...that the day passes and I accomplish two major things on the infamous "to do" list, but I still feel like I have accomplished nothing? I suppose it could be the length of the list (which unfairly always seems to have more added to it than crossed off). Whatever it is, it's just annoying.
Let's face it...there just aren't enough hours in the day, at least not enough "awake" hours. I can't seem to force myself to get up earlier and even after finishing a late afternoon caffeine hit (aka a large coffee from Dunk's) I can't seem to stay up past 10:30-11:00.
Damn, I need to get out of this funk.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Now, y'all know how I feel about the education system in this country but just as a refresher...
The feds should but the heck out.
Of course, that's just a 7 word sentence summing up what could be a 7 page entry, but well, I've said it all before.
Anyway, the liklihood of the government backing out of well, anything, is pretty slim so my feeling is this:
If they are going to hold the schools, teachers and children to specific standards, they should front the money to support their own cause.
Which is why I find this just fantastic. Go get em' I say.
The feds should but the heck out.
Of course, that's just a 7 word sentence summing up what could be a 7 page entry, but well, I've said it all before.
Anyway, the liklihood of the government backing out of well, anything, is pretty slim so my feeling is this:
If they are going to hold the schools, teachers and children to specific standards, they should front the money to support their own cause.
Which is why I find this just fantastic. Go get em' I say.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
House Decorating
I have to be honest here, the Christmas spirit really hasn't struck me yet. Our tree is up and decorated (thanks to Ryun and the girls), I have been listening to the music on the various stations, and I even paid a visit to my parents house, which is decorated and looking marvelous as usual. Still, I can't find the motivation to decorate my own house or get even an inkling of excitement over the whole thing.
It's kind of weird in the sense that there is no real reason for this lack of excitement (at least not one that I can pinpoint). I mean there are various things going on...I m busier than I have ever been, not feeling 100% up to par, and, well it's that time of month. Whatver it is...I hope I snap out of it soon.
It's kind of weird in the sense that there is no real reason for this lack of excitement (at least not one that I can pinpoint). I mean there are various things going on...I m busier than I have ever been, not feeling 100% up to par, and, well it's that time of month. Whatver it is...I hope I snap out of it soon.
Yesterday was Julia's first Early Intervention playgroup session. She LOVED it, and actually, so did I. The playgroup goes from 10-12:15 and includes lunch. It's very similar to preschool class with some structure, some free play, a craft of some sort, singing, and outdoor play. We did playdough which Julia had a great time with. I had introduced playdough to her some time ago (during the time where she was going through major sensory type issues) and she was not at all interested, so this was a huge change for her. She had a great time on the playground(which had a completely rubberized ground, making a soft landing spot should some one fall). After the playground we went in and washed hands (in the cutest bathroom ever...mini toilets and sinks just the right height for toddlers) and had lunch...honey mustard chicken, sweet potatoes, fruit salad, a roll and milk. It was good...and Julia (and I) ate it all. We cleaned up and had some more free play, then sang the "Goodbye Song." Julia seemed to interact a little more than usual which is good, and one of the main reasons for joining the playgroup to begin with. I am looking forward to next week.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Sick and Tired...
As mentioned previously, this weekend was busy. Fun and hellish all in one, and probably more than I should have taken on given the cold I feel coming on.
The body aches started yesterday (which I orginally attributed to falling on my kitchen floor in an attempt to avoid Julia who seemingly "flew" from one spot in the room to right behind me and out of my line of sight with out my knowing). Now though, the sinus pain is kicking in, with the tight chest to boot.
Emily has the stomach bug thing too which is SO NOT FUN.
And, Ryun has been unusually cheerful which for some reason is aggravating me rather than making me happy (PMS, tiredness, and colds just wreak havoc on my emotional state I guess).
So yeah, that's it. I'm going to bed.
As mentioned previously, this weekend was busy. Fun and hellish all in one, and probably more than I should have taken on given the cold I feel coming on.
The body aches started yesterday (which I orginally attributed to falling on my kitchen floor in an attempt to avoid Julia who seemingly "flew" from one spot in the room to right behind me and out of my line of sight with out my knowing). Now though, the sinus pain is kicking in, with the tight chest to boot.
Emily has the stomach bug thing too which is SO NOT FUN.
And, Ryun has been unusually cheerful which for some reason is aggravating me rather than making me happy (PMS, tiredness, and colds just wreak havoc on my emotional state I guess).
So yeah, that's it. I'm going to bed.
Friday, November 24, 2006
PIctures from Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Five Surgeons are discussing the types of people they like to operate on.
The first surgeon says:
"I like to see accountants on my operating table, because when you open them
up, everything inside is numbered."
The second responds:
"Yeah, but you should try electricians! Everything inside them is color
The third surgeon says:
"No, I really think librarians are the best; everything inside them is in
alphabetical order."
The fourth surgeon chimes in:
"You know, I like construction workers...those guys always understand when
you have a few parts left over."
But the fifth surgeon shut them all up when he observed:
"You're all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There's no
guts, no heart, no balls, no brains and no spine. Plus, the head and the ass are
The first surgeon says:
"I like to see accountants on my operating table, because when you open them
up, everything inside is numbered."
The second responds:
"Yeah, but you should try electricians! Everything inside them is color
The third surgeon says:
"No, I really think librarians are the best; everything inside them is in
alphabetical order."
The fourth surgeon chimes in:
"You know, I like construction workers...those guys always understand when
you have a few parts left over."
But the fifth surgeon shut them all up when he observed:
"You're all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There's no
guts, no heart, no balls, no brains and no spine. Plus, the head and the ass are
Birthday Announcements
Happy Birthday to...
my sister in law celebrating today.
"Nana" Judy celebrating on November 27th.
A very special announcement goes out to my daughter Katherine, who will be celebrating her 7th birthday this Saturday, November 25th.
Happy Birthday Katherine!
my sister in law celebrating today.
"Nana" Judy celebrating on November 27th.
A very special announcement goes out to my daughter Katherine, who will be celebrating her 7th birthday this Saturday, November 25th.
Happy Birthday Katherine!
Plans Etc.
Today: kids have a 1/2 day. Katherine has a Girl Scout meeting from 3-4. I am going to help my co leader paint banners for the Christmas parade from 4-6. Food shopping afterward.
