I am sure that since EI is funded by the Department Of Public Health, which is a government based organization, the people in charge probably don't give a flying hoot but I am so sick of things getting rescheduled and cancelled and whatever else it isn't even funny.
Julia had a PT appointment at 9:10 today. This means I had to have all of us fed, dressed, ready and out the door by 8:30 this morning. I get up at 7. Getting all of us out the door in an hour and a half, well fed looking halfway decent is no small feat. So anyway, I'm doing well. Kids are on the bus at 8:20, Julia and I are in the car by 8:30. I stop and grab a coffee and am at the office at 9:07, 3 minutes before our scheduled appointment. I check in and wait. And wait. And Wait. Finally, at 9:40 (an entire half hour after our appointment is scheduled) I decide to check my messages at home to make sure she didn't try to call and cancel or something. No messages. So I check back in at the desk. The receptionist calls Vida on her cell phone. Vida says, "Oh no, I called all of my Wednesday people and rescheduled for tomorrow." I never got a message, I never spoke with her. I am aggravated and leave. I momentarily think that maybe Ryun took a message and forgot to give it to me. This happens on occasion but I always check the Caller ID and can tell if someone called and he forgot to tell me. I never, ever forget to ask him or check the ID if I have been out so I know, he is going to say "No" when I ask him if he took a message but, just to cover myself, I call him and check anyway. I'm right, he never spoke to anyone.
I am like so on top of my schedule, Ryun's schedule, the kids schedule, it's almost to the point of ridiculousness. I have regular wall calendar hanging on my desk, a computer printed monthly calendar hanging on the backsplash, a two week spread posted under the shelf, a calendar on the side of my refrigerator, and our regular weekly schedule, along with our emergency plan of escape in case of fire, and every damn doctor's/specialist's phone number posted on the front. I told you, it's insane. I know that there is no way in hell that I could have spoken with her or listened to a message and not remembered. It just doesn't happen. Period.
So, obviously, she never called. Just how unprofessional and wrong is that? Let's forget the fact that I just drove all the way to Taunton (ok, it is only a half an hour but still) and spent a half hour waiting in a office that for some really strange reason has absolutely nothing to entertain a child with (hello...it is an EI office...all about the children) . Thank God, Julia is easily occupied by just about anything and it wasn't until the end of the waiting that she got antsy (at which point I ended up letting her crawl all over the floor that looked like it needed a good scrubbing, but whatever, a little dirt never hurt). Still, let's not even talk about having a rushed morning when it could have been a relaxed one, or the cost of gas to go back and forth to Taunton...and now I have to do it twice in one week.
I really don't think I am asking too much. Am I wrong to expect a phone call when you aren't going to show up? Or a regular weekly appointment that stays regular for say more than a month? I have mentioned before that I don't think EI does anything that I don't already do. The extra help and encouragement are nice and I do think Julia benefits from it, but I am getting the point where I just feel like canceling the whole damn thing.
At the very least, I am going to get my head together and call a supervisor, maybe even follow up with a letter. I can write a damn good letter.