Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Katherine is home with me again. She was up all night, coughing like crazy, even with the combined duo of Delsym and Dimetab (reccomended by the pediatrician). So, I will be, at his request, following up with him today and telling him we need some codeine. The poor kid hasn't slept a full night in close to a week and as a result of that, and just not feeling well in general, she has been cranky and sleeping during the day. She's very sick looking...pale and just "sickly."

EI is coming on Friday instead of today this week, which actually works out better for me. It was kind of weird though. It was one of those "rush-rush" mornings. At one point, I thought, "Watch, I'll be running around like a maniac getting ready and Jen will call to cancel/reschedule." About 15 minutes later, who calls? Jen. To re-schedule. Shit like that happens to me all the time. Still freaks me out though.

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