Monday, November 13, 2006


Ryun is working at The Boston University Center For Digital Imaging Arts, installing the elevator. When he started the job a few weeks ago, he was talking to a woman there who is a student in the digital photography program. She asked him if she could take pictures of him working on the elevator for a school project. What started out as a quick little photo shoot has turned in to Ryun bringing in his comics, his layout for the Knight Rider Steering Wheel he wants to make, and conversations of scriptwriting, filmmaking and all other kinds of "artistic" type things. She has been photographing him and doing this whole project (which I think is sort of a profile of Ryun from what I can tell) about him, and when he finishes up the elevator, she will be getting his address so she can mail a copy to him when she is done with it.

This whole thing has been:

a. a little weird.

b. well, kind of cool!

I will be anxious to see it when it is done!

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