Tomorrow: going to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner/Katherine's birthday celebration with the fam.
Friday: Katherine's birthday party at our house with her friends.
Saturday: Happy Birthday Katherine! Annual Middleboro Christmas Parade. Both Emily and Katherine will be in the parade with Girl Scouts.
Sunday: First Annual PTA Craft/Vendor Fair
So yeah...we have a crazy busy weekend!
Tomorrow: going to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner/Katherine's birthday celebration with the fam.
Friday: Katherine's birthday party at our house with her friends.
Saturday: Happy Birthday Katherine! Annual Middleboro Christmas Parade. Both Emily and Katherine will be in the parade with Girl Scouts.
Sunday: First Annual PTA Craft/Vendor Fair
So yeah...we have a crazy busy weekend!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Why I LOVE Middleboro...Reason Number...
Tonight was "Family Literacy Night" at the Goode School. I brought Katherine, along with a book, blanket and stuffed animal to her school cafeteria where we sat and listened to a "guest reader" (the school's media director). We were then invited to spill out in to the hallways where we could find our own little spot, and quietly read together. Katherine and I parked oursleves in the alcove of a classroom doorway and read the book she had picked out, before we went off to room 22 to listen to the next "guest reader." Katherine absolutely LOVED it.
I thought the night itself was fantastic but what impressed me most? The presence of every elementary principal and vice principal (including of course the Principal and Vice Principal off Goode School) and the superintendent. The kindergarten and grades 3-5 principals did not need to come, and the superintendent of schools had no reason he had to be there either. They just came. And I think that's awesome.
I thought the night itself was fantastic but what impressed me most? The presence of every elementary principal and vice principal (including of course the Principal and Vice Principal off Goode School) and the superintendent. The kindergarten and grades 3-5 principals did not need to come, and the superintendent of schools had no reason he had to be there either. They just came. And I think that's awesome.
So, I'm not gonna lie...
...I am loving this wireless setup. What's not to love? I mean I can blog now from any room in my house...on the couch, from bed, in the kitchen...it's fantastic. Even more fantastic? The whole getup (including the laptop) was $50! It pays to be connected...no pun intended.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Why I Rock
I mean, besides you know, the obvious reasons.
You know when you call tech support and you try this and you try that and you try this again and no matter what they tell you and what you do you can't get the damn thing to work? You realize that the tech has no idea what the hell they are talking about and wonder why every tech you talk to barely speaks the English language?
Yeah well, after emails and phone calls, a few choice words aimed directly at my computer and laptop, I am proud to say that I am typing and posting this from my laptop. Tech support was of no assistance, so I managed to figure out how to install the wireless software without the disc on my own and, by God, it actually works!
I have no patience for these kinds of things but, I usually manage to figure it out somehow (but please don't ask me how).
Yay though for being able to use the internet from anywhere in the house!
You know when you call tech support and you try this and you try that and you try this again and no matter what they tell you and what you do you can't get the damn thing to work? You realize that the tech has no idea what the hell they are talking about and wonder why every tech you talk to barely speaks the English language?
Yeah well, after emails and phone calls, a few choice words aimed directly at my computer and laptop, I am proud to say that I am typing and posting this from my laptop. Tech support was of no assistance, so I managed to figure out how to install the wireless software without the disc on my own and, by God, it actually works!
I have no patience for these kinds of things but, I usually manage to figure it out somehow (but please don't ask me how).
Yay though for being able to use the internet from anywhere in the house!
I feel like such a slacker when I don't update here but let's be realistic: First, I shouldn't feel guilty and second? Well, I am just super busy. I barely even find the time to read blogs anymore (or at least not as frequently as I'd like to), let alone update mine on a daily basis.
Even now, I can think of a zillion other things I need to do but, I couldn't let the day pass without sharing this observation regarding Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.
My rule of thumb: If Paulie, Preston or Michael cry...I cry. It's just the way it is.
Now about those other things I need to see to...
Even now, I can think of a zillion other things I need to do but, I couldn't let the day pass without sharing this observation regarding Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.
My rule of thumb: If Paulie, Preston or Michael cry...I cry. It's just the way it is.
Now about those other things I need to see to...
Friday, November 17, 2006
The weather...
...has been so warm here, it's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week. Even with two, yes two radio stations playing all Christmas music all of the time, getting in the holiday spirit has been, well difficult.
In a vain attempt though, I present you with the last email meme: Holiday Favorites!
Favorite Christmas Song: If I had to pick just one I think it would be Merry Christmas Darling by Karen Carpenter. Besides the fact that it just a great song, it reminds of Christmas Eve's long gone by. When I was a kid we used to go to my Aunt Muriel's house every year. My parents used to leave some lights on around the house and have the Carpenters 8 track playing, in an attempt to thwart any possible burglars. Apparently, Christmas Eve is a popular time for home break-ins.
Favorite Holiday Dish and/or Dessert: Fudge and Peanut Brittle...yummy.
Favorite Christmas Movie: "A Christmas Story" of course. It's a classic.
Best gift ever received as a kid: I remember being really excited about getting a new bike. I even remember that it was maroon in color.
As an adult: Probably the gift of my kids on Christmas morning. There is nothingthat compares to the magic of Christmas morning when you have children. Nothing.
Favorite Holiday Tradition: I loved our Christmas Eve tradition when I was a kid. We used to stop and pick up Ma, head to Roslindale to visit my Aunt Marie, and then to Aunt Muriel's for Christmas Eve dinner. Those memories warm my heart just thinking of them. The tradition has kind of changed over time. Ma and Aunt Marie have passed on, and Aunt Muriel has handed the "Christmas Eve Reins" over to my cousin Maura.
Favorite "Part" Of the Holiday Season: being with my family...that is what it's all about for me. Egg Nog and Christmas music...Egg Nog with a little Kalhua is even better...LOL.
In a vain attempt though, I present you with the last email meme: Holiday Favorites!
Favorite Christmas Song: If I had to pick just one I think it would be Merry Christmas Darling by Karen Carpenter. Besides the fact that it just a great song, it reminds of Christmas Eve's long gone by. When I was a kid we used to go to my Aunt Muriel's house every year. My parents used to leave some lights on around the house and have the Carpenters 8 track playing, in an attempt to thwart any possible burglars. Apparently, Christmas Eve is a popular time for home break-ins.
