Well, because some one has to show the kids that can have a voice too, even if it is through their parents for now.
The children of today are the future leaders of tomorrow. To be perfectly honest, even with adequate funding and available resources, there are still academic concerns surrounding such things as AYP and The No Child Left Behind Act. Cutting funds is certainly not the answer to this, or any other existing problems. How can a teacher be held responsible for a child's progress when they aren't provided with the tools to do so? I don't pretend to know the answer when it comes to resolving these and other concerns. What I do know is that if there is any hope of this ever being resolved, the money needs to be there. The feds have one heck of a nerve, if you ask me requiring such things anyway, unless they are willing to back it up with some cold, hard cash.
For anyone to even accuse the higher-ups at a school of being wasteful is not only ignorant, it's plain and simple not true. I not only have students in the school system, but am an active volunteer who actually sees, with my own two eyes how resourceful and creative school administrators and teachers can be, and in some cases have to be, in order to provide an appropriate education with the materials they have. Honestly? People who make accusations like that need only to go to the schools and see how wrong they are.
Yes, an override is needed. I think that the cutting of 36 positions, resulting in large class sizes and limited supplies more than justifies it. Does anyone really think the superintendent is making this up? If the override doesn't pass, you go to the schools next year and see for yourself. Maybe it is a form of theft, but, it's a legal one and I don't see anyone coming up with any better ideas. I'm sorry, but I think it is pathetically sad that someone wouldn't be willing to spend an extra $260 a year to support the future of the world. Further, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with if someone, somewhere didn't screw up to begin with. I seriously doubt jeopardizing the education of the children will prevent this from happening again. No, I am not pointing fingers. Mistakes though, were undoubtedly made and even if those who made them are long gone, the children of today shouldn't suffer the consequences. It's just wrong.
If my landlord decided to raise the rent to cover the cost of the tax increase, I would gladly pay it. There is nothing more important than educating the children of today to provide for a better tomorrow. Nothing.
On a related note, it pisses me off to no end that people can make all kinds of judgements and accusations without having actually stepped foot in the school building to see what really goes on, not just what they think goes on. I assure you, what they think and what really is are two totally different things.
By the way, I too have serious doubts that the override will pass. So why bother, you might say? Well, because some one has to show the kids that can have a voice too, even if it is through their parents for now.
This week has been that, for sure. My time has been occupied by many things, not the least of which is the designing of the Yes 4 Middleboro Schools website (which is just about done...YAY). I had meetings on both Tuesday and Wednesday and am volunteering at the school tonight as part of the Earth Week festivities. The kids have had all kinds of fun this week planting, recycling, and touring the Earth Balloon which was paid for by the PTA, and more specifically by the Cultural Enrichment Committee which I chair. The timing for Earth week couldn't have been better as it came just after the kids had received the awful news that they had lost one of their own...a six year old first grade student who died unexpectedly over the weekend. For privacy reasons, no one really knows how she died. Katherine's class specifically had a conversation about it (she too is in first grade and the classroom in which the girl was in was right next to hers). Katherine only knew the student in passing and she seems to be handling the situation well, mostly because I think she doesn't quite understand the whole thing (I mean she knows about death and dying but I don't think she understands impact and the grieving part just yet). Anyway, I think the Earth Week festivities probably provided a nice distraction.
I still need to update over at Adventures in Education, sharing my true feelings about the override, the casino and other town related concerns. Maybe I will get to that later, after food shopping and errands.
I still need to update over at Adventures in Education, sharing my true feelings about the override, the casino and other town related concerns. Maybe I will get to that later, after food shopping and errands.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Classic Emily
On the way to voice today I casually said to Emily, "Can you believe school is almost out?"
She responded with, "Yup, your vacation is almost over Mom, while ours will just begin."
She is so funny sometimes.
She responded with, "Yup, your vacation is almost over Mom, while ours will just begin."
She is so funny sometimes.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Cleaning House
As I was wiping down the counters after dinner tonight it occurred to me (and not for the first time I assure you) that the ratio between how long it takes me to clean the house and how long it takes for it to get "un-clean" is entirely too great.
It could potentially take me about two hours to clean the house, and that doesn't just mean picking up things that are not where they belong. I mean really clean (vacuum, dust, wash floors etc). That's just the downstairs. Adding upstairs to the mix, it would probably be more like three or four hours. My house isn't that big. I mean it's good size I guess but it's certainly not "over sized." Anyway, the point? What takes four hours to clean takes approximately four minutes to destroy. There is just something wrong with that.
