Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Yesterday was Julia's first Early Intervention playgroup session. She LOVED it, and actually, so did I. The playgroup goes from 10-12:15 and includes lunch. It's very similar to preschool class with some structure, some free play, a craft of some sort, singing, and outdoor play. We did playdough which Julia had a great time with. I had introduced playdough to her some time ago (during the time where she was going through major sensory type issues) and she was not at all interested, so this was a huge change for her. She had a great time on the playground(which had a completely rubberized ground, making a soft landing spot should some one fall). After the playground we went in and washed hands (in the cutest bathroom ever...mini toilets and sinks just the right height for toddlers) and had lunch...honey mustard chicken, sweet potatoes, fruit salad, a roll and milk. It was good...and Julia (and I) ate it all. We cleaned up and had some more free play, then sang the "Goodbye Song." Julia seemed to interact a little more than usual which is good, and one of the main reasons for joining the playgroup to begin with. I am looking forward to next week.

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