Friday, November 3, 2006

Harsh Reality Sets In

I had to send the kids off to school today with winter coats, gloves and hats. I guess it's time to stop the denial and accept the fact that winter is right around the corner. Yuck.

Anyway, Julia and I just came back from one of my most dreaded shopping. Today though, wasn't half bad. I think part of the hatred stems from the fact that I get sick of buying the same old stuff, cooking the same old stuff, eating the same old stuff. SO today, I decided to spice it up a little...and I do mean that quite literally. You see, I got the ingredients to make this and this. Both of these recipes are quite far from anything else I have ever tried making so it should be interesting. Interesting and tasty is what I need to actually enjoy cooking. Doing the same old stuff just gets boring, you know?

I am planning on cooking this on Monday for dinner. I will let you know how it turns out.

Incidently, and totally unrelated to this entry, if anyone out there needs butter, may I suggest going to Shaw's in Plymouth or Carver, where it is currently on sale: 3 for $5! It's Shaw's brand but if you are not particular about such things...

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