Friday, November 4, 2005


I've been kind of a cranky bitch over the last couple of days huh?

Sorry about that.

As it turns out, the invites will be mailed. Sometimes...well, people change their minds I guess.

Anyway, Katherine's parent/teacher conference went well. In a nutshell, she knows everything she is supposed to know and then some, works very well with her classmates, is polite, and behaves very well. Her teacher indicated that she was very pleased with her progress and that she felt Katherine was very well prepared for kindergarten when she started the year. It's always nice to know that your child is doing so well.

I was able to attend my meeting which was nice. I am so glad I am back to going regularly. I missed an entire month when we were in the process of moving and I swear I suffered withdrawal!

Today's plans include food shopping, housecleaning and dinner plans with my parents (who are coming over to see the house (they've been here but not since it has been organized and together) and have pizza with us).

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