Try as I might, I just can't seem to find a happy medium. If I clean the house so that it shines, and the kids come home a destroy it anyway, what's the damn point? This is not to say of course, that I should never clean based on the fact that it will undoubtedly just get messy again, because even I have my limits of how much clutter I can deal with. Admittedly, I could be better with the day to day upkeep. Perhaps, if I were to do that, the kids would model my behavior, instead of throwing their dirty clothes on the floor, or scattering their game pieces everywhere, or any other behavior that regularly makes the upstairs look like a hurricane blew through. Honestly though? I just don't care enough or have enough energy or motivation. Is that bad? Maybe it is. I just don't know. My house is clean for company, and generally speaking "clean enough" otherwise. There are days when a random guest dropping in would be somewhat embarrassing. There are days when it wouldn't be. Why though, do I let this bother me? Honestly, in my mind, in my own little world I think that if you are offended in any way by how the house looks, then, well, just don't come over. Can't it just be that simple? I have three kids, a husband and about a million other responsibilities that I have to worry about/take care of. Keeping the house in some state of perfection is beyond what I have energy and time for, and perhaps beyond what I am capable of given everything else that is going on.
It could potentially take me about two hours to clean the house, and that doesn't just mean picking up things that are not where they belong. I mean really clean (vacuum, dust, wash floors etc). That's just the downstairs. Adding upstairs to the mix, it would probably be more like three or four hours. My house isn't that big. I mean it's good size I guess but it's certainly not "over sized." Anyway, the point? What takes four hours to clean takes approximately four minutes to destroy. There is just something wrong with that.
Try as I might, I just can't seem to find a happy medium. If I clean the house so that it shines, and the kids come home a destroy it anyway, what's the damn point? This is not to say of course, that I should never clean based on the fact that it will undoubtedly just get messy again, because even I have my limits of how much clutter I can deal with. Admittedly, I could be better with the day to day upkeep. Perhaps, if I were to do that, the kids would model my behavior, instead of throwing their dirty clothes on the floor, or scattering their game pieces everywhere, or any other behavior that regularly makes the upstairs look like a hurricane blew through. Honestly though? I just don't care enough or have enough energy or motivation. Is that bad? Maybe it is. I just don't know. My house is clean for company, and generally speaking "clean enough" otherwise. There are days when a random guest dropping in would be somewhat embarrassing. There are days when it wouldn't be. Why though, do I let this bother me? Honestly, in my mind, in my own little world I think that if you are offended in any way by how the house looks, then, well, just don't come over. Can't it just be that simple? I have three kids, a husband and about a million other responsibilities that I have to worry about/take care of. Keeping the house in some state of perfection is beyond what I have energy and time for, and perhaps beyond what I am capable of given everything else that is going on.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Katherine: The Updated Version
Shocking(NOT) results: Katherine has strep again. This time around, the doc prescribed Augmentin. He was alarmed of course, that she had it three times in thirty days time, so we are going back in two weeks, after she is done with this round of antibiotics, to see if she could perhaps be a "carrier" of strep throat. I am not quite sure how this can be given what I have read about being a "carrier"(to my knowledge this means that the strep bacteria are always present but that symptoms of strep are not). The bacteria part makes sense but she certainly has had the symptoms (a low grade fever and um, a sore throat). Of course, I left the office before the question occurred...so I will just ask when we go back in a couple of weeks.
Anyway, whatever.
She had to miss yet another birthday party because of this. She is such a trooper though. A few tears were shed (understandably) but once I explained (again) how she didn't want her friends to get sick too, she was fine (I am sure the promise of ice cream on the way home from the doc's may have helped too). Whatever works I say.
We have the annual Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow at Ryun's grandmothers, which I am, as of right now still planning on taking Katherine to. By the time we get there, she will have had a full 24 hours of medicine doses in her, so she won't be contagious anymore. As long as she is feeling up to it, we will be there and if not, Ryun will take Emily and Julia regardless.
Anyway, whatever.
She had to miss yet another birthday party because of this. She is such a trooper though. A few tears were shed (understandably) but once I explained (again) how she didn't want her friends to get sick too, she was fine (I am sure the promise of ice cream on the way home from the doc's may have helped too). Whatever works I say.
We have the annual Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow at Ryun's grandmothers, which I am, as of right now still planning on taking Katherine to. By the time we get there, she will have had a full 24 hours of medicine doses in her, so she won't be contagious anymore. As long as she is feeling up to it, we will be there and if not, Ryun will take Emily and Julia regardless.
Friday, May 4, 2007
...might have strep throat...again. She went to the nurse today at school who called and reported to me that her throat was red but, she didn't have a fever. She sent her back to class, where Katherine willingly went but, this is how it started the other THREE times she has had it in the past 4 months (1 time in January and 2 times in April). That, combined with the fact that she has never in her life complained of pain anywhere and not had it turn out to be a legitimate illness (for the past 6 years it has been ear infections, this year, apparently it's going to be strep), make me think that this could be the beginning of yet another bout.
So I am thinking that she is either prone to this type of thing, or that she has developed an immunity to the antibiotics (although last time it was cephalexin that she took as opposed to the usual amoxycillin that is prescribed for both ear and throat infections). I am thinking the former rather than the latter. This is not ok. Strep throat 4 times (assuming she has it again) in 4 months time, 3 of which occurred within 1 month of each other? The poor kid. I have a feeling a tonsillectomy may be in her future.