Favorite Holiday Dish and/or Dessert: Fudge and Peanut Brittle...yummy.
Favorite Christmas Movie: "A Christmas Story" of course. It's a classic.
Best gift ever received as a kid: I remember being really excited about getting a new bike. I even remember that it was maroon in color.
As an adult: Probably the gift of my kids on Christmas morning. There is nothingthat compares to the magic of Christmas morning when you have children. Nothing.
Favorite Holiday Tradition: I loved our Christmas Eve tradition when I was a kid. We used to stop and pick up Ma, head to Roslindale to visit my Aunt Marie, and then to Aunt Muriel's for Christmas Eve dinner. Those memories warm my heart just thinking of them. The tradition has kind of changed over time. Ma and Aunt Marie have passed on, and Aunt Muriel has handed the "Christmas Eve Reins" over to my cousin Maura.
Favorite "Part" Of the Holiday Season: being with my family...that is what it's all about for me. Egg Nog and Christmas music...Egg Nog with a little Kalhua is even better...LOL.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Does anyone else...
...watch Bones? Oh my God, I love that show.
And let's face it...David Boreanez..he's not too hard on the eyes.
And let's face it...David Boreanez..he's not too hard on the eyes.
Obviously, I'm Bored
This sounds about right...although I have no idea how they came up with this by typing my name in.
Your Expression Number is 6 |
You have an outstanding sense of responsibility, love, and balance. You are helpful and inclined to comfort those in need. You have many artistic and creative talents, but you only use them to better others. You are loving, friendly, and appreciative of others. You have a depth of understanding that produces much kindness and generosity. Openness and honesty are apparent in your approach to all relationships. Sometimes, you can be too demanding of yourself. At times, you tend to sacrifice yourself for the welfare of others. At other times, you have trouble distinguishing between helping and interfering. |
Half and Half, Basically
Your Vote Score: 41% Republican, 59% Democrat |
You are truly an independent voter, and you don't fit well with either party. Maybe you should choose one issue to vote on - or look into third parties! |
Most Excellent
Your Vocabulary Score: A |
Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary! You must be quite an erudite person. |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
So, I have decided that EI must be really hard up for employees or something because let me tell you, if I was Julia's Physical Therapist's boss, she would have been fired a long freakin' time ago.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I bitch about this a lot but I can't help it. I feel weird complaining to her superior when
a. I actually like her as a person and as a physical therapist.
b. Early Intervention is a free service (well, not exactly free but at no direct cost to me per se as it is all billed and fully covered by insurance).
Still, though her lateness, cancellation of appointments and overall disorganization and irresponsibility are really getting on my last nerve.
She called today at 11:15 (which is when she was supposed to be here) to say that she was confused about the dates and thought she was coming tomorrow and not today. So I got all ready, cleaned the house up a little, got Julia all excited and ready for V to arrive and she cancelled...AGAIN.
This is getting a little ridiculous if you ask me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I bitch about this a lot but I can't help it. I feel weird complaining to her superior when
a. I actually like her as a person and as a physical therapist.
b. Early Intervention is a free service (well, not exactly free but at no direct cost to me per se as it is all billed and fully covered by insurance).
Still, though her lateness, cancellation of appointments and overall disorganization and irresponsibility are really getting on my last nerve.
She called today at 11:15 (which is when she was supposed to be here) to say that she was confused about the dates and thought she was coming tomorrow and not today. So I got all ready, cleaned the house up a little, got Julia all excited and ready for V to arrive and she cancelled...AGAIN.
This is getting a little ridiculous if you ask me.
No Surprise here
What Kind of Reader Are You? Your Result: Dedicated Reader You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more. | |
Literate Good Citizen | |
Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm | |
Book Snob | |
Fad Reader | |
Non-Reader | |
What Kind of Reader Are You? Create Your Own Quiz |
Stoel it from Jay.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
PT Conference: Take One
Tonight was Katherine's parent teacher confeference. It went well. Can I just tell you that I love her teacher? She is so friendly and down to earth, and not in the least bit intimidating.
To sum up our 15 minute conversation: Katherine has shown good improvement in all areas since September. She could stand to be a bit neater about her work and needs to talk a little less. Her overall score: 3 out of 4. Not too bad, eh?
At the end of the meeting I volunteered my services as a "helper" (call me if need anything type of thing) and walked out feeling good about Katherine, the first grade, her teacher, and myself.
Next up: Emily's conference which will be on Thursday. Anybody got any good ideas about how I can come off as insistent but not overly demanding or bitchy? There is just so much to discuss I find it hard to imagine that I will be able to contain it to a quick conference so I am writing a letter (another one) tonight that I will send in with Emily tomorrow. I figure that my concerns will already (and again) be out in the open so that maybe, when I get there we can just form a plan.
To sum up our 15 minute conversation: Katherine has shown good improvement in all areas since September. She could stand to be a bit neater about her work and needs to talk a little less. Her overall score: 3 out of 4. Not too bad, eh?
At the end of the meeting I volunteered my services as a "helper" (call me if need anything type of thing) and walked out feeling good about Katherine, the first grade, her teacher, and myself.
Next up: Emily's conference which will be on Thursday. Anybody got any good ideas about how I can come off as insistent but not overly demanding or bitchy? There is just so much to discuss I find it hard to imagine that I will be able to contain it to a quick conference so I am writing a letter (another one) tonight that I will send in with Emily tomorrow. I figure that my concerns will already (and again) be out in the open so that maybe, when I get there we can just form a plan.
Today on the way home from Jungle Gym, Julia said, clear as day:
"Wanna go to the playground? Wanna go to the playground with me?"
Yeah, so, of course I had to take her to the playground because, well, who could possibly resist such cuteness? It was wet, and she came home with soaking wet pants but that's ok.
When we were gettting out of the car she yawned so I said, "Are you tired? Do you want to go upstairs and do sleepytime?"
She looked at me and said rather matter-of-factly, "No Mama, I need to do lunch."
So, apparently, she knows the schedule huh?
"Wanna go to the playground? Wanna go to the playground with me?"
