Tuesday, November 14, 2006

PT Conference: Take One

Tonight was Katherine's parent teacher confeference. It went well. Can I just tell you that I love her teacher? She is so friendly and down to earth, and not in the least bit intimidating.

To sum up our 15 minute conversation: Katherine has shown good improvement in all areas since September. She could stand to be a bit neater about her work and needs to talk a little less. Her overall score: 3 out of 4. Not too bad, eh?

At the end of the meeting I volunteered my services as a "helper" (call me if need anything type of thing) and walked out feeling good about Katherine, the first grade, her teacher, and myself.

Next up: Emily's conference which will be on Thursday. Anybody got any good ideas about how I can come off as insistent but not overly demanding or bitchy? There is just so much to discuss I find it hard to imagine that I will be able to contain it to a quick conference so I am writing a letter (another one) tonight that I will send in with Emily tomorrow. I figure that my concerns will already (and again) be out in the open so that maybe, when I get there we can just form a plan.

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