So I am thinking that she is either prone to this type of thing, or that she has developed an immunity to the antibiotics (although last time it was cephalexin that she took as opposed to the usual amoxycillin that is prescribed for both ear and throat infections). I am thinking the former rather than the latter. This is not ok. Strep throat 4 times (assuming she has it again) in 4 months time, 3 of which occurred within 1 month of each other? The poor kid. I have a feeling a tonsillectomy may be in her future.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
I volunteered, last night at a meeting supporting an override here in town, to design a website for our newly formed committee. Time is short, money is tight, and my patience for website design is in short supply. So, I am looking for your advice.
What I would like to do is design a professional looking site (or as professional as one would expect out of a stay at home mom volunteering her time) which has features like calendars, forms that can be filled out and emailed back to me (to sign up to volunteer), possibly a way of polling visitors and things of that nature. I am looking for the simplest(drag and drop would be fantastic)and least expensive way of doing this, without scrimping on the quality. Moreover, if there is anyone out there in Middleboro reading this that supports paying an additional $280 ( based on a house valued at $350,000)in property taxes to support the children of this community that would like to, well, do this for me, please, step right up.
Seriously though, any thoughts? What have you used in the way of host and site providers? Financially speaking, we can spend the bare minimum, at least for now, while we are getting organized.
What I would like to do is design a professional looking site (or as professional as one would expect out of a stay at home mom volunteering her time) which has features like calendars, forms that can be filled out and emailed back to me (to sign up to volunteer), possibly a way of polling visitors and things of that nature. I am looking for the simplest(drag and drop would be fantastic)and least expensive way of doing this, without scrimping on the quality. Moreover, if there is anyone out there in Middleboro reading this that supports paying an additional $280 ( based on a house valued at $350,000)in property taxes to support the children of this community that would like to, well, do this for me, please, step right up.
Seriously though, any thoughts? What have you used in the way of host and site providers? Financially speaking, we can spend the bare minimum, at least for now, while we are getting organized.
I interupt housecleaning to bring you this...
...breakthrough moment, brought to you courtesy of the reigning pre-teen of the moment, Emily Ellis.
So yesterday was one of those days with Emily. Everything made her mad (a couple of times gate-throwing, door-slamming mad),everything made her cry, and every word that came out of her mouth was fresh or disrespectful. Attitude was in full force and tears of frustration threatened to fall from my eyes on many occasions.
This morning she woke up, gave me a hug and said, "I am sorry I had an attitude yesterday. I don't know why I had one, but I know I did."
Three things came to mind after she said this:
1. She just recognized that what she was doing yesterday was wrong. Knowing is half the battle and all that.
2. She just apologized, and actually meant it sincerely.
and the kicker...
3. Oh my God, could she be "pms-ing"?
Seriously, someone somewhere needs to find a way to stop time. Like right now. Mama isn't ready for this yet!
So yesterday was one of those days with Emily. Everything made her mad (a couple of times gate-throwing, door-slamming mad),everything made her cry, and every word that came out of her mouth was fresh or disrespectful. Attitude was in full force and tears of frustration threatened to fall from my eyes on many occasions.
This morning she woke up, gave me a hug and said, "I am sorry I had an attitude yesterday. I don't know why I had one, but I know I did."
Three things came to mind after she said this:
1. She just recognized that what she was doing yesterday was wrong. Knowing is half the battle and all that.
2. She just apologized, and actually meant it sincerely.
and the kicker...
3. Oh my God, could she be "pms-ing"?
Seriously, someone somewhere needs to find a way to stop time. Like right now. Mama isn't ready for this yet!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
After Julia ate and appeared to LOVE chili at last weeks playgroup, I have decided to try and make my own, something that I have never done.
So, last night I went out and bought the following ingredients:
2 lbs of ground beef
1 can of light red kidney beans
1 can of diced tomatoes
1 can of tomato sauce (8 oz)
and a bag of chili seasonings which includes:
masa corn flour
caynenne pepper
a bag labeled "chili spices"
I was thinking that I would like to cook this in the crock. I will brown the beef first of course and then throw everything in.
I was wondering though, if anyone has ever done this? I am planning on waiting to add the beans and possibly the diced tomatoes until its about a half hour before the chili is done. I was thinking they were too soft and would cook to "quickly" in the slow cooker but, if anyone has any input in that regard, please share.
How ave you cooked chili in the past? What works best for you?
So, last night I went out and bought the following ingredients:
2 lbs of ground beef
1 can of light red kidney beans
1 can of diced tomatoes
1 can of tomato sauce (8 oz)
and a bag of chili seasonings which includes:
masa corn flour
caynenne pepper
a bag labeled "chili spices"
I was thinking that I would like to cook this in the crock. I will brown the beef first of course and then throw everything in.
I was wondering though, if anyone has ever done this? I am planning on waiting to add the beans and possibly the diced tomatoes until its about a half hour before the chili is done. I was thinking they were too soft and would cook to "quickly" in the slow cooker but, if anyone has any input in that regard, please share.
How ave you cooked chili in the past? What works best for you?
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