Yeah, so, of course I had to take her to the playground because, well, who could possibly resist such cuteness? It was wet, and she came home with soaking wet pants but that's ok.
When we were gettting out of the car she yawned so I said, "Are you tired? Do you want to go upstairs and do sleepytime?"
She looked at me and said rather matter-of-factly, "No Mama, I need to do lunch."
So, apparently, she knows the schedule huh?
Monday, November 13, 2006
Ryun is working at The Boston University Center For Digital Imaging Arts, installing the elevator. When he started the job a few weeks ago, he was talking to a woman there who is a student in the digital photography program. She asked him if she could take pictures of him working on the elevator for a school project. What started out as a quick little photo shoot has turned in to Ryun bringing in his comics, his layout for the Knight Rider Steering Wheel he wants to make, and conversations of scriptwriting, filmmaking and all other kinds of "artistic" type things. She has been photographing him and doing this whole project (which I think is sort of a profile of Ryun from what I can tell) about him, and when he finishes up the elevator, she will be getting his address so she can mail a copy to him when she is done with it.
This whole thing has been:
a. a little weird.
b. well, kind of cool!
I will be anxious to see it when it is done!
This whole thing has been:
a. a little weird.
b. well, kind of cool!
I will be anxious to see it when it is done!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
In keeping with the usual craziness, we had a busy weekend here. Friday night was the crop at the Mitchell Club (which turned out to be fantastic, even though I wasn't feeling the "scrapbooking vibe"...I ended up making an entire calendar for my sister and had fun)! Saturday was my nephew Jack's 1st birthday party at my parents house. It was a BEAUTIFUL day and my father (being the awesome "Papa" that he is) blew all of the leaves in to piles for the kids to play in. Julia was a little hesitant at first but it wasn't long before she was covering her sisters and friends in leaves. I can't believe that Jack is one already. Sadly, I didn't get one good picture, otherwise, y'all know I would be posting it here!
I ended up going back to my parents last night for some "Father/Daughter Bonding" which included such things as a yummy dinner from the Chicken House (thanks Dad) and the movie, "CARS." It was quite an interesting night (First we couldn't find a Chicken House Menu so I called Ryun, and asked him to scan it and email it (which he needed blow by blow instructions for...he is so not computer savy). The email never came so we called the Chicken House and asked if we could somehow access the menu online, which they said no but that they would fax it. The fax never came so I called again and it finally came through. Then we decided to rent a movie using "On Demand" and that didn't work. So I called Adelphia (soon to be Comcast) and waited online forever, only to have it start working as soon as I got someone on the line. We scanned through the movies and couldn't find one we liked so we ended up watching a borrowed copy of "Cars" from Nana Judy. My father went to get the food and they screwed up the order (he was supposed to have extra mashed potatoes but they didn't give him any, never mind extra). As if all of that wasn't enough, about half way through the movie, the damn thing stopped working, and no matter what we did it wouldn't come back. I ended up leaving after that). So yeah, nothing was going our way, but it was laughable in the end. (Oh, and this morning my father came over with coffee for Ryun and I and munchkins for the kids and found the mashed potatoes container on the floor of his car...apparently it had fallen out of the bag).
Ryun is changing the oil and fixing the brakes in my sisters car today (and hopefully fixing the windshield washer tube thingy in my car when he is done). Heather is coming over to play a game and perhaps watch a movie with the kids, eating dinner with us and heading home.
I have a couple of projects I want to work on, if this pounding headache decides to take leave.
I ended up going back to my parents last night for some "Father/Daughter Bonding" which included such things as a yummy dinner from the Chicken House (thanks Dad) and the movie, "CARS." It was quite an interesting night (First we couldn't find a Chicken House Menu so I called Ryun, and asked him to scan it and email it (which he needed blow by blow instructions for...he is so not computer savy). The email never came so we called the Chicken House and asked if we could somehow access the menu online, which they said no but that they would fax it. The fax never came so I called again and it finally came through. Then we decided to rent a movie using "On Demand" and that didn't work. So I called Adelphia (soon to be Comcast) and waited online forever, only to have it start working as soon as I got someone on the line. We scanned through the movies and couldn't find one we liked so we ended up watching a borrowed copy of "Cars" from Nana Judy. My father went to get the food and they screwed up the order (he was supposed to have extra mashed potatoes but they didn't give him any, never mind extra). As if all of that wasn't enough, about half way through the movie, the damn thing stopped working, and no matter what we did it wouldn't come back. I ended up leaving after that). So yeah, nothing was going our way, but it was laughable in the end. (Oh, and this morning my father came over with coffee for Ryun and I and munchkins for the kids and found the mashed potatoes container on the floor of his car...apparently it had fallen out of the bag).
Ryun is changing the oil and fixing the brakes in my sisters car today (and hopefully fixing the windshield washer tube thingy in my car when he is done). Heather is coming over to play a game and perhaps watch a movie with the kids, eating dinner with us and heading home.
I have a couple of projects I want to work on, if this pounding headache decides to take leave.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Damn Straight
100% TRUE Red Sox Fan, PLAY ON!
Yeah you are a true and dedicated Red Sox fan, ya wicked sweet ma--hole! Kick those Yanks back to New Yawk where they belong! Go Red Sox! Yankees suck, Yankees suck!!
Are You a True Dedicated RED SOX Fan?
Quizzes for MySpace
Well, This Makes Sense
Dude! You're 100% from Massachusetts!
Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I'll pick you up at the Coop at 6.
How Massachusetts are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
And Proud Of It!
What American accent do you have? Your Result: Boston You definitely have a Boston accent, even if you think you don't. Of course, that doesn't mean you are from the Boston area, you may also be from New Hampshire or Maine. | |
North Central | |
The West | |
The Midland | |
The Northeast | |
Philadelphia | |
The Inland North | |
The South | |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
Thursday, November 9, 2006
A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlikeEnglish, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.
"House" for instance, is feminine: "la casa."
Pencil," however, is masculine: "el lapiz."
A student asked, "What gender is 'computer'?" Instead of giving the answer, th eteacher split the class into two groups to decide for themselves whether
"computer" should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.
