Friday, November 18, 2005

Last Year

I think, for various reasons, this might the last Christmas that Emily will still believe that there is a Santa Claus. She has asked a couple of times but my answers so far have been able to keep her believing, or at least acting like she does.

So, I am thinking...Maybe I should make this year extra special...not that every Christmas isn't special, and I am not talking in the way of presents necessarily. I am not really sure what I mean exactly but just doing something extra special and magical so that the last Christmas of believing for her will always be one she remembers. Does anyone have any thoughts?

One thing I might do is get her a Polar Express Bell. Just for sentimental reasons. Y'all know the story right?

This really is my favorite time of year...from Thanksgiving right on through to New Year's Day. I don't think it will be any less so when Emily, and subsequently Katherine and Julia don't believe, but it will be different.

I just want to capture the magic while it lasts, you know?

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