It's time for a Julia update but first, isn't that picture adorable? She was smiling up at Mama of course(duh, who else would she be smiling at?!).
Julia is doing very well with signing. So far she can sign the words/phrases "more", "down", and "all done." She has started to sign "eat" but hasn't fully mastered that one yet. Other signs we are working on include "help", "want", and "me". Signing is a wonderful thing when you have a non-verbal child. Well, I mean she's verbal, she's just not saying anything specifically yet.
She continues to crawl all over the house like nobody's business...and she's fast! She can get from one end of the house to the other in record time. She has been doing something else lately which is a very good thing. Julia has been wanting to "get down". Don't get me wrong, she is still the little snuggle bunny that she has always been, she just doesn't like to do it as much! She is constantly straining to get out of her high chair, car seat or carriage and is rather frustrated that she can't. Sometimes, even when we are holding her in our arms, like carrying her in from the car or something, she folds herself in half trying to escape! She hasn't tried climbing the stairs again.
Julia is absolutely crazy about my magnets. She is constantly over at the fridge, taking them off and putting them back on, most of the time with success. In an attempt to get her not to damage any of my magnets, I got her a set of her own, complete with buttons to push, even one that sings a song when pressed. Of course, for some reason, she finds mine much more entertaining. So, I just put the ones with sentimental value out of reach.
She loves anything that she can take apart and out back together again, for example, the empty container of bread crumbs I finished up with dinner the other night. She has been sitting with that thing for huge chunks of time, opening it, closing it, putting her blocks in it, dumping them out etc. So far, she hasn't shown too much interest in opening the cabinets which is just fine by me. We don't have locks on them, but, anything that is dangerous is out of reach anyway.
As mentioned in a previous post, her teeth are coming in full force. I have lost count of the total (I might be minus a finger if I went in and tried to count!) but she has quite a few on both the top and bottom. She hasn't been sleeping well, although last night she did fine. Motrin seems to work best which is what we generally buy anyway. Infant Tylenol was on sale last time so I decided to get that. It did absolutely nothing for her, so Ryun got Motrin on the way home.
She has been doing very well with EI and PT (when they actually show!). It seems to take her a while to warm up, but once she gets going, she has a good time. She hasn't really been doing anything new in regard to standing unsupported, walking etc. Hopefully, things will start to progress. I am looking forward to the appointment with the developmental pediatrician in December though, to see if there are any underlying causes to the low tone or, if she just has it with no apparent reason present.
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