Wednesday, November 8, 2006

More About Julia

Just in case I haven't made it clear about how intensely shy Julia was before her recent "breakthroughs," today at my MOMS Club meeting I was talking to another mother(one who is on the "board" that comes to every meeting) and she said, "I didn't know you had a younger one" as she watched Julia dance to the music of "The Wiggles" with the other kids. Apparently, she only "remembered" Emily and Katherine who I think I have only brought with me to one event(most of them take place during school hours). I didn't want to make her feel bad so I didn't tell her that I have brought Julia to every event I have ever attended and that she was just so shy that she didn't even noticed her.

I have also noticed a HUGE difference at her Jungle Gym class. We have been going since September, faithfully, every week except for I think one, and she just wasn't "getting it." Although there is free play, some of the activities are a little more structured and directed. Basically, when it came down to actually doing something that involved so much as standing near another kid, Julia would have nothing to do with it. This week it was like she was a new person. She sang the songs, attempted the rope swing and the balance beam and, this is a big one, sorted the balls by color (all the yellow balls in the yellow bucket, blues in the blue bucket, etc). The ball sorting was kind of a concern for me because, well, all of the other kids could do it(yeah yeah I know...all kids are different). I wasn't really concerned about whether or not she needed to know what the color was, but she wasn't getting the relationship between the two: same goes with same type of thing. This week she did it like she'd been doing it forever and was just holding out or something.

I also got some good and some fantastic news today. Good news: Starting on November 27 she will be joining an Early Intervention Playgroup which will be a parent separation group...I stay for the beginning, leave for the middle and go to a parent group and then come back at the end to have lunch, which is actually provided by EI. I think that this will be a good thing for both her and I and I can't wait to start! Fantastic news: Her EEG came back normal! BIG YAY for the end of all this medical crap!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Wonderful news about the EEG!

    I'm also glad that Julia is doing better with the other kids. The EI play group sounds like just what she needs. I hope it works out for you!