The men's group decided that "computer" should
definitely be of the
feminine gender ("la computadora"), because:
1. No one but their creator understands their
internal logic;
2. The native language they use to communicate with
other computers is
incomprehensible to everyone else;
3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long
term memory for
possible later retrieval; and
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find
yourself spending
half your paycheck on accessories for it.
The women's group, however, concluded that computers
should be Masculine
("el computador"), because:
1. In order to do anything with them, you have to
turn them on;
2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for
3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but
half the time they
ARE the problem; and
4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if
you had waited a
little longer, you could have gotten a better model.
The women won.
As always!
"House" for instance, is feminine: "la casa."
Pencil," however, is masculine: "el lapiz."
A student asked, "What gender is 'computer'?" Instead of giving the answer, th eteacher split the class into two groups to decide for themselves whether
"computer" should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.
The men's group decided that "computer" should
definitely be of the
feminine gender ("la computadora"), because:
1. No one but their creator understands their
internal logic;
2. The native language they use to communicate with
other computers is
incomprehensible to everyone else;
3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long
term memory for
possible later retrieval; and
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find
yourself spending
half your paycheck on accessories for it.
The women's group, however, concluded that computers
should be Masculine
("el computador"), because:
1. In order to do anything with them, you have to
turn them on;
2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for
3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but
half the time they
ARE the problem; and
4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if
you had waited a
little longer, you could have gotten a better model.
The women won.
As always!
Crazy Bus Drivers, Lateness, Birthday Parties, Oh My!
Either the bus driver last year (and in years past) was lax and let the kids run wild, my kids have turned in to the bus drivers worst nightmares (well, maybe not their worst nightmares) or the bus driver this year is insane. I haven't decided which scenario plays out the best yet but, something is definitely up. Both Emily and Katherine have gotten bus slips this year; Katherine for apparently taking a hand clapping game to the next level and hitting some girl (both Katherine and the other girl were fooling around and "play" hitting and the bus driver wrote them both up) and Emily for getting repeated warnings about staying seated. So did my kids all of a sudden "forget" the rules or have they been doing this all along and no one noticed until now? Or, is this bus driver just taking things way too seriously? It's a mystery I tell ya.
In other and perhaps even more frustrating news, Emily got her timeline project back and she got a 4...the best grade possible! We really worked hard and the project came out quite well if I do say so myself. Why is this frustrating? Well, because the damn thing was due on October 20 and Emily never brought home the paper explaining the assignment until last week. She kept telling me about it (basically that she had to do it with few details about what it actually entailed). So I sent a note in to her teacher and she sent the paper home with Emily last week. So me? If I was the teacher, Emily would be getting marked down for lateness. Seriously, and I am still up in the air as to whether or not this would even work in the way of teaching Emily about responsibility but she shouldn't be allowed to think that turning the assignment in late is ok, and she needs to learn. The thing is, Emily has a disability which is becoming more and more apparent each day. After reading more and more about EDF, knowing what I know about her MRI, and watching her function every day, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that when she has the neuro-psych testing, all of this will be "official." She can go on an ed plan and hopefully, get a little extra help at school (and home of course) with memory, organization and time management. This thing though? It's not like a broken arm...wear a cast, take it easy and you'll get better. It's not something that you can see and it is something that is going to take a lot of time to "rewire." We can't make it go away but we can do a lot to help her function at a higher capacity in this regard. Believe me, I know all about rewiring. I have done it myself (for different reasons than this but the concept is the same) and it's a tough thing to do. Unfortunately for Emily, she's not going to wake up some day and remember everything, stay on task, be organized and manage her time appropriately. Improvement in any of those areas is going to take a lot of work, perhaps a little maturity, and more than likely some cognitive therapy. I am going off on a tangent here. Basically what I guess I am trying to say is that I don't think Emily should be punished for her "shortfalls" in these areas, but maybe made aware that turning in an assignment 3 weeks late is not ok. I have told her this myself but I really think the teacher should be saying or doing something as well.
Moving on...
Katherine's birthday is coming up in a few weeks (she is going to be 7...HOLY CRAP) and we are trying to plan a little party here for her and a few friends. So the other day we were going over the list and she came up with 6 girls. She only has 6 other girls besides herself in her class (which is kind of a bad ratio if you ask me...there are 22 kids in her class and only 7 are girls...weird). Anyway, we were writing out the invites and listing the 6 girls names and she said one name that stopped me dead in my tracks. See this girls' mother is just...well the most annoying, aggravating, rude, hypochondriac-like person I have ever met. No one likes her. I mean no one. Put simply, I don't want Katherine to be friends with this girl, especially if the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I didn't say anything to Katherine obviously. I feel bad though...it's not like we can invite every girl but this one (especially since there are only 6 girls to begin with) so, I just decided to suck it up and invite her. I am just going to hope and pray that she can't come, or that the mother won't stay at the party. I am also going to just leave it at the party, meaning this certainly isn't a friendship that I am going to encourage by scheduling playdates etc.
Good God, I think that's enough for now, don't you? Believe me you, there's more I could go on about, but I'll save it for another day, k?
In other and perhaps even more frustrating news, Emily got her timeline project back and she got a 4...the best grade possible! We really worked hard and the project came out quite well if I do say so myself. Why is this frustrating? Well, because the damn thing was due on October 20 and Emily never brought home the paper explaining the assignment until last week. She kept telling me about it (basically that she had to do it with few details about what it actually entailed). So I sent a note in to her teacher and she sent the paper home with Emily last week. So me? If I was the teacher, Emily would be getting marked down for lateness. Seriously, and I am still up in the air as to whether or not this would even work in the way of teaching Emily about responsibility but she shouldn't be allowed to think that turning the assignment in late is ok, and she needs to learn. The thing is, Emily has a disability which is becoming more and more apparent each day. After reading more and more about EDF, knowing what I know about her MRI, and watching her function every day, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that when she has the neuro-psych testing, all of this will be "official." She can go on an ed plan and hopefully, get a little extra help at school (and home of course) with memory, organization and time management. This thing though? It's not like a broken arm...wear a cast, take it easy and you'll get better. It's not something that you can see and it is something that is going to take a lot of time to "rewire." We can't make it go away but we can do a lot to help her function at a higher capacity in this regard. Believe me, I know all about rewiring. I have done it myself (for different reasons than this but the concept is the same) and it's a tough thing to do. Unfortunately for Emily, she's not going to wake up some day and remember everything, stay on task, be organized and manage her time appropriately. Improvement in any of those areas is going to take a lot of work, perhaps a little maturity, and more than likely some cognitive therapy. I am going off on a tangent here. Basically what I guess I am trying to say is that I don't think Emily should be punished for her "shortfalls" in these areas, but maybe made aware that turning in an assignment 3 weeks late is not ok. I have told her this myself but I really think the teacher should be saying or doing something as well.
