Wednesday, October 12, 2005


So, I think I might have just volunteered to design a website for the PTA. Yikes. I can do it obviously, but I have never actually done something like that for someone else. I am also in the running to be the PR coordinator, but that won't be decided until the next meeting.

There was the most annoying person there tonight and I am not even going to get in to it but just OH MY GOD.

I got absolutley nothing done on the "to do" list today, partially due to my laziness, and partially due to the fact that I got a call from the school nurse who told me Katherine was halfway through her lunch period and went over to a teacher and said, "I feel like I am having an attack."

Turns out, she wasn't faking it (not that she ever does). I went to the school, got her and brought her home. About an hour or so later, she threw up all over the bathroom floor. She was probably having an attack because she was sick, which is basically typical of her. Long fast or illness of any kind=low blood sugar.

Now, because she has had an attack in the middle of the day, the nurse is requesting that she have a meter there, as well as glucagon tabs to treat with if she should ever go unconscious or anything serious like that. So, I put a call in to her endocrinologist, asking whether or not they provide the meter or if I have to go get one myself and bring it in. I let him know that I will be faxing over a medical form for him to fill out (the school has to have this on record to administer any kind of doctor ordered medical treatment) and asked him to write a script for Glucagon so the nurse can have it if needed. Honestly, I am not sure if I feel any of this is needed but, if it will make the nurse feel better, I will do it. I am also superstitious and feel like if I don't something will happen, but that's just me. By the way, the results that have come in so far in regard to her lab tests are within the normal range. There are still a few things that aren't back yet but should be soon.

So that was my day. The office is still a mess, the laundry still needs to be done, and the list goes on.

Someday, I have no idea when, the list will actually have items crossed off without adding any at the same time.


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