Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Life With Two Adults,Two School Age Kids and a Baby

This week:

Monday: Scrap 9:30-11:30 Sharon
Union Meeting 7pm Ryun

Tuesday: Burtwood School 4:00 Emily and Katherine
Pick Up Katherine's fundraiser by 8:30 PM
7:00 appointment Sharon

Wednesday: EI 12:15 Julia
Girl Scouts 6-7 Katherine
PTA meeting 7pm Sharon

Thursday: 10:40 appointment Sharon
7-9 Meeting Sharon
Friday: Veteran's Day Parade, Emily marching with Scouts, 9:30 am
Oak Point Flag Ceremony 2:00 pm, Emily With Girl Scouts

Saturday: Ryun and Sharon, Museum Of Science Star Wars Exhibit, 2:15pm
Jeff and Jen's Party (monthly get together) 6:00pm

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