Moving on...
Katherine's birthday is coming up in a few weeks (she is going to be 7...HOLY CRAP) and we are trying to plan a little party here for her and a few friends. So the other day we were going over the list and she came up with 6 girls. She only has 6 other girls besides herself in her class (which is kind of a bad ratio if you ask me...there are 22 kids in her class and only 7 are girls...weird). Anyway, we were writing out the invites and listing the 6 girls names and she said one name that stopped me dead in my tracks. See this girls' mother is just...well the most annoying, aggravating, rude, hypochondriac-like person I have ever met. No one likes her. I mean no one. Put simply, I don't want Katherine to be friends with this girl, especially if the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I didn't say anything to Katherine obviously. I feel bad though...it's not like we can invite every girl but this one (especially since there are only 6 girls to begin with) so, I just decided to suck it up and invite her. I am just going to hope and pray that she can't come, or that the mother won't stay at the party. I am also going to just leave it at the party, meaning this certainly isn't a friendship that I am going to encourage by scheduling playdates etc.
Good God, I think that's enough for now, don't you? Believe me you, there's more I could go on about, but I'll save it for another day, k?
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
More About Julia
Just in case I haven't made it clear about how intensely shy Julia was before her recent "breakthroughs," today at my MOMS Club meeting I was talking to another mother(one who is on the "board" that comes to every meeting) and she said, "I didn't know you had a younger one" as she watched Julia dance to the music of "The Wiggles" with the other kids. Apparently, she only "remembered" Emily and Katherine who I think I have only brought with me to one event(most of them take place during school hours). I didn't want to make her feel bad so I didn't tell her that I have brought Julia to every event I have ever attended and that she was just so shy that she didn't even noticed her.
I have also noticed a HUGE difference at her Jungle Gym class. We have been going since September, faithfully, every week except for I think one, and she just wasn't "getting it." Although there is free play, some of the activities are a little more structured and directed. Basically, when it came down to actually doing something that involved so much as standing near another kid, Julia would have nothing to do with it. This week it was like she was a new person. She sang the songs, attempted the rope swing and the balance beam and, this is a big one, sorted the balls by color (all the yellow balls in the yellow bucket, blues in the blue bucket, etc). The ball sorting was kind of a concern for me because, well, all of the other kids could do it(yeah yeah I know...all kids are different). I wasn't really concerned about whether or not she needed to know what the color was, but she wasn't getting the relationship between the two: same goes with same type of thing. This week she did it like she'd been doing it forever and was just holding out or something.
I also got some good and some fantastic news today. Good news: Starting on November 27 she will be joining an Early Intervention Playgroup which will be a parent separation group...I stay for the beginning, leave for the middle and go to a parent group and then come back at the end to have lunch, which is actually provided by EI. I think that this will be a good thing for both her and I and I can't wait to start! Fantastic news: Her EEG came back normal! BIG YAY for the end of all this medical crap!
I have also noticed a HUGE difference at her Jungle Gym class. We have been going since September, faithfully, every week except for I think one, and she just wasn't "getting it." Although there is free play, some of the activities are a little more structured and directed. Basically, when it came down to actually doing something that involved so much as standing near another kid, Julia would have nothing to do with it. This week it was like she was a new person. She sang the songs, attempted the rope swing and the balance beam and, this is a big one, sorted the balls by color (all the yellow balls in the yellow bucket, blues in the blue bucket, etc). The ball sorting was kind of a concern for me because, well, all of the other kids could do it(yeah yeah I know...all kids are different). I wasn't really concerned about whether or not she needed to know what the color was, but she wasn't getting the relationship between the two: same goes with same type of thing. This week she did it like she'd been doing it forever and was just holding out or something.
I also got some good and some fantastic news today. Good news: Starting on November 27 she will be joining an Early Intervention Playgroup which will be a parent separation group...I stay for the beginning, leave for the middle and go to a parent group and then come back at the end to have lunch, which is actually provided by EI. I think that this will be a good thing for both her and I and I can't wait to start! Fantastic news: Her EEG came back normal! BIG YAY for the end of all this medical crap!
Everybody Ready?
Here we have Julia saying, "You ready? Everybody ready to sing songs?"
The video isn't that clear for some reason but that's ok.
So cute!
The video isn't that clear for some reason but that's ok.
So cute!
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
The Case Of The Missing Pizza Stones
Having a major craving for something chocolate, I decided to whip up a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies. I preheated the stove, mixed the ingredients and went to find my pizza stones (which I always bake cookies on because they never burn when I cook them on that).
Only problem? I couldn't find them. Anywhere. I mean I tore the cabinets apart, even looked in places I know I would never have put them. They're gone.
So now I am second guessing myself. If one was missing I might not think anything of it but what is the liklihood of losing two stones? Maybe I left them somewhere? It would be kind of a weird thing to serve something on but I am at a loss here.
Only problem? I couldn't find them. Anywhere. I mean I tore the cabinets apart, even looked in places I know I would never have put them. They're gone.
So now I am second guessing myself. If one was missing I might not think anything of it but what is the liklihood of losing two stones? Maybe I left them somewhere? It would be kind of a weird thing to serve something on but I am at a loss here.
Monday, November 6, 2006
As mentioned previously, I made the Orange Chicken and Stir Fried Rice for dinner tonight.
They both came out fabulous! Given the amount of time and preparation that it all took, I would have been pretty upset if it hadn't come out well (I don't think I have ever cooked anything that had so many combined steps...I was running from this pot to that bowl to the stovetop to the counter and back to the pot again).
It will definitely be repeated but probably as a weekend meal (which will give me more time to prepare and not as "strict" a schedule when it comes to what time we eat).
