Either the bus driver last year (and in years past) was lax and let the kids run wild, my kids have turned in to the bus drivers worst nightmares (well, maybe not their worst nightmares) or the bus driver this year is insane. I haven't decided which scenario plays out the best yet but, something is definitely up. Both Emily and Katherine have gotten bus slips this year; Katherine for apparently taking a hand clapping game to the next level and hitting some girl (both Katherine and the other girl were fooling around and "play" hitting and the bus driver wrote them both up) and Emily for getting repeated warnings about staying seated. So did my kids all of a sudden "forget" the rules or have they been doing this all along and no one noticed until now? Or, is this bus driver just taking things way too seriously? It's a mystery I tell ya.
In other and perhaps even more frustrating news, Emily got her timeline project back and she got a 4...the best grade possible! We really worked hard and the project came out quite well if I do say so myself. Why is this frustrating? Well, because the damn thing was due on October 20 and Emily never brought home the paper explaining the assignment until last week. She kept telling me about it (basically that she had to do it with few details about what it actually entailed). So I sent a note in to her teacher and she sent the paper home with Emily last week. So me? If I was the teacher, Emily would be getting marked down for lateness. Seriously, and I am still up in the air as to whether or not this would even work in the way of teaching Emily about responsibility but she shouldn't be allowed to think that turning the assignment in late is ok, and she needs to learn. The thing is, Emily has a disability which is becoming more and more apparent each day. After reading more and more about EDF, knowing what I know about her MRI, and watching her function every day, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that when she has the neuro-psych testing, all of this will be "official." She can go on an ed plan and hopefully, get a little extra help at school (and home of course) with memory, organization and time management. This thing though? It's not like a broken arm...wear a cast, take it easy and you'll get better. It's not something that you can see and it is something that is going to take a lot of time to "rewire." We can't make it go away but we can do a lot to help her function at a higher capacity in this regard. Believe me, I know all about rewiring. I have done it myself (for different reasons than this but the concept is the same) and it's a tough thing to do. Unfortunately for Emily, she's not going to wake up some day and remember everything, stay on task, be organized and manage her time appropriately. Improvement in any of those areas is going to take a lot of work, perhaps a little maturity, and more than likely some cognitive therapy. I am going off on a tangent here. Basically what I guess I am trying to say is that I don't think Emily should be punished for her "shortfalls" in these areas, but maybe made aware that turning in an assignment 3 weeks late is not ok. I have told her this myself but I really think the teacher should be saying or doing something as well.
Moving on...
Katherine's birthday is coming up in a few weeks (she is going to be 7...HOLY CRAP) and we are trying to plan a little party here for her and a few friends. So the other day we were going over the list and she came up with 6 girls. She only has 6 other girls besides herself in her class (which is kind of a bad ratio if you ask me...there are 22 kids in her class and only 7 are girls...weird). Anyway, we were writing out the invites and listing the 6 girls names and she said one name that stopped me dead in my tracks. See this girls' mother is just...well the most annoying, aggravating, rude, hypochondriac-like person I have ever met. No one likes her. I mean no one. Put simply, I don't want Katherine to be friends with this girl, especially if the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I didn't say anything to Katherine obviously. I feel bad though...it's not like we can invite every girl but this one (especially since there are only 6 girls to begin with) so, I just decided to suck it up and invite her. I am just going to hope and pray that she can't come, or that the mother won't stay at the party. I am also going to just leave it at the party, meaning this certainly isn't a friendship that I am going to encourage by scheduling playdates etc.
Good God, I think that's enough for now, don't you? Believe me you, there's more I could go on about, but I'll save it for another day, k?
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