Katherine has lost 3 lbs since her last weight check at the doc's in August. At first, I was worried about this (kids aren't supposed to lose weight at her age) but then I remembered a few things that might explain it. The first thing is that she was basically sick for an entire week with the cold from hell and had no appetite to speak of. The second thing was the whole kindergarten adjustment. It was a major thing for her and I wouldn't be surprised if the stress/anxiety was a reason behind the weight loss. The third and final thing was that we moved. While this didn't seem to cause to much stress for outwardly, it could have been an internal thing that she never voiced.
It could be a good thing for her though. She isn't considered overweight by whatever current standards are in place but she was, for a couple of years there gaining weight at a higher rate than is considered "normal." One year, she gained 11 lbs in a year. Kids of her age are only "supposed to" gain between 3-4lbs (quotes indicate that I am not entirely sure I believe all of this crap about what is supposed to happen when and what is considered normal in regard to weight gain or loss).
So anyway, while it might be a good thing for her, it's a real pain in the ass getting her ready in the morning. None of her clothes fit her (well her pants at least are all too loose). She refuses to wear a belt (mostly because she has trouble with them and is afraid she will get to the bathroom and not be able to undo it in time and have an accident which would obviously be embarrasing). I have been putting her in the few random pairs of pants that she has in size 6 but even those are sometimes too lose. It seems like a complete waste to buy her new pants (since we just did at the beginning of the year) but I think we might end up having to.
Now, let's talk about how completely unfair it is that she can lose 3 pounds and have to go down a whole pants size or two. If I lost 3 pounds, you wouldn't even notice. Also...getting stressed and losing weight...again so not fair. I stress=I eat=I gain weight.
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