They both came out fabulous! Given the amount of time and preparation that it all took, I would have been pretty upset if it hadn't come out well (I don't think I have ever cooked anything that had so many combined steps...I was running from this pot to that bowl to the stovetop to the counter and back to the pot again).
It will definitely be repeated but probably as a weekend meal (which will give me more time to prepare and not as "strict" a schedule when it comes to what time we eat).
This Morning
Ryun (walking back in the house after having already left for work this morning): "Hey, I didn't know if you'd want me to wake you, but there are two deer in our back yard."
Me: Throw the covers off, run in to the office to grab my camera, run outside in barefeet. Guess that answered Ryun's question huh?
Deer: take off and run in to the woods.
Me: Throw the covers off, run in to the office to grab my camera, run outside in barefeet. Guess that answered Ryun's question huh?
Deer: take off and run in to the woods.
Julia Singing: Proof
Click here to listen.
Just in case you don't do "toddler speak" here's what she's belting out in order of appearance:
Ring Around The Rosy
Ghostbusters (yes, you can credit Ryun for that one!)
The Alphabet Song
Mr. Golden Sun
I Love You
In the last clip, she caught a glance of the candy bowl on top of the refrigerator and she's asking me for candy. LOL.
Just in case you don't do "toddler speak" here's what she's belting out in order of appearance:
Ring Around The Rosy
Ghostbusters (yes, you can credit Ryun for that one!)
The Alphabet Song
Mr. Golden Sun
I Love You
In the last clip, she caught a glance of the candy bowl on top of the refrigerator and she's asking me for candy. LOL.
As much as I can't believe it is here again, I can't wait. I am talking about the upcoming winter season of course.
I think what got me going on this whole thing was Ryun lighting the wood stove for the first time this season. The heat is such a "warm" and cozy kind of heat, so different from a regular home heating system...so much more welcoming.
I can so picture it in my head...sitting on the couch, all snuggled up with the kids and nice mugs of hot chocolate, watching a Hallmark Channel Christmas movie...or a classic like Rudolph. Or reading a good book in my warm pajamas.
So much of the time I say I hate the winter...until I remember the wood stove.
I think what got me going on this whole thing was Ryun lighting the wood stove for the first time this season. The heat is such a "warm" and cozy kind of heat, so different from a regular home heating system...so much more welcoming.
I can so picture it in my head...sitting on the couch, all snuggled up with the kids and nice mugs of hot chocolate, watching a Hallmark Channel Christmas movie...or a classic like Rudolph. Or reading a good book in my warm pajamas.
So much of the time I say I hate the winter...until I remember the wood stove.
Sunday, November 5, 2006
OK, sorry I can't help myself.
I am supposed to be reading and doing something else now, but I have come back to brag. Ha ha ha. Seriously, I just had to share with you all how well Julia has been doing.
Remember a while back when I said that I was worried about how she handles crowds larger than a couple of people? How she was surrounded by a bunch of toys and children with many opportunities to interact and she would just cling to my leg, and not even go over and just play by herself? Remember when all she would say when around others was, "Hi Mama?"
I swear to God it's like she flipped the switch in her brain that said, "Oh ok, this is how I am "supposed" to interact with other people."
She has turned in to quite the social butterfly. She is talking like crazy, asking questions, answering questions, and singing songs (I kid you not...the most popular choices of late have been "No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed," Ring Around The Rosy," "The ABC's" and "Mr. Golden Sun"). She also apparently has a thing for shoes as she is constantly going around saying, "look at my shoes" which is just so damn cute it's not even funny(of course when she is 16 and wants more shoes than should be legal I may find this to be a problem).
The "transformation" has been an amazing thing to watch.
I think the key here, by the way, is for me to worry. No seriously. Everytime I start to think something might not be right she just takes off. It's fantastic.
Remember a while back when I said that I was worried about how she handles crowds larger than a couple of people? How she was surrounded by a bunch of toys and children with many opportunities to interact and she would just cling to my leg, and not even go over and just play by herself? Remember when all she would say when around others was, "Hi Mama?"
I swear to God it's like she flipped the switch in her brain that said, "Oh ok, this is how I am "supposed" to interact with other people."
She has turned in to quite the social butterfly. She is talking like crazy, asking questions, answering questions, and singing songs (I kid you not...the most popular choices of late have been "No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed," Ring Around The Rosy," "The ABC's" and "Mr. Golden Sun"). She also apparently has a thing for shoes as she is constantly going around saying, "look at my shoes" which is just so damn cute it's not even funny(of course when she is 16 and wants more shoes than should be legal I may find this to be a problem).
The "transformation" has been an amazing thing to watch.
I think the key here, by the way, is for me to worry. No seriously. Everytime I start to think something might not be right she just takes off. It's fantastic.
The Weekend Review
In one word: good.
Yeah, I know.
I'm tired and cranky, what can I say?
That, and I just found a very interesting website with the most in depth description of Executive Dysfunction that I want to read.
So I will be back, perhaps tomorrow after I play catch up on the cleaning and laundry that I need to do!
Yeah, I know.
I'm tired and cranky, what can I say?
That, and I just found a very interesting website with the most in depth description of Executive Dysfunction that I want to read.
So I will be back, perhaps tomorrow after I play catch up on the cleaning and laundry that I need to do!
Saturday, November 4, 2006
...Katherine's last soccer game for the season and awards.
...Suzanne's Lia Sophia show tonight.
...Timeline project in the morning with Emily.
...Birthday party for Ryun's cousin Megan who turned 17 a couple of weeks ago.
...Suzanne's Lia Sophia show tonight.
...Timeline project in the morning with Emily.
...Birthday party for Ryun's cousin Megan who turned 17 a couple of weeks ago.
Friday, November 3, 2006
Fall Colors
The other day, Mother Nature had one of those, "I think I'll make it rain...nah, nevermind, let's make it sunny." She went back and forth for quite some time before she decided that the sun should come out. When it did, it left the sky looking a funky purplish color, and the trees looking brilliant and beautiful.

Harsh Reality Sets In
I had to send the kids off to school today with winter coats, gloves and hats. I guess it's time to stop the denial and accept the fact that winter is right around the corner. Yuck.
Anyway, Julia and I just came back from one of my most dreaded tasks...food shopping. Today though, wasn't half bad. I think part of the hatred stems from the fact that I get sick of buying the same old stuff, cooking the same old stuff, eating the same old stuff. SO today, I decided to spice it up a little...and I do mean that quite literally. You see, I got the ingredients to make this and this. Both of these recipes are quite far from anything else I have ever tried making so it should be interesting. Interesting and tasty is what I need to actually enjoy cooking. Doing the same old stuff just gets boring, you know?
I am planning on cooking this on Monday for dinner. I will let you know how it turns out.
Incidently, and totally unrelated to this entry, if anyone out there needs butter, may I suggest going to Shaw's in Plymouth or Carver, where it is currently on sale: 3 for $5! It's Shaw's brand but if you are not particular about such things...
Anyway, Julia and I just came back from one of my most dreaded tasks...food shopping. Today though, wasn't half bad. I think part of the hatred stems from the fact that I get sick of buying the same old stuff, cooking the same old stuff, eating the same old stuff. SO today, I decided to spice it up a little...and I do mean that quite literally. You see, I got the ingredients to make this and this. Both of these recipes are quite far from anything else I have ever tried making so it should be interesting. Interesting and tasty is what I need to actually enjoy cooking. Doing the same old stuff just gets boring, you know?
I am planning on cooking this on Monday for dinner. I will let you know how it turns out.
Incidently, and totally unrelated to this entry, if anyone out there needs butter, may I suggest going to Shaw's in Plymouth or Carver, where it is currently on sale: 3 for $5! It's Shaw's brand but if you are not particular about such things...
Thursday, November 2, 2006
Ok, Ok...
...I admit. I probably took too much on when I...
...volunteered to lead Emily's Junior Girl Scout Troop.
...decided to chair the Cultural Enrichment Committee for the PTA.
...re-assumed my position as the Food Committe Chair for the PTA's Annual Mardi Gras event.
...signed on as the PR Coordinator for the MOMS Club.
...decided to volunteer to help at the book fair this year.
...etc etc etc
Yeah, I am super-busy and totally feeling it. It's all good most of the time because keeping busy keeps me sane. Occasionally though, I feel like I am overloaded with "stuff" to do. This past couple of weeks definitely qualify as of of those occasions.
...volunteered to lead Emily's Junior Girl Scout Troop.
...decided to chair the Cultural Enrichment Committee for the PTA.
...re-assumed my position as the Food Committe Chair for the PTA's Annual Mardi Gras event.
...signed on as the PR Coordinator for the MOMS Club.
...decided to volunteer to help at the book fair this year.
...etc etc etc
Yeah, I am super-busy and totally feeling it. It's all good most of the time because keeping busy keeps me sane. Occasionally though, I feel like I am overloaded with "stuff" to do. This past couple of weeks definitely qualify as of of those occasions.
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Is He For Real?
May I direct your attention to a recent post of Denny's.
Seriously, did I almost vote for him?
He's an abomination.
Seriously, did I almost vote for him?
He's an abomination.
After many houses and a lot of walking last night, Katherine decided that she was too tired to continue and wanted to head back to Mimi and Papa's house to wait for Daddy and Emily to be done. It just so happened that she came to this decision right at the old path through the woods that leads from Watson to Thatcher Street, a path that I ran through countless times in my youth. The woods were a prime location for hiding during whole neighborhood hide and seek games, or for riding your bike through when trying to race your friends from one part of the neighborhood to the other.
For old times sake, I decided to "cut through the woods" (a phrase that brings back more childhood memories than I can possibly put here) with Katherine. As we started done the path, it became apparent that it was way too overgrown to continue, epsecially in the dark with only the glow of a small flashlight to guide our way. It's funny...I still know that path like I just ran through it yesterday. I could still make it out somewhat but it was just too dangerous to go any further.
It had been a long time since that path was used.
For a brief moment though, while standing in the beginning of the path, I could swear I heard the leaves crunching beneath the weight of a bike, a child counting loudly (ONE TWO THREE....) and the laughter of small childrens they ran through the woods to the other side.
For old times sake, I decided to "cut through the woods" (a phrase that brings back more childhood memories than I can possibly put here) with Katherine. As we started done the path, it became apparent that it was way too overgrown to continue, epsecially in the dark with only the glow of a small flashlight to guide our way. It's funny...I still know that path like I just ran through it yesterday. I could still make it out somewhat but it was just too dangerous to go any further.
It had been a long time since that path was used.
For a brief moment though, while standing in the beginning of the path, I could swear I heard the leaves crunching beneath the weight of a bike, a child counting loudly (ONE TWO THREE....) and the laughter of small childrens they ran through the woods to the other side.
Halloween Report
As usual, we took the kids out trick or treating last night in my parents neighborhood. When we moved here to this house last year, we had contemplated trick or treating on Katie Drive which is just a couple of houses down from ours of off 28. Ryun (using the kids as an excuse) decided that there just weren't enough houses there so we went to my parents neighborhood instead. We followed suit this year.
It was fun, mostly. As expected we had to keep right on top of Emily, reminding her to stay with us an slow down, Katherine got tired at the end and wanted to be done(same thing last year) so I took her back to my parents, and Julia had fun, but was slightly overwhelmed by the whole thing and kept saying, "I need my mama." I ended up bringing her back to my parents after doing about 7 houses or so because I could just tell the whole thing was too much for her.
One thing about going back to the old neighborhood: Everyone knows me so they give my kids WAY TOO MUCH CANDY! Ryun thinks it's great though(not that he eats any of it or anything like that)!
I took pictures, obviously!

It was fun, mostly. As expected we had to keep right on top of Emily, reminding her to stay with us an slow down, Katherine got tired at the end and wanted to be done(same thing last year) so I took her back to my parents, and Julia had fun, but was slightly overwhelmed by the whole thing and kept saying, "I need my mama." I ended up bringing her back to my parents after doing about 7 houses or so because I could just tell the whole thing was too much for her.
One thing about going back to the old neighborhood: Everyone knows me so they give my kids WAY TOO MUCH CANDY! Ryun thinks it's great though(not that he eats any of it or anything like that)!
I took pictures, obviously!

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